With All Of These Vampires

chapter 13

Chapter 13

Gerards prov

We got offered a large chamber to share between us, there many rooms so we had to share, the mansion was over crowded with vamps trying not to be discovered, many were children, some teens and a lot of adults and of course the elder. It had been a long time since me and Mikey were in a clan, it felt weird to say the least. We were unaware of any of them or what they were capable of, what if they found out about Franks hunting past? Surely they wouldn’t allow him on these grounds and would most likely kill him. I had a feeling the elder knew, there was only one way to find out and that would be to read his mind however I couldn’t bring myself in doing that, as he had given us a home and I didn’t want to invade his privacy, also I don’t know what he is capable of, I would be putting myself at risk if I did that. Me, Mikey and Frank had no belongings with us, Ray told us that the elder had sent vamps to collect our stuff and sign us out of the school. I lay down on the huge bed, funnily enough there was one double bed and three singles, therefore me and Frank could share a bed, what luck. We had all settled down, we were currently sitting on the large sofa in our room chatting among ourselves, then there was a ready tap on the door, the door opened revealing the elder. Me, Ray and Bob all tensed up where as Mikey and Frank just sat there casually, they didn’t understand the seriousness in this. An elder never randomly welcomes himself into ones room, unless there is an emergency or something terrible was about to happen. The first thing which came to my mind was Frank, I felt myself begin to panic slightly.
“Young ones,” The elder nodded.
“Elder,” Ray spoke trying to keep calm.
“Times are getting harder boys, we have business to take care of,”
“Which business do you speak of elder?” Bob asked.
“Frank,” He answered simply staring at Frank.
The panic, no I wouldn’t allow him to be killed after what he did for us, not on this earth. I grabbed onto Frank hugging him tightly trying to protect him, vampires never disobey the elders rules or else they would be punished by either being banished or death, however I didn’t care, even if I had to fight I would.
“Do not panic young one, he shall not be killed nor banished. However we do have a problem with this boys past, he was loyal to give up his humanity for thee. However the rules of the vampires is clear, it is not allowed. I am allowing him to stay as long as his past does not echo though these chamber walls. However, if the boy is found out I can not hold responsibility, do you under that Gerard?”
I nodded still holding onto Frank tightly, he buried his head into my chest, the elder nodded.
“Another thing Gerard, you do not need to read my mind to be able to figure out how I knew about Frank,” the elder smiled.
“Wha…what do…you mean?” I stuttered
“I have visions of the future, I have seen this coming for years, before you were even born, although the visions come to me when I am unaware of them. I cannot make them come to me, although I must warn you. Gerard Way your future is blurry, like a mist or fog,”
“Explain please elder?” I asked confused
“Your future is not to come, although your untimely death shall,” I became paler then I usually am, I heard Mikey gasp. Frank stared at me worriedly.
Oh my god! Gerards face has gone grey! Bob thought, my lips began to tremble.
“Pray that fate allows you to take another path, as the path you are taking at the moment is leading you towards death,” the elder continued
“Sir! Can we prevent it?” Bob yelled
“Only Gerard can, however it shall be hard. He must see it coming, it shall be unexpected and not predictable. It shall be hard to prevent it but not impossible,” The elder answered then left us alone. I was going to die? I loosened Frank was my grip and stared into spare space, I couldn’t believe what I have just heard, its unreal.
I could Mikey calling me, but it sounded so distant and far away, everything and everyone around me seemed to wash away into the distance, I could no longer hear any voices nor feel anyone’s touches. I could feel my own skin begin to freeze up, everything felt like a large blur. I suddenly felt a stringing pain in my cheek, I snapped out of my weird trance as everything came back to me. I was no longer on the sofa but lying in my bed with everyone surrounding me. I blinked repeatedly, I could still feel the stringing sensation in my cheek.
I cant believe I had to slap my boyfriend, I feel terrible, I hope he forgives me. I heard Frank think.
“I forgive you Frank,” I said numbly, he jumped in shock.
“Gee, I am so sorry,” He smoothed.
“What happened?” I asked
“You went into shock,” he replied stroking my cheek with the back of his hand lovingly. I simply nodded feeling extremely tired, I closed my eyes then darkness.

I awoke by an luminous glow, at first I thought maybe Mikey had put a shield around me for protection however as my eyes became clearer I realised it wasn’t Mikeys shield, this glow was a neon green. I looked around, everyone was sleeping, by the position of the moon in the sky I was guessing it was around three o clock in the morning. I carefully untangled myself from Franks arms careful not to awake him, I then began to follow the green glow mesmerized by the glowing, as I came out of the chamber I saw a floating green ball which was shining brightly, I shielded my eyes with my hands. The ball began to move down the corridors, I followed it curious. No body else woke from the radiating light, It led me to an open room far away from any of the other chambers. I began to feel uneasy but followed it anyway, it flew at lightening speed into the room, I ran after it but when I was in the room it had disappeared, instead I was surrounded by darkness.
“I’m going insane,” I muttered to myself, then turned to leave.
“You are not going insane Gerard,” a voice boomed, suddenly then glow reappeared lighting up the room. The elder stood in the middle of the room, how the fuck did he get there? He wasn’t stand there a minute ago. He chuckled at my confusion. The ball of green light rested in his hands.
“You are very special Gerard, you hold something know one else holds,” he spoke softly.
“Which is?”
“Power, amazing power which you have not found yet. Me and you are similar, that is why I have been aware of you for over two hundred years, I just had to wait for your birth,”
I gawped at him, what was so special about me? He claimed I was going to die since fate hated me so much.
“Fate does not hate you Gerard,” the elder spoke.
“How did you know what I was thinking!” I exclaimed
“Physic,” he answered simply.
“But…your power is to be able to look into the future and what is with the green ball,”
“We have a connection Gerard, which you are unaware of. I can mimic your powers, as you can of mine. However you have to master it first, if you can master the power of seeing the future you shall be able to prevent your death. Your encounter with Frank was not just luck, it was fate. In my visions Frank was meant to become a vampire on that very night of the hunters, he shall be your savoir Gerard. His hidden powers shall help save you but you must master this power, if you don’t then you shall die,”
I was speechless, this was all fate. Life is just like a huge test of survival, you must complete each daily challenge just to live, and never piss fate off because he comes right back and bites you in the butt. The elder silently dismissed me, the green ball of light guided me back towards my chambers through the darkness, once inside the ball died and the darkness reappeared. I climbed back into my bed and snuggled into Frank, he was my savoir. He was going to save me.
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sorry for the delay. Thank you all who have been patient, i promise more frequent updates =]

Idemand hope you all comment =]
