With All Of These Vampires

chapter 4

Chapter 4

Gerards prov

The next morning me and Mikey woke before Frank and quickly got changed and showered in lighten fast speed, we were ready by the time he woke up, he gave us confused looks then got changed slowly.
Me and Mikey said our goodbyes and departed Frank toddling closely behind me, our first lesson was religious studies, Great I love that lesson excuse the sarcasm.
“What we got next Gee?” Frank asked searching for his timetable.
“Religious studies,” I sighed
I heard his mutter under his breath cursing, I smiled to myself. We arrived at the classroom a few minutes late, I told the teacher I was showing the new student around, once excused I took my normal seat at the back of the class, Frank following behind. Mr Perkins babbled on about all the religious shit, I got bored so decided to doodle in the back off my book, I couldn’t be bothered to read peoples mind it was the same old shit and gossip everyday.
“Mr Way?” Mr Perkins said sternly.
“Hmm,” I said not taking my eyes away from my drawing.
“Care to answer the question,”
“Care to tell me the question, am not a mind reader,” Although that was completely untrue, the teacher sighed then repeated the question.
“What’s your personal view on the catholic religion,”
“Don’t know,” I answered simply not bothering to even think of an answer.
“Gerard Author Way! Religion and church in extremely important, if you do not follow the commandments and the bible then you will condemned to hell!”
“You can shove your religious bullshit up your ass,” I snapped getting irritated by the stupid comments vomiting from his mouth, I stared up meeting my gaze with the teacher, my eyes turning slightly black from the anger bubbling in my veins, he gulped then muttered something about me being the son of the devil, of course he didn’t know I would be able to hear him, he dropped his gaze and wrote something on the board, I glared down trying to control my anger before my eyes dilated fully. Taking deep breaths I could feel the black in my eyes calming down until my natural hazel colour came back. The rest of the lesson was nothing but a blur, finally the bell went for the next lesson, Frank seemed to stay silent maybe he saw my eyes and scared him? Groaning mentally I entered the art classroom, my favourite lesson. Frank still sat next to me, maybe I didn’t scare him away after all. The art teacher told us to draw whatever she wanted, apparently she had hangover and couldn’t be bothered to teach lessons today, shrugging I pulled out my art book and began sketching whatever came to mind first. I drew random lines on the page unsure what to make of them but I carried on anyway. When I was half way through I realised I had drew two young boys, looking about aged four and two cuddled together afraid, I realized I had drew me and Mikey when we had first been abandoned, unwanted memories flooded inside my head, shivering I crumbled up the paper and threw it in the bin, I didn’t need reminding of such events. Frank was concentrating hard on his drawing.
“What you drawing?” I asked making him flinch in fright.
“Nothing, just random shit,” he replied sketching the pencil firmly over the paper, I knew it wasn’t no shit he was working hard on it. I decided to leave it, it couldn’t be that important.

Franks prov

What did Gerard throw in the bin? Or better question why did he throw it in the bin? There’s a few things he doesn’t know about me, firstly am a vampire hunter, my parents are also hunters, they sent me in suspicion of vampires who needed slaughtering and I found them Gerard and Mikey Way. But why Gerard, I find him attractive and loving, I wasn’t looking forward in killing any of them, what makes it worse is he is seventeen therefore would of already gotten his secret power by now, I wonder what he has, just to be on the safe side I try not to think about anything suspicious or do anything which might give my job away.
“What you drawing?” he heard him ask suddenly which made me jump in fright.
“Nothing, just random shit,” I lied, I couldn’t let him see what I was drawing unless I wanted to accidentally reveal my secret and be killed and of course I new those people Gerard fought last night in the cemetery were werewolves, am just good at acting, it comes with the job so vampires don’t suspect that you’re a hunter. I realised Gerard was a blood thirsty creature when he fought off those werewolves and climbed up the brick wall. My job just got harder when I realised I have a crush on the thing am meant to kill. Finally the bell rung for lunch time, I told Gerard I would catch up with him and that I needed to finish something off, he shrugged and walked out the door. When everyone left I rummaged through the bin retrieving that paper Gerard throw away, I unfolded it and inspected it carefully, he was an excellent artist. The picture was two young children cuddled together looking scared, closer examination showed that these two children was Gerard and Mikey when they were younger, it was like looking at a black and white photo. He had many untold secrets, sighing I slipped his picture in my bag, I might be needing that for later then I went to meet them in the cafeteria, they sat at the same table not eating as usual sipping on some water. I didn’t bother eating, I didn’t feel so hungry, instead I felt guilty, guilty for having to kill them, guilty because Gerard had saved my life that night and guilty because I was betraying them.
“So you guys going home for the holidays?” I asked, Christmas was soon and I wanted to try and get answers out of them without sounding suspicious.
“No,” they said together.
“Oh, don’t you wanna see your parents?” I questioned
“We don’t have parents,” Gerard said quickly, his eyes beginning to dilate, I know vampires eyes go black when they get angry, maybe their parents were killed by vampire hunters, am sure that they were born vampires. Mikey patted Gerard on the back telling him to calm down without any words spoken.
“Our parents abandoned us when we were babies,” Mikey explained “I was only two so I can’t remember much of it, but Gerard does and he doesn’t like thinking about it,”
That would explain why he threw the picture in the bin, so maybe they weren’t born vampires after all.
“I nearly died twice, once when I was two and again when I was 10,” Mikey went on “We were brought up by foster parents, they died when Gerard just turned sixteen,”
“Oh am sorry,” I whispered fully aware they would be able to hear me, they both nodded not saying anything else. Foster parents? That was an obvious, Mikey was a terrible liar, now am sure they were brought up by a clan of vampires and turned when they in their early teens maybe? I didn’t say anything else on the subject but I had all the information I needed, now it felt even harder to have to kill them. Suddenly two new students walked into the lunch hall, one had a huge afro and wore a plain black shirt and baggy blue jeans, the other had blonde hair with a lip ring and wore similar clothes to the other one. Gerard and Mikey began whispering to each other both looking concerned and shocked, I couldn’t hear what they were saying, then the two boys approached the table, eyeing the Way brothers up.
“Am Bob and this is Ray,” the one known as bob introduced. Gerard nodded.
“Am Gerard and this is my brother Mikey,” They both nodded staring at each other, I felt confused. What was going on? That’s when I seen two sharp teeth poking out of the afro dudes mouth, more vampires! Am way out of my experience here, where did these guys come from?
“We need to talk,” Ray said pointing to Gerard and Mikey, they both nodded and got up.
“Wont be long Frankie,” Gerard smiled. I melted. I watched them walk off, staring at Gerards ass in those tight jeans as he walked away, sighing I leaned back on the chair rubbing my face in frustrating.
“I cant do it,” I whispered to myself “I cant kill him,”
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