I Cannot Possibly Be in Love With...Draco Malfoy

I Cannot Possibly Be In Love With...Draco Malfoy 2

Draco chuckled then went in my room, my mouth dropped. "You wont punch me" He said I glared at him "Yes I will...now get out" I demanded He smirked grabbing my hands, pushing me against the wall and putting them above my head "What the hell Ferret?" I asked trying to get out of him grip which was useless. "You wont punch me cause then your mom will get mad therefore my family would be disrespected by your actions making us leave and never coming back, and your mom would hate that since her and my mother are so close" He explained. I smirked "I could live with my mom being pissed at me, just so I wont have to see you ever again" I said with my own smirk. Draco leaned in closer to me our lips almost touching "We'll just have to see about that now wont we" he said as he talked I could feel his lips brushing lightly against mine. *What the fuck am I thinking? This is Ferret Boy we're thinking about...ewwwwwwwww!!!!!! Get Him Out Get Him Out of My Head!!!!* I thought then I noticed he let go of my hands and he was just standing there looking at me with that smirk. I put my hands down "Take a picture Ferret It'll last longer" I told him sitting on the edge of my bed. He chuckled and stood in front of me "Told you you wouldnt punch me" Draco said to me his icy blue eyes checking my body out I shook my head wondering what was wrong with me "Dont push your luck Ferret" I warned He glared at me and I smiled innocently "Call me Ferret one. more. time." he said I leaned back on my arms and smirked "What's wrong Ferret Dont like my lil nickname for--" before I finished I felt his lips crash on mine. *O MY GOD HE'S KISSING ME!!!!! FERRET BOY'S KISSING ME!!!......o wow...he's a good kisser....wait why am I kissing back? Hello!! This is Malfoy....* I thought as I kissed him back then I got back to reality and I pulled away slapping him across the face leaving a big red mark. "You kissed me!" I yelled standing up he smirked "And you kissed back" he said rubbing his face "Then you slapped me..thanks" he added "I did not kiss you back" I denied even though I knew it was the truth. "Yes you did" Draco said coming closer to me. "Get Out of My Room!' I ordered
"Victoria! Draco! Come down here please" I heard my mothers voice calling us. I ran downstairs to the living room "Yes mom?" I asked She looked at me confuzingly why I was down there so fast. "Where's Draco?" she asked I just shrugged "I'm right Here Mrs.Danes" Draco said coming from behind I sighed deeply yet smiled sweetly. "Well Victoria Your father and I along with the Malfoys were looking through some School albums of us back when we went to Hogwarts, and we were discussing that you should go there..." My mom said My eyes widen I always wanted to go to a different school but not the same school as Ferret Boy. "So for the summer and holidays you're gonna be living with the Malfoy's so you can go to Hogwarts next year" my mom said my mouth dropped "You're kidding right?" I said "I mean i'm glad I'm going to a different school but...." I looked at Malfoy then back at my parents "Does it have to be hogwarts?" I asked "Yes Sweety, Hogwarts is a wonderful school and it's not an all girls school and i'm sure you'll get into Slytherin" she said I looked at her confuzingly "Slytherin?" I asked My mom shook her head "You'll see...you'll love it there...now you go pack and have Draco help you you'll be leaving tonight" She said "Dad!" I whined "Sorry sweetheart but It was my suggestion you go there" he said I shrieked "UGH!!!! I cant believe you would Do this to me Dad!" I yelled and ran up to my room with Draco closely behind me. My mother looked at Lucius and Narcissa "Sorry about her...she get's home sick often" she explained and Lucius just nodded "It's fine we understand completly." he said.
I got to my room and slammed the door "Oww..." I heard Ferret say as he entered my room. "Get out!" I said furiously Draco shook his head "I'm supposed to help you pack remember" he said I growled "I cant believe this is happening..." I mumbled getting my suitcase and setting it on my bed. Then i just threw everything i had in there then shut it. "You dont have make-up?" Draco asked surprised I looked at him "No..I dont wear make-up...why do you need some? I'm sure my mom has some" I told him tapping my suitcase with my wand making it dissapear to the living room. I laid on my bed and Draco laid next to me on his side just staring at me. I didnt bother telling him to get off knowing he wouldnt listen to me. "VICTORIA DRACO TIME TO GO!" I heard my dad yell. I sighed deeply and got up and walked downstairs. I gave my father a small hug and my mom a small hug as well. Then Draco grabbed my suitcase and took my hand as we apparated to his house.
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I hope you enjoyed it! Chapter 3 should be up soon