Start Making Sense

It's A Love Story

Day 66
Will’s POV

“Those months on the road without you, were the worst days of my life and I don’t want to spend another day without you.” I told her, my heart pounding in my ears and the blood rushing to every part of my body.

“I love you so much and even if we can’t be together, I still couldn’t imagine a life without you. I need you to survive; the rest of the guys can tell you that.” I said, looking behind her to see that everyone was watching us. I glared at them and they glared right back.

“Will,” she whispered and I immediately felt like jelly as I slowly looked back at her. “Really?”

I nodded without hesitation. She smiled and I furrowed my eyebrows.

“I’m so glad.” She said happily.


“I love you too Will.” She said. It felt like I had been playing Red Rover and I ran straight into two interlocked fists that wouldn’t break – the breath was knocked out of my stomach. “That whole time you were on tour, I could barely function. I was going to tell you how in love with you I was right before you told me.”

I grinned.

“Really?” I asked. She nodded quickly. Someone sighed in irritation.

“Seriously?” Posey and I turned to see Brendon huffing with his arms crossed. “You guys are just going to stupidly grin at each other? This is a love story for crying out loud! Kiss each other all ready!”

I turned to look at Posey again while she was still glaring at Brendon for his outburst. I tilted her chin towards me and leaned down to touch my lips upon hers, finally.

She quickly responded, wrapping her arms around my neck and raising onto her tip-toes. I rested my hands on her waist. I was so happy at that moment. The girl that I was hopelessly in love with was just as hopelessly in love with me.

This was better than a love story. This was real.

Day 126

“Thank you everyone!” I exclaimed into the microphone before dropping it and running off stage with the rest of the guys. The audience was still going crazy even as the stadium lights came on, demanding more even though they knew it wouldn’t come.

I looked around and before I knew it, a pair of small arms were wrapping themselves around my equally small waist. I grinned and turned around with the arms still wrapped around me to see my amazingly beautiful girlfriend completely sweaty with her camera hanging from her neck. She rested her chin on my chest and looked up at me.

“I got some really great pictures tonight.” She said.

“Really? Was it a good show?” She shrugged.

“Travis did really well tonight; he really fed off the audience’s excitement. The audience was really awesome tonight too.” I smiled, watching her and listening to her talk about the pictures she was able to take.

“Yes, well, how was I tonight?” She grinned.

“Particularly ravishing,” she said.

“Really?” I asked with a smirk. She smiled and winked before taking a few steps backwards. I let out a playful growl and her eyes widened before she jumped around and ran away. I chased after her right out the back of the stadium, past Hey Monday signing things for fans and right to The Academy Is… tour bus.

She tried to open the door but it was locked and she turned back towards me and pressed her back against the door. I stopped running a short distance away from her and started meandering slowly towards her.

“Fancy seeing you here.” I said sarcastically. She laughed and the door opened, pushing her forward. I quickly caught her and I glared up at Mike who had opened the door. How he had managed to even get on the bus that quickly was beyond me. He apologized and started walking off as I helped her stand up right again. She had a blush on her cheeks and I pecked each of them. She giggled and pushed me away, backing up into the bus. I followed her and she stopped at the top of the stairs, me at the entrance of the door, still outside the bus.

She turned her head, looking around the bus before taking off her camera and reaching over to set it on the table. She looked back at me, both of us in the same places as before. She beckoned me with a finger and I got onto the first step, closing the door behind me and locking it, leaning against it.

She unbuttoned her dark blue skinny jeans and slowly unzipped them, showing the amazingly small, lacy fabric that had been lying in her underwear drawer at home for the longest time with the tag still on it. I smirked and raised an eyebrow.

She lifted each of her legs slowly, taking off her shoes and tossing them to the side. Then she lifted her Harry Potter shirt above her head, revealing the matching bra that was just a little bit too small and cutting into her amazingly beautifully clear, soft skin. She blushed as she looked down at it.

“Courtney got these for me such a long time ago, before I went on birth control,” I raised my other eyebrow and she stopped talking. “Oh, I didn’t mention that to you before, huh?”

She smiled seductively before reaching into her purse that was hanging on the frame and pulling out a small, plastic, rectangular pill container. She popped out one of the tiny pills and placed it in her mouth, swallowing it dry. I stepped up on the next step and she took a step back. I stopped but she didn’t, reaching behind her to unhook her bra. It dropped to the floor and I took another step towards her as she backed into the door to the bunks. I smirked again, finally reaching her and holding her waist with my hands, placing my fingers in her pants belt loops and pulling them down slightly. Her face was flush and I was sure mine was the same as she pulled my shirt off for me. She dropped it on the floor and then slid the door open and pulled me in by my pants.

I closed the door behind me.

“Posey,” I gasped.

♠ ♠ ♠
Yep, so that's the end.
Thank you to everyone who commented and subscribed.
I don't think I'm going to write a sequel, I all ready put these two into so much pain and suffering.

I'll look through my notebooks and see which story I should do next. I'm thinking Michael Guy Chislett. There aren't enough stories about him...

What do you guys think? Who should my next story be about?