Broken Promises and Last Goodbyes are not okay with me


****The next morning....****

I yawned and glanced around.
I noticed I was laying on the couch in Joe's room instead of my room.
Last night was the worst day of my life!
I don't ever want to see that creep ever!
I shook my head and got up.
I looked infront of me to a seperated kitchen/dining room.
I didn't have one of those!
"Good morning Kate." Joe spat at me.
"Joe." I nodded.
"So about las---" I started to say but he interupted me.
"What the hell did you think you were doing? You're 15 for crying outloud!" He walked closer to me.
"I-It just happened,okay?"
"Just happened?!" He basically screamed in my face.
"Well, did you atleast use a condom?" He whispered like he was a nine year old talking about sex.
"Of course!" I spat.
Did we?
It all happened so fast..
I shouldn't be pregenant.. I was on my stuff 2 wee--
"Kate?" Joe brought me back out of my thoughts.
"Huh?" I looked at him then sat back on the couch.
"Mom just called to say the bus was fixed." He tossed me the phone.
"Your going to tell her." He said not even asking if I was.
He demanded.
"Yeah. I'll tell her when you tell her you snuck 4 girls in your room and they were still in your room in the morning.." I smiled evilly.
"You wouldn't!" He pushed my shoulder.
"Don't say my secret. I won't say yours." I smirked.
"Pinky promise." He held out his pinky.
So childish.
But of course..
I stuck out my pink and linked with his.
"Promise me you will get a test done though.." He said still holding onto my pinky.
"Fine." I rolled my eyes then smiled.
"Hey Joe. Your gonna take me." I smiled oh so happily but torturing him.
You see. Joe hates talking about sex and stuff.
Sure. He'll do it sometimes but he gets spazzic about talking about it.
"Whatever." He knew what I was trying to do.
Well! Atleast I don't have to tell Mrs. J.
I went backed into my recked room and took a shower.
I put on black shorts and a white tshirt.
I then threw on my hoody and met Joe in the lobby of the motel.
As I waiting for Joe, Nick and Miley strolled by and stopped.
"Katey! Tell me your gonna get checked!" She acted like this to make Nick worried.
"Check what?" Nick started to panic.
"She had sex!" Miley whispered although I could hear her.
"Hey." Joe walked up behind me.
"Kate.. You did it?" Nick stared at me.
"No. Miley's just a bitch." I glared at her then back to Nick.
"I have to go to the doctors cause... I have a sore throat.." I cleared my throat.
Nick must have believed me because he caught his breath.
"Miley. You should get check. You've been up and down.. and in.." I hid the in part under my breath.
I smiled and me and Joe walked out to the JB van.
"We have to drive in this thing?" I squished my face up.
"Yes. Now get in." Joe opened the door and we got in.
"You got your own driver?" I whispered to Joe.
"Where have you been? Hello? Famous Jonas Brother here! God. Nobody would know your our sister.." I laughed.
"Cause I'm not.." I mumbled under my breath.
"What?" Joe turned to me.
"I said Cause I don't like you." I smiled.
He smiled back then pushed my shoulder.
We arrived at the clinlic.
"Kate Jonas-Green" I said at the registration desk.
"Why do you always say "Green"?" Joe asked as we sat in the waiting room.
"Because that's my last name." I looked forward not turning to him.
About 10 minutes pasted until they took me into the back.
"So what are you here for?" The doctor asked as I sat on a chair.
"Just wanna check for any sexual infections/pregenacy." This was so awkward exspecially because it was a guy doctor.
"Ahh I see." He spoke.
Uh. No you don't.
I smiled and laid down on the bed/chair thing.
Then a female doctor came in.
"Hi." I smiled somewhat.
"Hello darling."She smiled, fiditing with things on the counters.
"Can I have your script?" She asked.
A what?
I reached into my pocket and pulled out a piece of paper.
I guess she wanted that because took it and smiled.
She put on her reading glasses and pulled a stool over to me.
She laughed for a second then spoke.
"What a conciedence--" She started but then put the paper down.
She looked like she was in shock.
She ripped off her glasses,stood up and froze.
"K-Katelyn?" She froze,mouth wide open.