I Cannot Possibly Be in Love With...Draco Malfoy

I Cannot Possibly Be In Love With...Draco Malfoy 5

"Too Bad?" I repeated in a question form Draco nodded "Yes Too bad cause you're stuck with me" he said glaring at me *What the fuck did I do to him?* I thought "Well then I'll stay at hogwarts for the holidays this year" I said standing up but Draco grabbed my arm pulling me ontop of him. "I dont think so" he told me "You're coming back here with me whether you like it or not" he added releasing my arm. I growled and stood up walking away from him. "Who does he think he is? Telling me what to do...UGH!!!" I shrieked as I was wondering around the house completly lost "Ahh Damnit!" I said looking around apparently I ended up outside in this huge garden. *How the hell did I end up here?* I thought to myself as I looked around. I looked up and noticed Draco was out on his balcony looking at me with a smirk "You Lost?" He yelled down at me I growled "NO I'm Not Lost" I yelled back to him He shrugged and turned around to go back in his room "Malfoy wait!" I sighed looking down Draco chuckled and came back "Yes?" he asked I whined not wanting him to help "I'm Lost.." I said looking at him "So..." He said with a smirk "So...can you get me outta here.." I said "On one condition" Draco said "Depends on the condition" I told him "You sleep in my bed tonight with me" he smirked leaning against the railing as my mouth dropped "You're kidding right?" I asked and he shook his head I sighed deeply looking around "Fine but dont...do anything to me...got it!" I yelled He nodded then left. A few minutes passed and I was sitting on the ground waiting for that Ferret boy to get here when I heard him say something "What?" I asked "I said..Found you" He smirked coming around the corner. I stood up and brushed my ass off. "It's about damn time" I said looking at him again feeling that connection from yesterday then I quickly looked away then started to walk. "Sorry had to make sure I was going the right way" he said leading me to the entrance. I looked at him again "Thanks" I said quietly then noticed the sun was setting "How long was I out here?" I asked him Draco shrugged "Three to four hours...you were wondering around saying stuff then you got lost in my mothers garden" he told me "Were you watching me the whole time?" I asked "You ask a lot of questions Danes" he said "Well you smirk a lot" I told him He rolled his eyes "No not the whole time I went and got lunch then went back to watching you" he said I rolled my eyes as we got back into the house and into the kitchen.
A small house elf came "Hello Master Malfoy and his Mistress" he said I looked at Draco then at the house elf "umm no I'm not his 'mistress' I'm Victoria Danes.." I told him The elf nodded "Dobby make us some....spaghetti" Draco demanded "Please" I added looking at Malfoy who was looking at me. The elf named Dobby nodded and started to get the ingrediants as I walked out of the kitchen and back into the livign room "Why did you say Please to him?" Draco asked me as he sat down very closely to me "Umm because it's polite to say please and thank you even if it is a house elf" I told him Draco still looked at me "Whatever" he said finally looking away I shook my head turning on the TV again but skipping the news and saw that a quidditch game was on and set the remote down and watched the Italians were against the Irish.
"Go Irish" Draco shouted and I looked at him and smacked the back of his head "Hey! what was that for?" he asked rubbing his head "You said Irish not Italians" I told him he laughed "The Italians have no chance against the Irish" Draco said to me and I looked up at the scoreboard and smirked "Right nd it's 135 to 10 Italians" I told him "WHAT!" Draco shouted and I laughed "Oh Cmon!" he said. We were yelling and screaming as the game was now tied I dont know how the Irish caught up but they did 165 to 165 finally Dobby came in "Dinner is ready" he said "Thanks Dobby We'll be there in a mintue" I told him still watching the gameDobby nodded and left just then The Italian seeker caught the snitch and I jumped up screaming "YES!!!! I Told you the Irish sucked" I told to Draco who looked furious but then he smirked "No they dont your team barely won it was a tie game till the seeker caught the damn snitch" he explained as we walked into the dining room "so what I still won" I cheered sitting down at one end as he sat at the other.