With All Of These Vampires

chapter 16

Chapter 16

Gerards prov

After a very strange making up with Frank and a long make-out session we decided to explore the mansion with Mikey, Bob and Ray had gone off somewhere. The place was huge but a lot of the rooms were cramped and over-crowded with vampires, there was over a hundred here hiding from the hunters, after about twenty minutes of exploring we sat in the lounge with about ten other vamps, including Ted. He never said anything to us anymore but I could constantly feel his eyes burning through us, irritated with his behaviour I decided to read his mind to see what the fuck he was thinking about.

fucking stupid little kids, why the elder is protecting them to badly is beyond me. Just throw them out and let the hunters get them, saves the rest of us mostly me! That freaky kid with the long black hair is hiding something, I know he is. I can see it in his eyes, and that shorty with all the tattoos is just another little fucker. And that geeky kid with the glasses, what the fuck? Why is he wearing glasses, his eye sight is perfect. Weird bunch.

I could feel the anger rise in my stomach, how dare he think such horrible things about my brother and boyfriend, I wondered what power he had and how powerful he was. I’m guessing his powers weren’t to good if he was constantly hiding and being a coward within these walls. Curious I decided to try and dig deep inside his head to see if I could uncover some ghosts of his past. Yes, I can go so far into someone’s mind I am able to see their memories, fears, dreams and hidden secrets, and usually I would never even consider doing this but the prick was pissing me off so badly that I didn’t really care. I concentrated my mind, clearing all my thoughts then searched through his mind. At first all I got was memories of being in the mansion and let me say he was a lazy bastard, all he did was sit around. I dug deeper until I unlocked his power, and I was right it was a weak one, he could control light, make it brighter or weaker and that was it. Well that’s pointless, it was a distraction power for self defence, shine a lot of bright light to distract the predator then run. I journeyed further into his mind, I got barely nothing. His father was a vampire and bit him when he was five after his mother passed away, he was scared of ants and there was nothing else in that chapter of his mind, I good of gone deeper to see if I could unravel any dark secrets however I decided not to, I could come across something I didn’t want to.

“What you looking at!” Ted snapped, I quickly came out of my trance so quickly my head began banging painfully, if someone travels so deeply into someone’s mind you have to back track out slowly however I didn’t in case he caught on to what I was doing. I rubbed my head furiously.
“Fuck,” I muttered in pain “And nothing…just thinking,” I added towards his question.
“Gerard! Gerard are you ok?” Mikey panicked
“I’m fine Mikes, just a sudden headache,” I lied
It was fucking painful I tell you that, I shouldn’t of gone so far into his mind, I knew it would take a while to get out perfectly, damn! He had to distract me didn’t he. I heard a light chuckle from in front me of, I stared up the elder was standing in front of me, arms crossed over his chest looking amused.
“Looked to far boy, curiosity killed the cat,” he chuckled
“Mother fucker,” I moaned rubbing my head.
“Aww,” Frank cooed kissing my forehead, straight away the pain vanished and small twinkles fell from my forehead. Frankie squealed and jumped back, Mikey stared in shock as the elder just chuckled.
“Power two undiscovered, the kiss of heal,” The elder spoke “The twinkling dust is the magic, enhance this power and yee shall heal any injury,”
All the vamps turned towards us amazed, Ted grumbled and stormed off, I didn’t need to search inside his head to know he was jealous of his power since his was so shit. I sat back dazed, Frank found his power but the elder said power two? Did he have two powers and if so what was the first one? I pondered for a moment, it might explain why he was so freaked out this morning, pushing the thoughts a side I relaxed onto the chair breathing steadily enjoying the peace, I felt Frank rest himself on my chest, I instantly wrapped my arms around him bring him closer.
“DANGER HUNTERS!” someone yelled alerting everyone. I jumped up holding Frank in my arms.
“Someone must go and lead them away or else they shall discover us,” a small blonde female panicked holding a baby and a small child in her arms.
“I say they should go,” Ted smirked standing in the door way pointing to me, Frank and Mikey.
“Fuck you!” Frank shouted
“I’ll go,” I suddenly said which took Ted by surprise, I’m not going to be a coward like him, if I die I want to die gracefully not like some coward hiding behind other vamps.
“No Gerard!” Mikey exclaimed
“The young one has chosen to go,” The elder interrupted
“Gee, you do know once you offer yourself towards the clan you cannot turn back,” Bob told me.
“I do,” I spoke
“I’ll come with you,” Frank chirped
“No, stay here,” I said.
Before he could say anything else I ran out the door, I heard someone shout “Wait he does not know where they are!”
I chuckled, I’m a mind reader I will be able to sense them, I tracked through the valley of trees until I came to an opening, I closed my eyes and drifted my mind into the wind, within seconds I picked up the hunters thoughts, there was eight of them heading towards the mansion. You must all be thinking I’m crazy, surely a bunch of vamps could take on eight hunters, well yes you are right however these hunters wont attack the huge clan, they will simply locate us then bring more hunters along to kill us all. I needed to get them away from the track which headed towards the mansion, I ran behind them making a small noise purposely, they all turned towards me holding various weapons. I smiled at them sweetly before running super fast around them to confuse them, I stopped about five feet away from them.
“Kill him!” One of the hunters shouted.
I quickly connected my mind with the leader of the hunter pack, they were planning to go in all different directions to confuse me then ambush me, yeah as if that would work pal. I purposely followed their plan, I was ambushed they surrounded me weapons at the ready. I smirked then ran and jumped over them kicking one forcefully in the face as I did, the hunter fell to the ground instantly unconscious.
“Shit, Sharks down!” One shouted.
“Three of you take him back home, we will finish this vampire,” the leader ordered.
Four down, four to go. I ran left towards a large open valley where a small lake stood leading them away from the mansion, they thought I was running towards the safety to the clan.
“We have them now,” I heard one whisper, idiots as if I would lead them towards my new family. I came to a stop near the large lake and gulped, I had a fear of water ever since my fathered tried to drown me in the bath when I was one years old, luckily my grandma Elena stopped him, maybe coming this way wasn’t the best idea I’ve ever had.
“What’s wrong blood sucker? Afraid to get wet,” the leader chuckled
“Fuck you!” I screamed and launched towards him making him crash to the ground. “My clan is passed this river, they shall come for you,” I said smartly fooling them into thinking the clan was beyond the hills. Suddenly three men grabbed me and pushed my to the ground, they had there weapons aiming straight at me.
“Thanks for the information, now your clan will be slaughtered,” the leader cackled “Also, what sort of clan sends a teenage boy to do their dirty work, must be some shit and weak vamps,”
I scowled at him.
“Ok boys take the child out,” the leader ordered.
Child! I Gerard Author Way am not a child, I felt my blood physically boil inside my veins, I mean physically my arms began to get hot that it burned my skin slightly, I heard them all gasp and back away, suddenly something came shouting out of the side of my neck. A red crimson coloured liquid hit two of them in the face, the smell of burning flesh could waved past my nostrils, the two hunters screamed and fell to the ground. More of the burning liquid flew out towards the third hunter hitting him on the neck, in the eyes and arms, he screeched and fell like the others. The leader stood there in shock, he slowly began to back away and ran leaving the three behind. I stared down at them, they cowered and shrieked.
“I cant see, I’ve gone blind!” one shouted who I hit in the eye, I smirked to myself.
“Hang on bro, stay with me,” I heard another say, both hunters cuddled into each other shiver, my smirk suddenly dropped and memories of me and my bother came flooding back when we were both abandoned. I felt horrible guilty, I edged towards the river staring into my reflection, my skin had gone red as if was sunburned and my eyes had turned completely red. I took some deep breaths calming myself down, within seconds my skin was back to its normal pale colour and my eyes were back to their hazel colour with black specks. I saw something twinkle on my forehead, it was the healing power when Frank kissed me.

