With All Of These Vampires

chapter 1

Chapter 1

Gerards prov

Moonlight, the most powerful source to human souls, although am not a human in fact am not even sure i have a soul. Am nothing but a pile of flesh with a beat less heart, a soundless thump in the chest, when i was at the innocent age of four years old, my parents abandoned me on the streets along with my baby brother who was two at the time, unsure of why my parents left us to die in the winters cold nor do i care. I fought hard to protect my brother, he was unnamed at the time, my parents just called him the “baby” or “him” therefore I called him Michael, shortened to Mikey after my favourite teddy bear my grandma Elena bought me when i was first born, that bear is long gone now, along with my grandma, she died after Mikey was born. I was named Gerard, a name chosen by my Grandma otherwise i would have been unnamed, Gerard Author Way. My parents neglected me a lot, i spent most of my time with my Grandma, then she took ill right after Mikey was born, when she died my parents ignored us both, i took care of my baby brother as best as i could at that age, feeding him, changing him, playing with him. What much could a child do? Afterwards my parents left us abandoned out of town, i don't know where they are now but i grew a strong hatred towards them, after about two weeks on surviving briefly on the streets, I carried an extremely ill Mikey into an abandoned building, he was dying, i knew he was.

The bitter coldness was too much for his tiny body to stand, we were dead for sure, until a group of men and women found us cowering, they brought us up as if they were our parents. They were different to everyone else, their skin was paler, eyes darker, rarely ate, had two long sharp teeth and crept out at night time, as a child i never asked questions because i thought it was perfectly normal, until i was ten years old that was, Mikey once again grew sick, no medicine could fix him, he was dying again. That's when i learned their secret, a women known as Kim who looked after us the most as if we were her own children came towards me, saying she knew how to cure Mikey, although it would come with great consequences but i didn't care. That's when i found out, the people who loved us, took care of us, saved us from death were vampires. I always thought vampires to be evil, sick, and non-existent, but these people were kind and happy. She told me the only way to save Mikey would be to turn him, i agreed to it. Instead of biting him like how it happens in the movies, she drew some of her own blood and pressed it towards Mikey's lips, he drank from the seeping wound, hours later he was fine, the illness had gone. However he was much paler, my brother was a vampire. Days later, I drank from a vampire turning me also, as the crimson liquid flowed down my throat i felt thrills electrifying through my entire body, the blood was warm and sweet with a metallic taste, i loved it. According to the elder vampire who was over 200 years old, he claimed on our 16th birthday we will become full vampires, we would have to hunt and crave for blood, we would also have inherit specials powers, they vary in different vampires, some could transform, others could make fire or ice shoot out of their palms, some could even talk to animals! Me and Mikey didn't need blood or to hunt yet. On my 16th birthday the rush of adrenaline rushed through my veins, the urge to hunt came then my power came unexpectedly when i realised i could move objects with my mind, and read peoples minds. It was incredible! Mikey was amazed, everything was going perfect until we were ambushed by vampire hunters, although most of the human population believe we don't exist, there is a small percentage that still believe and hunt us down, it was a blood bath. Kim rushed me and Mikey out of the scene, later we found out everyone had been killed, including Kim, leaving us along in the world once again. We decided to go into a boarding school for protection and shelter.

I'm now 17, Mikey's 15, we are still in this boarding school although i have no friends and everyone hates me. I sat slumped down on a chair in my room watching the old dracular film, it was stupid, all the facts about vampires are mostly wrong, yes we can go out in the daylight, no we cannot turn into bats, we can look in the mirror and are not blood thirsty killers. We only need to feed once a month. Sighing i flicked the TV off, bored and annoyed with the falseness of the film.
“Hey Gee,” Mikey chirped coming into our dorm holding up two cups of coffee, coffee was my poison, along with my cigarettes.
“Hello Mikey,” i smiled as he passed me the cup of Starbucks coffee.
“What you doing?” he asked taking a seat on his bed sipping on his brown liquid.
“Nothing really,” i sighed bored like fuck.
I stared around the room smiling to myself, the walls were painted black with fake blood splats, a black carpet and band posters pinned up on the walls, know one was allowed to decorate their room apart from us, well we got bored one day and decided to do it, some teachers flipped but most didn't say nothing, they find us both quite intimidating by our pale skin, darker eyes and rather different attitude. I stared up at the clock, it was only 11pm, so i decided to go for a walk, we weren't allowed off campus passed nine, although me and Mikey could easily sneak out, after all we could jump from high lengths without harming ourselves, we could jump higher, glide in the air and even run extra fast.
“Am going out, you coming?” I asked Mikey as i quickly redid my eyeliner.
“No thanks, am going to bed,” he yawned
“ok bro, sleep tight,” i smiled ruffling his hair as he striped down into his boxers at lightening speed. I had a close connection with my brother, after all i have cared for him all my life, bringing him up, saving him from danger.
“Will do, Night gee,” he said slipping under the covers instantly falling asleep, i smiled down at him before opening the window and jumping out. I landed firmly on my feet, i walked over to the locked gate rolling my eyes.
`i could just snap that lock off` i thought to myself, and its true. Vampires are much stronger then humans, i took two steps back then pounced over the gate quite easily. The night was bitter cold, even for a vampire who had thicker skin therefore could keep warm easier, i began to jog down the road trying to warm myself up, the clouds parted in the midnight blue sky casting the wonders of the full moon and twinkling stars, werewolves should be out tonight, its there time to hunt although that didn't scare me at all. Vampires and werewolves were natural enemies, i remember Kim slaughtering one when i was twelve after it attack her. I wandered into the near by graveyard, my favourite place to be in the entire world, its so peaceful and quiet but never lonely. After all am surrounded my hundreds of dead souls, dead flowers and gravestones, many people would think its creepy being among the dead at night time, although i found in comforting, all these people were dead, they had no worries in the world, no need to be scared or sad they just lay there peacefully sleeping away from the horrifying world. Am not sure if am dead, i have a slight heart beat, i breath although i am immortal. Nothing can kill me unless someone chops off my head but come on that would kill anyone wouldn't it? I cannot get ill, my heart never speeds up or slows down even when i run or do exercise, it just thumps once every five seconds. I looked at my watch, it was 1am already. I better get back, after all i am at school, mentally sighing i ran back to the school grounds which literally took about ten seconds. I jumped back into the window, Mikey was fast asleep snoring soundly, i quickly striped down to my boxers then slipped under the quilt welcomed by a dreamless sleep.

