With All Of These Vampires

chapter 10

Chapter 10

Gerards prov

3 days later

Mikey had still not gotten his powers or his full vampire genes and we began to worry, no body had any idea what was going on, we didn’t have his birthday wrong that was for sure. Any normal vampire teen would of gotten their powers by now, I even spent hours searching through his mind (with his permission of course) trying to figure out what was wrong, but all I found was old memories, his thoughts, fears and ambitions. Ray and Bob had no idea what was happening and they knew more then us, they consulted the elder once again but he only gave the same answer over and over again which wasn’t much help, Ted still hated us and always gave his evil glares, the other vampires in the clan warmed up to us and welcomed us any time, but we rarely went over because of Ted, we had only been there twice. School was getting frustrated, I would of dropped out if we had somewhere to do, but we didn’t. Me and Frank were still going strong and falling for each other harder every minute, my heart rate continued to speed up whenever Frank was around, which I was still clueless about. It was a Saturday and Christmas was only one month away now, I was struggling to get money for gifts, my friends said it didn’t matter but I felt terrible and I needed to get Mikey something special since he was feeling down about his powers. He spent a lot of time on his bass guitar, cleaning it, tuning it, playing it. If it got just the tiniest bit of dirt on it he would freak out and scrub it until it was shiny again. I was currently sitting in the cemetery alone, perching on one of the tombstones thinking deeply. I always wondered what happened when you die. So many decaying bodies lying six feet under a gravestone above for memories which people will just forget in time anyway. Or ashes which would be blew away by the swift movement of the wind carrying the scattered, burned bones into the evening air only to vanish within world around us and for unknown minds to inhale. Of course, it would be a while until I die, hundreds of years maybe, depending on my luck. Everything dies, even if your immortal like me, death always finds some way to creep up on you, no matter who or what you are. I don’t believe anything can live forever, and if they did I pity them. Who would want to remain alive for eternity anyway, the world is a horrid cruel place full of nasty surprises and I have never had good luck. Everything I love seems to get hurt or killed, only now have things began to start going my way, new friends, amazing boyfriend and of course my baby brother Mikey. Despite the worries of his powers things are going good, too good. Something is about to happen soon, nothing stays good forever. Something always has to ruin happiness, that’s the horrible world for you. Whenever there is sunshine there is a storm to wash away all the light away, whenever there is light there is always darkness to kill it. Maybe there just isn’t enough life, maybe if we had two suns the world wouldn’t be so gloomy. Optimistic people always say look on the bright side of life, but where is the bright side? I don’t see one, I don’t understand how people can be so optimistic, sure there is a bright side of life but that is always stomped on by shadows of darkness. Nobody in this world is always happy, its impossible, most smiles are fake, all they do is cover up someone’s hurting soul hidden deeply within them. Or am I just a depressed bastard? Either way that’s my view on life. For I am a vampire dating a mortal, I was born to love with thee so why must fate stand in-between? Because fate is a bastard! It always finds a way to kill you, no matter what path you take. Every path has a dead end, no matter how many you take, each one leads to another dead ending, destiny just loves to toy with us, that’s all. Sighing I leapt off the tombstone and made my way back to school, the full moon was beginning to peak out from behind the clouds and I wasn’t in the mood for battling with werewolves, I retreated out the cemetery gates and ran towards the school, within seconds I was near the looming gates. I checked to make sure no body was around then leapt over them, landing swiftly on my feet then heated towards the back of the building. I easily climbed up the wall then climbed through the window.
“Jesus! Gee you scared me,” Mikey chuckled as he turned to face me “You ok?”
“Am fine Mikes, just been thinking as all,” I replied smiling weakly.
“Everything I guess, am just waiting for the bad things to come,” I confessed, I could always talk to my brother about anything, he was always understanding. And visa versa. “Just everything good in our lives always turns out wrong, our parents, our clan and so on. Now we have friends and am dating a mortal! Just think how wrong everything is going to go,”
“Aww Gee don’t worry about it, everything will be ok this time,” Mikey smiled, he always was an optimistic.
“But there is tons of hunters out there Mikes and one in this school and I cant find the mother fucker, I swear I have checked every single persons minds in this school and nothing! Whoever it is his hiding their tracks very well. Am scared in case you get hurt Mikey,”
Mikey pulled me into a deep brotherly hug.
“Don’t worry Gee, we have Bob and Ray to help us, whoever this hunter is cannot be to good, after all they haven’t discovered us yet,”
I nodded breaking the huge, we smiled at each other then got changed for bed. My bed felt empty tonight, Frankie was in his own room. He has been a little distant lately, I hope I haven’t scared him off. Without thinking any longer I dozed off into an uneasy sleep.

