With All Of These Vampires

chaper 5

Chapter 5

Mikeys prov

Me and Gerard scurried out of the dining hall following the two new strangers, i instantly new they were vampires just by the smell of their blood which pumped slowly through their veins along with their slowly thumping heartbeat. I examined the two strangers who introduced themselves as Ray and Bob. Bob had short blonde hair with a small fringe looped over one eye, he had a lip ring on the right side of his lip and gazing blue eyes along with the flicks of black masked within the ocean colour. Ray on the other hand had a huge mass of brown tangled hair with stood into an afro, large dark brown eyes which made the blackness almost invisible within the musky depths of his sockets. We stood staring at each other for a while taking in each others appearances, its very rare that two different clan of vampires talk to one another, Gerard coughed clearing his throat getting irritated by the silence. What did these vampires want? Why are they here? Most children and teenage vampires are home-schooled by their clans or parents.
“We are hear to speak,” Bob said folding his arms.
“On what terms?” Gerard questioned, i twisted my face in confusion and fear, usually when something like this happens it never ends out good. They either wanted something from us or wanted war, Gerard noticed my discomfort and instantly went into big brother protection mode, he stood in front of me blocking my view from the two vampires. Gerard was a lot stronger and experienced then me, sure i was turned first but he was full vampire, he had gained all of his powers and self-control. Me on the other hand couldn't fight and my strength was limited, i would never stand a chance against these other two.
“Don't worry Gerard, we are not going to harm him...or you,” Ray confirmed, Gerard scowled at him glaring into his eyes searching for a hint to truth to what he was saying. We seemed safe but he didn't shift from his position.
“Why do you need to speak? Am sure you are aware that clans do not come into contact with one another unless war or some sort of wager is involved,” Gerard spoke not taking his eyes away from the two vamps.
“I would not say you two are a clan,” Bob smiled smugly, Ray scowled at him as a warning.
“Forgive him, yes we are aware however times are getting harder, am sure you are both aware of the hunters lurking about,” Ray said softly.
Gerard thought for a moment, i still remembered that night when our clan was murdered, i shivered at the memory blinking back tears.
“Half and half,” Gerard admitted “Me and my brother are pretty much clueless to what goes on in the open world, our clan was killed a year ago,”
Both of them nodded understanding.
“Well, vampires are beginning to grow closer together because there is a team of hunters out there merciless slaughtering vampires, in the past year over one hundred vamps have been killed, times are dangerous,” Bob explained, I moved away from the back of Gerard so i could now face them, i cocked my eyebrow as to say and? What has that got to do with us?
“You are both in danger,” Ray announced “There is a hunter somewhere in this school after you both, we are unsure of whom he or she is however this teenage hunter is part of that group of hunters, we have come to help,” he licked his lips nervously “We have enrolled ourselves in this school to help hunt this person down,”
I drew silent, i began shaking from fear, why might you ask? After all i am a vampire and could easily kill any human even without needed my full vampire powers but the memory of our clan, there was around twenty of them and they were killed by humans, so what chance did we stand? Whoever these people were, they were experienced and without a doubt could easily kill us. Gerard rapped his arm around my shoulder protectively
“What shall we do?” he questioned
“Fight, hunt, and be on red alert,” Bob said “Firstly we need to know both of your powers?”
“My brother is only fifteen he doesn't have any yet,” he explained rubbing my shoulders. I pushed my glasses further up my nose, my eye sight wasn't too good however when i turn sixteen my eyesight should instantly improve and i wont need these shitty things any longer, the sooner the better.
“Shit,” Ray cursed “You Gerard?”
“Am physic, i can read minds and move objects with my mind,” he explained “And you two?”
“PERFECT!” Bob and Ray shouted together high fiving each other, we looked at them confused and partly amused.
“Just what we need a physic, we have hoped for one for quite a while now, therefore you will be able to find the hunter by reading their mind,” Bob smiled happily “Oh and i have the power to transform into a wolf...my father was a werewolf,” he quickly added that part on the end.
“I can control electricity and shoot it out of my eyes,” Ray smiled.
We all nodded, i was still uneasy about these two their powers could do a lot more damage to us then what Gerard could do to them. The bell rung after our conversation, Frank emerged from the dining all facing us.
“Erm...can i join you guys now?” he asked rather shyly.
“Sure Frank come on,” i smiled
Frank smiled shyly towards the other two, he looked scared, i wish i had the power to mind read because i wouldn't hesitate to read his mind, Gerard on the other hand refused because he said it was his first real friend and didn't want to invade his privacy...yeah whatever. Bob and Ray glanced at Frank with stone faces not even smiling towards him, poor Frank i bet he felt awkward right about now.

