With All Of These Vampires

chapter 14

Chapter 14

Franks prov

I woke the next morning from the morning luminous rays shining brightly through the chamber, moaning I buried my head in Gerards chest blocking out the light, however failed to get anymore sleep, after a few minutes I gave up, I untangled myself from Gerard then hopped out of the bed.
“Some ones up rather early,” Ray smiled
“Yeah,” I stretched “Fucking sun,”
He nodded then continued reading some old book he had in his hands.
“What you reading?” I asked
“The book of Nex vadum non adveho,” he replied. I stared at him confused, he chuckled lightly.
“It means the death shall not come, its Latin Frankie boy. I am trying to figure out how to stop Gerards near time death,” he explained. My eyes lit up.
“Any luck?” I asked. He sighed sadly and shook his head, my hopes had been raised then squashed within seconds, this was so fucking unfair, I become immortal to be with Gerard and now he is going to die. I blinked tears back then quickly walked away before Ray noticed. I ventured through the corridors, not many vamps were up, most were still sleeping. Suddenly out of know where a green neon ball came flying past me, I dived out of the way as it swiftly flew down the hall.
“Fuck,” I muttered.
The ball had left a trail of light, curious I decided to followe it as if it had me in some sort of a trance, as I followed the neon trail it began to slowly fade, I turned around a corner to see the ball just floating there as if it was waiting. I slowly and carefully approached it, as I did it flew past me once again down a different corridor, irritated I began to run after it, however the faster I ran the more it sped up, even my new vampire speed couldn’t keep up with it, I was running so fast the walls and floor became nothing but a blur. I didn’t know where I was running nor did I care, all I was focused on was this green ball of light, I began to run even faster that my feet were barely even touching the floor. My surroundings had gone all white, then I realised I was running faster then the speed of light and I felt I could go even faster and I did until suddenly everything around my disappeared and something flashed before my eyes. I came to a sudden halt, I was somewhere else. Not in the house, but in a street. The ball of light was hovering just opposite me, where was I? How did I get here? I was standing in the middle of a dull dark street, the moon was full and the sky was a midnight blue with no clouds in sight. There was nobody in sight, the only sound was the soft wailing of the wind.
“Congratulations young one,” Someone boomed from behind me clapping loudly, I turned around to see the elder approach me. This guy just keeps getting weirder. He smiled gently at me, then opened his hand, the light flew towards him then rested in his palm.
“Where am I?” I asked
“In the future,” he replied.
Suddenly an over whelming feeling of grief, sorrow and anger powered my body, I clenched my fists as tears unintentionally rolled down my cheeks, I felt like I wanted to scream, scream so loudly my lungs would burst. These emotions were flowing around my body making me loose my mind, I wanted them to stop. I collapsed to my knees and curled into a ball. I felt a hand on my shoulder.
“Why…am…I…feeling…like…this?” I asked through sobs.
“Like I said, you have travelled to the future young one, it is one year later. This is the place were Gerard was killed months earlier,”
My head shot up.
“No…no no no no no no no no NO!” I screamed
Suddenly we appeared in a graveyard and right in front of my was a headstone which Gerards name engraved on it, I screamed at the top of my lungs.
“You can prevent this,” the elder one spoke.
“How!?” I asked desperately
“You can travel into the future Frank, thou shall work it out soon,”
“My power is travelling in time?”
“One of them. Life only gets harder from now. Frank life is a challenge, if you are willing you take on the challenge, you are willing to live. Now go back to normal times,”
“The same way you got here,”
With that the elder man was gone, the feeling of sorrow, grief and Anger was still inside me and it was over whelming, I stared at Gerards tombstone. I couldn’t let that happen, I lifted myself off the floor. Then ran, ran so fast that the surroundings smudged then turned white, then the flash appeared once more. I was back, back in the house, back in the correct time. I raced back to my dorm and jumped into the bed. Gerard sprung up, before he could open his mouth I collided our lips together kissing him with so much passion and love, holding onto him tightly afraid to let go in case he fades away. Gerard broke away breathless.
“Frankie what’s wrong?” he asked
“Nothing, bad dream,” I mumbled
Before he could say anything else I cuddled into his chest pushing him down into the lying position lying on his chest, listening to his uneven heart beat. I had to save him, I couldn’t let that happen, I just couldn’t.
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sorry for the long wait on this one.
Comments please?