The next morning i was awoken from my slumber by Mikey who was jumping on the end of my bed.
“Mikes what are you doing?” i asked groggily
“Waking you up,” he smirked
Groaning i buried by head back in the pillow wishing for sleep to return which was impossible with Mikey keep screaming at me to wake up.
“Am up!” i said defeated.
“Finally,” Mikey smirked
We quickly got dressed with took a matter of seconds once again, the benefits of becoming a vampire, i glanced over at Mikey who was randomly dancing in the middle of the room listening to his ipod i bought him last Christmas, that's when i realised the little buggar had stolen my Iron Maiden shirt.
“Oi! That's my shirt,” i shouted causing Mikey to jump three feet into the air with shock.
“Fucking idiot!” he laughed “And i know but since you love me you are letting me wear it,” he grinned showing all of his teeth.
“When did i agree to this?” i asked cocking my eyebrow to him.
“You didn't but you love me,”
“Fine fine, only because i love you, but am wearing your black studded belt because you love me,”
“Pfft who told you that lie,” he joked sticking his tongue out
I faked gasp strutting out the room swaying my hips in a gay fashion. Did i mention i was gay?
“You are so gay,” Mikey giggled as i came back in the room, i gasped again placing both my hands on my hips.
“Because i am gay,”i smirked
After our little conversation we went our separate ways towards our classes, i had English first oh joy. I sat at my normal place at the back in the corner where know one bothered me, i brought out my sketch book from my bag and began sketching the cemetery, i knew every detail off by heart because i was there almost everyday, i was so consumed into my drawing i didn't even realise the class had already came in and took their seats. The teacher announced we had a new student today, great another person to ignore me and call me the freak at the back of the class, not that anyone said it to my face but i could read their minds, i knew what everyone thought of me. But i really didn't care.
“Class this is Frank Iero,” Mrs Perkins announced. I glared up at him, i had to stop myself from drooling, he was beautiful! Brown hair with a bang covering his eye, red dyed at the sides and spiked like a mohawk and green eyes you could get lost on. He was wearing a tight plain black shirt with red skinny jeans, battered converses, he was perfect nothing else could describe him. Here's me the freak vampire boy with shaggy black shoulder length hair, horrible hazel eyes shaded with black specks, (when vampires get angry the black specks dilate causing our eyes to become completely black)and pale skin which was almost grey. The boy also had tons of tattoos up his arm and one further up on his neck, he also had a lip and nose ring. I shuddered at the thought of needles, i may be almost indestructible and not feel much pain but i am deathly afraid of needles because of all those memories when i was three of seeing my parents inject themselves with drugs, i shivered at the memory then glared back at the front of the class, it wasn't then i realised that the boy was told to sit next to me, if it wasn't for my pale skin i would of blushed but i can't thankfully. He took the seat next to me, i could hear his heart racing and smell all the flood pumping through his veins, it smelt so good and sweet.
“Hey,” he whispered
Wow he's talking to me, why is he talking to me? Am nothing but a freak in this school, this stunning person actually wants to have a conversation with me, well he doesn't know am a social outcast, when he finds out he will also ignore me.
“Hi,” i whispered back after a minutes silence fiddling with my thumbs, i wanted to know what he was thinking but i didn't want to invade his privacy.
“What's your name?” he asked
He wants to know my name, why? I was so tempted to know what was going around in his head right now but i protested against it.
“Gerard, Frank right?”
“Yeah, nice to meet you Gerard,” he smiled
That smile made me melt, my heart racing like a million beats a second, then i realised my heart was thumping quicker. What the fuck i thought to myself, that has never happened before, it's not meant to happen. I realised Frank was staring at me oddly, pushing the thoughts to the back of my mind i smiled at him in return.
“Nice to meet you too Frank,”
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so what do you think? Should i continue or not?
Please comment. <3333