Franks prov

After thinking for almost twenty minutes i decided i could not hurt or kill Gerard nor Mikey, i had been drawn to close to them, but on the other hand they were killers and my parents would be disappointed in me, i hadmurdered killed vampires many of times before but this was meant to be my first without my parents watching me, the ultimate challenge. According to the other hunters i was a worthy and excellent hunter for someone of my age and height, i couldn't let them down but i also wouldn't have the heart to strike the two brothers down. I got confused on what i should do, shaking the thoughts to the back of my head i realised the bell had rung, i slowly edged my way out creeping up on Gerard and Mikey, the gladly let me join them, i stared at the two other vampires, i wasn't too sure about these guys. They stared at me with emotionless faces, did they know? No that was impossible...or was it?
“So this is Frank?” Ray asked
“Yeah,” Gerard smiled, i stared within his hazel eyes getting lost within all the mysterious wonder, Ray and Bob finally smiled at me making sure to hide their fangs, i mentally rolled my eyes. We skipped last lesson and hung out at the Way brothers room, i stayed silent for a long time rethinking everything. I have to kill them, i don't have a choice. They are evil, they have no soul, no heart, they killed innocent people for their blood. Anger rose in my veins as i remembered my little sister being murdered by a vampire, the bastard sucked her dry ignoring her screaming and pleads. I will kill them! No more arguing with myself, it was final. Gerard, Mikey, Ray and Bob shall die! Gerard may look like a kind hearted person on the outside but inside he is just like them and forever will be.
“Gerard its my birthday next week yay!” Mikey chirped jumping up and down on the bed like a child singing happy birthday to himself. Gerard chuckled at his brothers immature behaviour. “I will be sixteen...then seventeen...then eighteen...then...”
“ok Mikey you will be getting older,” Gerard grinned a sparkle of happiness in his eyes. Guilt! I couldn't help but feel the guilt... but i have to kill them before Mikey gets his power...this week i will do it...no hesitation...no pain, i will do it while they sleep so they cannot feel pain.
“Yeah! Gerard i wanna be older and get married and have kids and get a cool awesome job and i want us to live together forever! Since you are the best brother ever and we will never ever be apart right Gee?” Mikey questioned Gerard his eyes sparkling with happiness and curiosity.
“Sure Mikes, never ever...i will help you with anything Mikey you know that you will always be my baby brother,”
Mikeys grin grew wider, he let out a loud yay! Now this just made me feeling even more guilty, damn you Mikey! I needed something to clear my head, i rushed out the room returning minutes later holding my guitar case, playing always helped me clear my mind of worrying thoughts, i brought out my white guitar named Pansy and began to strum on the strings playing random tunes.
“Wow dude you play guitar!” Ray exclaimed “Me too!”
I stared at him, he was smiling widely. A vampire had a human talent? Great.
“I play drums,” Bob said proudly.
“I play bass!” Mikey screeched “But i don't have one,” he added sadly.
I heard Gerard mutter a low yet then smile to himself, Mikey obviously didn't hear him since his super hearing hadn't developed fully yet.
“I don't play anything...i don't have a talent,” Gerard laughed
“Not true Gee! You have an amazing voice and you can draw!”
“Am that good Mikes,” Gerard blushed
“You are now sing!”
“If you don't then i will tell them all your biggest secr-,” before Mikey could finish Gerard began to sing cutting him off, he obviously didn't want his secret getting out. His voice filled the room singing an unknown song.

Late dawns and early sunsets, just like my favourite scenes
Then holding hands and life was perfect, just like up on the screen
And the whole time while always giving
Counting your face among the living

Up and down escalators, pennies and colder fountains
Elevators and half price sales, trapped in by all these mountains
Running away and hiding with you
I never thought they'd get me here
Not knowing you'd change from just one bite
I fought them all off just to hold you close and tight

But does anyone notice?
But does anyone care?
And if I had the guts to put this to your head...
But would anything matter if you're already dead?
And well should I be shocked now by the last thing you said?
Before I pull this trigger,
Your eyes vacant and stained...

But does anyone notice?
But does anyone care?
And if I had the guts to put this to your head...
And would anything matter if you're already dead?
And now should I be shocked by the last thing you said?
Before I pull this trigger,
Your eyes vacant and stained...
And in saying you loved me,
Made things harder at best,
And these words changing nothing
As your body remains,
And there's no room in this hell,
There's no room in the next,
And our memories defeat us,
And I'll end this direst.

But does anyone notice?
But does anyone care?
And if I had the guts to put this to your head...
But does anything matter if you're already dead?
And should I be shocked now by the last thing you said?
Before I pull this trigger,
Your eyes vacant and stained...
And in saying you loved me,
Made things harder at best,
And these words changing nothing
As your body remains,
And there's no room in this hell,
There's no room in the next,
But does anyone notice there's a corpse in this bed

I was fucking amazed, he sang so beautifully, he had the voice of an angel...this just made everything harder...i couldn't kill them...

No I have to!

But they are kind and loving

They are not, they are nothing but blood thirsty creatures, all evil like the one that killed you baby sister.

Did you ever stop to think that all vampires might not be the same.

They are all the same!! I tried to protect my little sister...she was taken away from me...killed. I always tried to protect her

Just like how Gerard Protects his brother...just like all the other vampires you killed tried to protect their loved ones?

Grr! I got irritated, i was mentally arguing with myself...but half of my mind was right, i have never been close to a vampire until now and they are not like what i was brought up to believe, everyone holds a story...maybe vampires are different...after all they are partly human. My head hurt with thinking too much, i decided to wait and observe them closely then decide whether i would follow my job or follow my heart....
♠ ♠ ♠
sorry this one is shit, but it is needed. Please if you are a reader comment, am beginning to think no one likes it. Should i continue or not?