With All Of These Vampires

Chapter 18

Chapter 18

Franks prov

The moon lit up the velvet colour in the sky as the stars twinkled down upon me, the small forest was dark with little light which could battle through the branches, the small trickle of rain hit my head as I sat on a log. Everyone was inside and Gerard was sleeping, what he saw made me wonder. Was that the time of his death? If he only said a time and location maybe I could prevent it, I rubbed my forehead confused and frustrated. I stood up from the log and retreated out of the small forest and towards a meadow with a lake flowing through it. I took a deep breath in then ran, fucking ran so fast everything became a blur. As I did I focused my mind towards what Gerard had just seen, I came towards the white light then a sudden flash. I halted skidding slightly, I looked around and I had no idea where the hell I was. It was dark, the place was deserted. The odd stench wafted past my nose, I followed the horrible scent which led me around some corner. I turned it cautiously as I did the bile in my stomach rose into my throat, that smell was stench of dying vampires there body burning and bubbling as their ashes flew away in the wind. My father stood near an injured one of the floor, I instantly noticed the vampires long black raven hair and the smell of cigarettes and coffee, it was Gerard’s smell, it was Gerard.

“Noo!” I shouted running towards my father who had a stake rose in the air ready to kill him, I dived onto him however I seemed to go straight through him like a ghost. I turned around and that’s when I saw it, the stake was driven straight into his heart, Gerard gasped as blood began leaking from his lips and his eyes rolled to the back of his head. He was dead. I stayed frozen on the spot, my father killed him, he killed my boyfriend.
“Did you see that Frankie boy,” The vile voice of my fathers cackled, I stared at tears leaking down my face, I was there being dragged by one of my fathers men. I was screaming out to Gerard as his flesh began to burn and his bones burned to ash.
“Leave me alone,” My future self cried as I tried to crawl over towards Gerards ashes but was simply dragged back a knife up against my throat. My future self screamed as suddenly a ball of white bright light over came us all, I shielded the light from my eyes. When the light finally disappeared my future self was gone, leaving my father stumped and confused. I stared down at the ashes, I had saw Gerards death but I couldn’t find a way to prevent it. I travelled to far, if I was a few minutes early maybe I could of.
Shaking my head I ran back to normal time, I was back in the woods near the mansion where Gerard was sleeping, where he was breathing, where he was alive.

“You are close,” A voice boomed, I turned around to see Bert standing there leaning against a tree with a ciggie hanging out of his mouth. “Try again tomorrow Frank, and keep trying until you find out how to prevent his death,”
“I will,” I spoke
“However,” Bert said walking over towards me staring into my eyes “Time is difficult, fate is difficult as if you change one thing the entire future changes,”
“I don’t understand,” I admitted
“If you travel into the future, if you see Gerard do something which could lead to his death, and you stop him from doing that then the course of fate shall change and either he will be saved or his death will be different. Be careful on which action you choose for Gerard change or else you could makes worse when the time comes,”
I nodded fully understanding, this was going to be harder then I thought, everything happens for a reason but when you change what happens, then the reason no longer exists because it didn’t happen. Leading Gerard down a different path could effect the future and fates plans, I had to be wise about this and try to make the best choice.
“Your soul is so dirty Frank, is it rotting from secrets and regrets,” Bert spoke “Let them out, clear your soul or else the future shall be grim…forget all of your regrets, what happened has happened and there is no turning back, do not keep deadly secrets,”
With that he walked away into the darkness, giving me time to think…think about everything which was piled on top of.
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Not getting many commnets for this one :(
Thinking about stop writing it.
Doesnt seem like anyone is reading it.