I Cannot Possibly Be in Love With...Draco Malfoy

I Cannot Possibly Be In Love Woth...Draco Malfoy 6

After Dinner I went up to my room and changed into tight bellbottom jeans with a tight black shirt. I strightened the front of my hair and spiked the back of it. Draco was leaning against the door way looking at me "what are you doing it's 930 at night" He said I smirked and looked at him. "Out" was all I said going to my closet and putting my black skater shoes on. "Out where?" he asked checking my ass out. I finished tieing my shoes then walked out of my room. "Out to this club I heard about that you surprisingly live close by" I told him going down the stairs "You mean Mulligan's Ghost Night Club?" Draco asked as I headed towards the door "That's the one" I said looking at him "Do you want to go?" I asked being polite I have no idea why. Draco smirked "Give me a minute" he said running back upstairs I rolled my eyes and waited. A few minutes later he came back down wearing baggy jeans and a white button up tshirt; he didnt button the top three though which I noticed at first. "Ready?" I asked him and he nodded "You got a car?" I asked he nodded pushing the garage code as the garage opened I gasped he had the 2009 Ferrari F70 . "You got to be kidding?" I said, he looked up at me and smirked "Nope" he said "Get in" draco added I nodded and got in the car. He backed up and drove off to the Night Club which was packed of course. The line of people were staring at Draco's car which Draco smirked *Thanks people...* I thought. After parking we got out and went ahead of the line "Well look who it is..if it isnt Draco Malfoy...how are you?" said the guard Draco smirked "I'm doing alright Syco how are you?" Draco asked "I'm doing great...is this your new lady?" Syco asked looking at me I looked at him then at Draco who was looking at me "No she's not my new lady...she's just staying with me for the school year...Victoria this is Syco Syco this is Victoria" Draco introduced us "It's nice to meet you Victoria" Syco said extending his hand "Likewise" I said shaking it. "Well cmon in you two the party's just starting" he said. Draco nodded taking my hand as we entered. I looked around and saw a lot of people dancing drinking and talking to their friends. The song changed to Just Dance by Lady Gaga I smirked and left Draco and went to the dance floor. Draco followed me "Why did you ditch me?" he asked as I was dancing to the song http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bqGejAhj3-0 "Because I love this song and I wanted to dance" I told him. He smirked and placed his hands on my hips moving with the beat. I wrapped my arms around his neck lightly moving my hips. We looked at each others eyes and we both smirked at the exact time *okay that was freaky* I thought but kept dancing. When the song ended Draco and I pulled away as Shake it by Metro Station started to play http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U7mkBnVtJeQ&feature=related Then smiled and started to shake it. Draco chuckled and danced with me. As we dance I felt that connection/feeling again and I was getting worried. When the song ended and the next song ws a slow one I got off the dance floor and went up to the bar. "Can I get a Apple Jello Shot" i said and the man nodded Then Draco came up behind me "You dance really good" He said I smiled "Thank you...you're not so bad either" I told him getting my drink and chugging it down. Draco just stared at me "What?" I asked "Victoria we need to talk" he said "About?" I asked looking at him he sighed "About that connection on the dance floor *Damn it he felt that too?* I thought "Umm okay.." I said. He took my hand and we got to a booth. "Victoria I think I like you.." he said my mouth dropped "W-what?" I said as my order of smirnoff triple black ice came. Then I chugged half the bottle I dont usually drink so I was getting a little tipsy already. "I said I like you...a lot" Draco repeated "I like you too" I slurred then covered my mouth quickly. He smirked then kissed me lightly and I kissed him back. I pulled away and Draco backed up "What?" I asked "I thought you were going to hit me again" He said and I laughed chugging the rest of the bottle then got another one. "Damn Victoria...." he said as I chugged the next half "what?" I asked looking at him "You're going through those quickly" he said and I laughed "Well I want to relax" I told him finishing the bottle "I wanna go home now" I told him with a serious look and he nodded. He took my hand and we left the club and got to his car.
When we got back to the house Draco closed the door and I pinned him against it kissing him deeply. He kissed me back and lifted me up as I wrapped my legs around his waist.
He walked up to his bedroom and laid me down on his bed. We continued to kiss and I ripped his shirt off gliding my hands down his abs. Draco smirked and took off my shirt kissing down my neck. I tried holding back a moan but it didnt work I moaned quietly, Draco automatically knew he hit my spot and he kissed it roughly making me moan louder. He sat up and we both looked at each other. I closed my eyes softly then I passed out. Draco growled "Damn alcohol" he mumbled Then he picked me up and laid me on under the covers. He got on the other side and he fell asleep
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http://i213.photobucket.com/albums/cc70/streetrally/ferrari_aurea_gt_800.jpg picture of the car