Served With a Smile


Shelby Township was never anybody’s favorite place to go, really. It was a strange town, and unless the only home you could afford now was in the little city, people tried to avoid it. After being a resident for a little while, though, you got used to it. As a matter of fact, you were just about as crazy as everyone else there.

But that’s not what this is about. This is about the fast food place where teenagers with the misfortune of living in Shelby found peace, or a place to just “hang out” and stuff their faces with burgers and the world’s most salty (and incredibly delicious) fries.

“Ugh. Could you not talk with your mouth full?” Stacy asked Adam, rolling her eyes. Adam let his jaw drop, giving Stacey yet another view of his Big Mac.

“You’re with him why?” Amanda asked, annoyed. She was the third wheel tonight, which gave her all the more reason to be evil.

“Why are you here?” Adam asked, after swallowing. “Why don’t you go get a date—oh that’s right. The whole thing about you being a man kinda scares guys away,” he added, earning a dirty look from Amanda, and his girlfriend.

“What happened to that homeless guy that used to tap dance outside?” Stacey asked.

“Maybe he got a home,” Adam said. Stacey twirled her blonde hair thoughtfully.

“I don’t think so. I went to the store with my mom this morning and when we passed here, he was still outside. And now, hours later, he’s gone.”

“Maybe he died from the stench coming from the back. I swear for food to be so good, this place smells horrible sometimes,” Amanda said, bringing her thick turtleneck up to cover her nose.

“For once, I agree with you,” Adam said.

“I don’t see how you would notice, considering how bad you smell,” she added. Stacey’s palm went to her face and she shook her head.

“You see this!? I try to be nice to her and she just has some evil remark. I give up,” Adam said, looking at Stacey.

“You think you were being nice to me tonight!?” Stacey pulled at her cheeks as they commenced to argue.

They were still yelling at each other a minute later in the deserted McDonald’s, so she decided to go clean her face or something in the bathroom until it died down.

Stacey walked the restrooms, accidentally stepping in gum on the way. When she went in, she leaned on the counter where the sinks were located and looked at her self in the mirror. Her eyeliner had been smudged and she started to try and fix it with her finger.

“Hi there!” someone said, popping up next to her. After almost having a heart attack, Stacey calmed herself, though slightly annoyed at the girl clad in the Mickey D’s uniform.

“Hi,” she said simply.

“Welcome to McDonald’s!” Stacey raised an eyebrow and took a step back.

“Thanks, but my friends and I have been her for a while.”

“That’s okay! We just like you to feel welcome all the time!” the employee said, grinning. “Come with me, please.” Stacey was thoroughly creeped out.

“Um…my friends are waiting for me…”

“It’ll only be a second! Pinky swear!” the girl said, holding her pinky finger out. Stacey stared at it.

“Where the hell is Stacey?” Adam asked, getting impatient.

“I don’t know, but she’s been gone a good hour,” Amanda said, slightly worried. Adam got up and went back to the restrooms.

“Babe, are you okay in there?” he asked after knocking on the door. He waited a good minute before walking back out front.

“She’s not in there,” he told Amanda, scratching his head. They both went to the front counter.

“Hi, have you seen a blonde? She’s about 5’4…pretty pale, and has on pink lip gloss,” Amanda asked the worker at the counter.

“And great legs,” Adam added. Amanda rolled her eyes.

“Um…I don’t know?” the recently hired employee said, lying badly, and looking slightly scared.

“You don’t?” Adam asked, raising an eyebrow.

“Look, I’m quitting when my shift is over, okay? You guys need to get out of here. It’s way too late to be here,” he said, leaning forward with his eyes widened.

“What? What are you talking about?” Amanda demanded.

“Get out. Before they get you too, okay?” Adam and Amanda were weirded out and now really wanted to know where Stacey was.

“I’m not leaving without my girl, okay?” Adam said, taking control and jumping over the counter.

“No! Please don’t…” he heard the employee call behind him. Adam ignored his protests and walked to the back, only to immediately feel like vomiting.

Before him. Two short female workers were dismembering Stacey and loading her into a meat grinder.

His eyes burned and he could not hear Amanda calling after him.

“Adam? Adam? What’s back there? Is Stacey back there?” He walked back, on the verge of upchucking, his eyes tearstained.

“Amanda? We have to leave. Now.”
♠ ♠ ♠
This is a one shot. Please don't subscribe.
Didn't have much time to edit. -_-