New kid on the block

I'm not alone

I walked back to the van that had my junk in and grabbed the last box of stuff and started to carry it back then stupidly tripped over my own feet I cursed and dropped the box and went t pick up the CDs that had fallen out. As I grabbed my beloved MCR CD a hand met mine I flinched a bit and then I looked up and saw a boy who looked my age, he had black long hair straightened, pale skin and the most gorgeous brown dreamy eyes I blushed and then he spoke "Hey I'm Aiden " he said it with the most angelic voice I'd ever heard "H h hi I'm Dixie." He smiled "So you new here?" I stood up and he did then replied "Yeh ." we then stood in silence for a while then he said "Well umm do you want me to help you unpack and then I will show you the decent places round here?" I looked deep into his eyes and got caught in a dreamworld then suddenley jumped out of it and replied "Sure come on in"

When we finished sorting out my room we started walking down towards Aiden's house he hd said something about a few of his mates being in a band so we were gonna see them practicing in his basement. We walked into the basment and he introduced me to his mates "This is Ben he plays drums, this is Pete he plays lead guitar, thats Ian he plays bass and well I'm lead singer " he said smiling I shook the other guys hands and sat on a chair whilst watching them for a couple of hours they were amazing when they had fiished I asked if I could have a go on Pete's guitar he said I could so I burned up some riffs. "Woah Aid she's good, hey Dixie wanna be our rythm guitarist if you got a guitar? " Ian called to me I smiled and jumped in excitment and screamed "Hell yeh"

Later on we all went out to catch a movie, it was pretty good then I had to go home I gave the guys my cellphone number and ran off home. I couldn't believe my luck I had made friends and got in a band on the first day of being here I smiled to myself as I walked through my front door.