The twinkling dust is the magic

That saying echoed in my head, I bit my lip. I couldn’t believe I was about to do this, I knew if I was found out I would be killed instantly, I focused my mind and checked the area I was in, there was nobody about apart from me and the three hunters on the floor. I kneeled in front of the two quivering hunters, obviously brothers.
“Its ok Steve, we will get you help don’t panic,” I heard one say to his brother, he stared at me his eyes full of anger and sorrow, sorrow for his brother. Sighed I wiped my forehead, I felt a small tingle in my fingertips, I hope this works. I placed my fingertips onto his eyes, both of them flinched, the twinkling stars appeared and the wounds on his eyes disappeared. He blinked and rubbed his eyes.
“I can see!” He shouted hugging his brother.
“What did you do!” the other one snapped.
“I healed him,” I said as a matter of fact.
“Why would you heal him, your nothing but killers,” he snapped.
Owch that hurt, I flinched and cringed as he said that, I hated what I was and tried my best to forget about my curse. I sighed, I wasn’t going to sugar coat this.
“I have a younger brother, I fought to protect him all the time which mostly included in me getting hurt, we were abandoned as kids and brought up by vampires, then my brother began deathly ill, he was going to die…so I asked them to turn him,” I spoke feeling the tears in my eyes “You reminded me of when I protected my little brother, even though it meant taking away my humanity,”
Both the hunters stared at me in shock, I bowed my head and began to walk away, I could hear them both struggling to get up, whatever that red stuff was injured them badly.
“Wait…kid…stop!” The older brother yelled, I turned to face him.
“Thank you,” he smiled, a genuine smile, I lightly smiled back. “You are obviously not evil, just someone trying to take care of your brother, listen we will lead the hunters else where,”
I smiled brightly, all three hunters walked back towards where they were meant to be, both brothers smiled at me once again before disappearing into the trees, I followed them to make sure they were leaving. They got into a huge van and drove away in the opposite direction towards my clan. I waited for a few minutes until the van was out of sight, I trusted the brothers, I even read their mind to make sure he was being genuine and he was. No matter who you are, you always have something good inside of you. I ran quickly back towards the mansion, I walked straight through the door unharmed, Ted’s smile instantly dropped as he seen me strut in.
“Honey I’m home!” I yelled.
Everyone cheered as Frank, Mikey, Bob and Ray came running towards me hugging me deeply.
“Well done Gerard,” The elder smiled “You did what was right,” he added smirking at me, he knew what I had done, then I thought was it him he echoed The twinkling dust is magic in my head, or was that just my own mind. Pushing the confusion to a side I decided to tell everyone about the red liquid.
“Something happened out there,” I began gaining everyone’s attention “My skin began to burn slightly, my skin and eyes turned red and some red substance came shooting out of my neck,”
Everyone stared confused, shocked and dazzled.
“Your third power, it was your blood. It can be turned into venom and shot out of your neck when you get angry or protective,” the elder beamed
“Third power!” Ted roared “What powers does he have!”
“The young one is very powerful, more then you all shall expect. He is physic can move objects with his mind and connect into others minds also, now he has unleashed a new power,” The elder explained not happy with Ted’s behaviour.
“He is dangerous, he shall kill us all!” Ted shouted
“Oh shut it light boy,” I said cockily. He looked like he was about to burst at any moment, instead he stormed out the room, everyone remained silent until the elder started laughing. I smiled widely. Everything was going great but how long would it take for it all to become tumbling down?
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sorry again, i'm terrible at updating >.<