Tell Me What To Do.

Tell Me What To Do - Chapter one.

"Alright, I'll see you in a few." Alexis said through the phone. I hung up my cell and continued driving to her house. About 10 minutes later I arrived at her house and honked the horn for her to come outside. A few minutes later Alexis came out. She was wearing this and she walked over to my car and got in.

"Yo." I said to her.

"Hey." She said. I then took off and headed to the Mall. On our way to the mall she brought up the topic is Metro Station.

"Yo, wouldn't that be cool if we went to a Metro concert?" She asked me.

"Hell yeah it would be, but we can never get tickets. Their always sold out." I said to her sounding a bit depressed.

"Yeah I know. But maybe we will get lucky and get tickets?" She said trying to cheer me up.

"Yeah, maybe." I said. We got to the mall and I was about to turn off the car. When i heard the announcer on the radio say they were giving away two tickets to see Metro Station in concert. I freaked out and looked over at Alexis with a surprised face.

"Caller ten will win those two tickets." The announcer said on the radio. Alexis and I both dialed the number and called in so we could get two chances to win. The tone kept beeping in as busy.

"OMG hello?" Alexis them freaked out. I could hear faintly what they were saying. "Alexis Storck. Yeah. Are you serious? OMG thank you so much." She said then hung up the phone. "What happened?" I asked her.

"I just won the tickets and backstage passes." She screamed. I literally screamed on the top on my lungs and freaked.

"OMG, this is so freaking amazing. Alexis your amazing." I said to her.

"Who said I'm bringing you?" She said all serious. I automatically got depressed.

"Are you serious?" I asked her.

"No, of course I'm bringing you." She said with a smile. I playfully punched her in the arm.

"You asshole." I said kidding.

"Gee thanks." She said sarcastically.
"Anytime." I said smiling.

"Yo, I just had the craziest idea. What if when we met them, Mason liked you and you two started dating." She said.

"Yeah right, why would he ever like a girl like me?" I said.

"Don't get my hopes up."

"Well, because you're Danielle fucking Tarlo, he'd better recognize bitch." She said laughing. I understood what she said and I started laughing with her.

"You two would actually make a cute couple. Like seriously." She said. I just smiled at her. We were still sitting in the car and Alexis's voice came on the radio. We looked at each other and were practically screaming. I then turned off the radio and the car and we both got out. We walked into the mall to our favorite store which was Hot Topic and looked around. I figured i would get some more things of Metro for the concert so that's what I did.

"Wow, you're obsessed aren't you?" She asked me.

"Is it that obvious?" I asked curiously.

"Obviously." She said laughing. We finished up in the store and went to a couple other ones then decided to leave. We got back to the car with our hands full of bags and i put mine in the trunk and hers in the backseat. We then just drove around for a bit and decided just to go back to my house and chill.
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I know its not much, but i hope you enjoyed the first chapter. The whole car thing with the Mason and I being cute together really did indeed happen when Alexis and i were driving around. thats where i got this idea from. Tell me what you thought of this chapter. Be strict with opinions. I'm looking for a few comments to post next chapter.