Music For the Children

A young boy and his father, a site so wonderful to watch, but what if the father isn’t the boy’s blood? What if that father is the only person the young boy has left? Would someone still say it’s a wonderful thing to watch?

Ryan Ross, a man no more than twenty-five, is now the main guardian for the local children’s home. Ryan comes off as a father to most of the children, but there is one child that pushes Ryan away the most, Greg Walker.

Greg is fifteen-years-old, and is a sophomore in high school. He has a love for playing the drums, and has a dream of being in a band one day. Every elective he is allowed becomes a music credit, but that is what Greg wants. He wants to focus on music so that he will be able to make it big one day.

Ryan supports Greg, even though Greg would rather he doesn’t. Ryan just wants Greg to be happy, and realize that even though he is having it rough being the eldest in the home, he still has a good life. Ryan loves him unconditionally, which is good because Greg is a handful at school. A right out trouble marker with his own seat in detention.

Things start to change for Greg when he meets the new music teacher. Just something about him makes things for Greg seem better. It could be the fact that the man is always upbeat and perky, or maybe the fact that he actually wants to get to know his students. Whatever the case, Greg welcome’s the change, and things begin to progress from there.

Brendon Urie, the music teacher that everyone else, is out to make a difference in the world one note at a time. He wants to show his students that music has taken over the world, and it is, indeed, for the better. He wants them to get an understanding of what life would be like without music, to show them how important it really is. Along the way Brendon makes a couple enemies, but what teacher doesn’t have a hate club and a fan club?


Obviously, I do not own Brendon Urie or Ryan Ross. I also do not own any other famous people that may, or may not, show up in this story.

The rating is low right now because I will change it when I need too. Until then, it is staying as is.