Tell Me What To Do.

Tell Me What To Do - Chapter Two.

When we got to my house, it was around 3:15. We walked inside and went directly to my room. I hooked up my ipod to my ihome and blasted Metro Station.
"Wait, what day is the concert?" I asked her.
"In three weeks on the 21st." She said.
"Three weeks! That is forever away!" I said to her.
"Yeah I know, but just think we get to meet them and everything." She said to me. I smiled at her and started singing 'Tell Me What To Do.' Alexis looked at me and started laughing.
Time's been replaced by a countdown
The sun is shinin' day and night
Sorry, I was just thinkin' twice

Alexis cell started ringing. 'Live Every Second' by Tokio Hotel started playing.
"Why is Bobbie calling me?" She asked out loud.
"Hello?" She said into the phone. "Yeah, on the 21st their going to be in the city and having a concert... Yeah I got two tickets.... Yeah.. Danielle." She said and I just looked at her is confusion. She held her finger up saying hold on. "Yeah, definitely. Alright bye." She said and hung up the phone.
"What was that about?" I asked her curiously.
"Bobbie wanted to say she heard me on the radio and is jealous I won tickets and I told her that I was taking you to the concert." She said to me.
"Oh, alright." I said. We chilled arond the house until my mom got home. I heard her walk in and i ran out to see her.
"Hey mom, guess what?" I practially screamed.
"Danielle, there is no need to scream, but what is it?" She asked.
"Yeah, sorry. Alexis won Metro Station ticketrs and got backstage passes also." I said smiling.
"Really? That's cool. How did she win them?" She asked me.
"The radio." I said.
"Awesome, when is the concert?" She asked.
"The 21st of this month." I said.
"Oh, where is it going to be?" She asked me as she put her things down in her room.
"At the House of Blues in AC." I told her.
"Oh, that's nice. Are you or Alexis driving?" She asked.
"I don't know yet, most likely me." I said.
"Alright, but make sure you have enough gas in the tank." She said making sure I knew.
"I know thank you mother." I told her. I walked back to my bedroom where Alexis was singing Metro. I just stood at the door until she noticed i was standing there.
"You scared me." She said jumping a bit.
"Sorry, yo I don't feel like sitting around here, lets go somewhere." I suggested.
"Where is there to go?" She asked.
"I don't know. Lets go drop by Bobbie's house." I said.
"Alright, let me grab my bag in the living room." She said. I walked over and got my ipod on the ihome and put it in my pocket. She stood up and followed me out to the living room. We both grabbed our things. I pulled my cell out of my pocket and hit number 13 to call Bobbie.
"Hey, is it alright if Alexis and I stop by?" I said into the phone. "Alright, be there in a few." I said and hung up the phone. We walked out of the house and into the car. I let Alexis drive my car over there. I hooked up my ipod and blasted Jonas Brothers. About five minutes ater we were at Bobbies house. Alexis parked and we got out and walked up to her door and knocked. Bobbie soon opened the door and let us in. We then sat on her couch. Bobbies mom walked in. So we said hi to her. "So what is there to do?" Alexis asked.
"Nothing, there is never anything to do in Jersey." Bobbie responded.
"True that." I said laughing a bit.
"Well, I guess we can go drive around and maybe go to Birch Grove Park?" Alexis said.
"Yeah that would be cool." I said. "Alright, mom, will it be cool if i went with them?" She asked her mom.
"Yeah that's fine." Her mom said to her. We all got our things together and walked out the door. I was last so i closed the doors. We went down to my car and I decided to drive this time. So I got in the drivers side and Alexis in the passengers side and Bobbie in the back. We turned on the ipod again and blasted some music. I took off and headed to BGP. About five minutes later we get there. I parked and turned off the car then we all got out of the car. The geese there liked to attack you so we tried to stay away from them. We went over to the little kids playground and played on the playground. We took pictures of us all having fun and about an hour passed by. We decided to mess with the geese. We ran up to them and they started running from us. Then we started walking away and a huge crowd of them started running towards us. We screamed and ran to the car and got in so fast. We were all laughing as the geese surrounded my car.
"Holy hell." I said laughing. I then turn the car on and I look over to my right, and right there I see...
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Haha i love this chapter. Tell me what you think of it. As i post each chapter, it is not going to be long chapters as my other stories. but some might be longer than others. i hope you all enjoyed this chapter. Who do you think Danielle [me] saw? Give me your opinions. A few comments and ill post next chapter.