The next morning was the worst, it was Sunday and it was boring. Mikey was playing his bass quietly while he sat on his bed, he would often giggle now and then at the strumming sound of the strings, which made me smile. I flicked through the TV when something caught my eyes. It was a news report.

“Breaking news, bodies have been found near southlings park west of Jersey, the bodies have not been identified but were brutally murdered. No suspects have been found, the mutations of the bodies were graphic and caused attention from the police. The bodies were found with stakes in their hearts and some decapitated, later that day the bodies seem to decay and melt. Police were baffled by the melting off the bodies, science professor Doctor Martin from New York university believed the bodies may have been injected with some sort of acid to make them decay quicker to dispose of the evidence of the murders. The victims were estimated to be between the ages of 15-28 years old”

I switched the TV off feeling bile rise up inside my stomach, those were vampires. Mikey had also watched the news and began trembling, he rushed over to me cuddling into my side, I hugged him tightly shushing him, suddenly our door barged open as Ray, Bob and Frank ran in.
“Dude have you seen the news!” Bob exclaimed. I nodded kissing Mikey on the head.
“Its getting worse, that’s another five vamps down!” Ray panicked. “Whoever these hunters are they are good, too good and its scary,”
We all decided to stay in our room for the rest of the day, we decided from now on we needed to stick together for extra protection, hunters were getting worse. Mikey untangled him self from my side and sat back on his bed concentrating on his bass, Ray and Bob chatted among each other trying to find out ways to spot a hunter.
“Are you ok Gee?” Frank asked. He had been awfully quiet since he has been in the room.
“Am just scared for Mikey,” I admitted
“You never worry about yourself do you,” Frank laughed lightly “Always caring for Mikey,”
“He’s my baby brother, I love him,” I smiled “Are you ok Frankie, you have been really quiet? My vampirism isn’t scaring you is it?”
“No! no, no am fine. Just been thinking lately as all. You know about the hunters and all, scary shit,”
I nodded agreeing, but I couldn’t help but see some unreadable emotion locked within his eyes, it looked like guilt, or regret? Pushing it to one side I decided to take Mikey out to feed once again, maybe he didn’t drink enough therefore his powers didn’t come. It was worth a shot.
“Hey Mikes, Ray, Bob come on we are going out!” I shouted
“Are you insane! There is hunters out there,” Bob exclaimed
“Its worth the risk, I think maybe Mikey needs to feed again, it might help bring out his powers,”
“He has a point,” Ray spoke
“Fine, but we are not staying out to long,” Bob muttered defeated.
“Frankie will you be ok by yourself for an hour?” I asked him.
“Sure Gee,” he smiled.
Smiling, we jumped out the window leaving Frank alone, I hope he would be alright. We journeyed through the streets, be extra cautious just in case we came across an uninviting guest, suddenly a women walked past casually. She looked in her late 30s, early 40s. She had chocolate brown hair and tanned skin, her long winter coat dangled from her body as she strode down the streets, shrugging we walked past her, she wasn’t doing any harm. Mikey came to a sudden halt and licked his lips, I stared at him wide eyed as he pounced on the unexpected women.
“MIKEY NO!” I shouted. But it was too late, he hung onto her back tightly digging his fangs into her neck sucking out all of the crimson coloured liquid, Ray and Bob stared in shock as the women fell to the floor dead.
“Mikey!!” I yelled running over to him “Why…what…Mikey!”
His eyes nearly popped out of his head.
“Gee…I didn’t mean to…I don’t know what…happened,” he burst into tears collapsing into my chest, Bob and Ray approached us looking angry at Mikeys attack, I hugged tightly when suddenly a familiar smell lingered passed my nose, I pushed my younger brother away and inspected the now dead women…the hair…the face…the smell of stale smoke and booze.
Mother!” I shrieked “Mikey, its…its…our mother,”
He gasped in shock looking closely at the lifeless body.
“Oh god it is!” he exclaimed clasping his hand over him mouth. My eyes turned black from anger, not anger for Mikey, but for her. She didn’t deserve to live.
“Mikey attacked out of conscious,” Bob suddenly said “His brain recognised the figure before his eyes did, he attacked through hated and revenge, not thirst,”
“This usually happens to a vamp if they feel they are under attack or if they have held a grudge towards someone for something really bad. It wasn’t his fault Gerard, it was his instincts which no vampire can control. It only happens out of pure hatred, the elder calls it the Revenge instinct” Ray added
Nodding, we quickly disposed of the body of my mother scowling at her even though she couldn’t see, she was killed by the very thing she created, ironic eh? I thought she would have been killed by drug overdose or something, by the smell of her blood I could tell she was still an addict, I could smell the heroin on her mixed with vodka. We wandered back home, I still felt angry at her. She done this too us. I hate her. Am glad she is dead.
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comments please?? pretty please with Gerard on top......NAKED!