Start Making Sense

Posey Summers is just a girl. She's got two best friends, she goes to college, she loves photography. She's short, got dark hair and dark eyes. She's 23, shares an apartment with one of her best friends and works at a book store. And she just so happens to realize that she's in love with her best friend the day that he leaves to go on tour. Her best friend? He's William Eugene Beckett.

The two have 245 days before they see each other again. So how many nights will Posey sleep on his side of the bed before she cracks? How many times can Will listen to 'In Your Eyes' before he calls Posey to tell her that he's in love with her? Neither of them can gauge their self control, but Courtney Beckett doesn't want to wait long enough to find out. So she's gonna push the two as hard as she can.