I'm Melting in Your Eyes


Ed was slouched on the black leather sofa. The bus that they called home, while the band were on tour, was lacking the other five members that occupied it, Gary being one of these five people including the band.

Ed was left on his own while the others went to get something to eat. He wasn’t hungry, he felt sick, he had been feeling sick regular lately. It’s what we’d normally call love sick, but Ed didn’t believe he was in love, but deep down, he knew he was. He knew, he simply wouldn’t be feeling like this if it wasn’t love.

Ever since the drunken peck on the lips, Ed has been head over heals for his best friend. He always had a small crush on Alex, but it progressed to something much more than a crush. All thanks to a drunken kiss.

Ed just doesn’t understand, he has never liked a male like this before. But he could only end his conclusion with a simple theory, it’s not because Alex is male, it’s not about gender at all, it’s him as a person he fell for. Alex had captured Ed’s heart well and truly, and it wasn’t returning back to Ed any time soon.

Alex stumbled on the bus, locking the door behind him. Alex took a seat next to Ed, Ed watched him carefully, his heart racing 100 miles per hour faster than normal.

“Ed I need to talk to you,”

Ed nodded, his heart began to ache, he knew what was coming next ‘the kiss was a mistake’ talk.

Alex turned his position on the large sofa, so he could look Ed in the eyes.

“This is really hard for me Ed,” Alex said clutching his chest tightly.

Ed looked at Alex, he was utter bewildered.

“Ed I…,” Alex began before he dropped his gaze to the floor.

“Ed I’m… I’m leaving the band Ed,” Alex spoke, tears forming in his silver beautiful eyes.

Ed couldn’t move, he was stuck, frozen. Alex words had not quite sunk in properly. Before long, tears were running freely down Ed’s cheeks. But no sound was heard from Ed , until he decided to speak.

“Why?” He asked sternly, showing no emotion.

“B-Because, I’m … I’m in love” Alex whispered not looking at Ed.

“B-But, I’m sure you can carry on the band,” Alex rushed placing his slender fingers on Ed’s shoulders.

“Who is she, and why is she making you leave the band?” Ed asked tears still streaming down his face of beauty.

“Ed… please, don’t do this to me, I could never lie to you,” Alex whispered staring into Ed’s sparkly eyes.

Ed looked at Alex in confusion.

“Ed… I…. I … I love y-you, pleasedonthateme” Alex said rushing the end part.

Ed stood up shakily, he moved closer to Alex, leaning in. He leaned up to reach Alex; he placed his lips on his taller but younger friend. Both men moved their lips in sync. Alex pulled away in shock and gazed into Ed’s breathtaking eyes.

“Ed, you don’t realise what you’re doing to me, please don’t”

“What do you mean?” Ed asked, his eyes becoming watery again.

“Ed,” Alex whispered, pushing a strand of hair away from Ed’s eyes “please Ed, just because you kissed me, it won’t make me stay, I know you don’t mean the kiss, you just don’t want the band splitting,”

Ed’s emotions clammed up, he didn’t no what to say, and he didn’t quite understand.

“B-But Alex,”

“No buts Ed,” Alex whispered with a quite sigh, he took one last look at his friend, love, best friend he’d ever had, before slowly turning and dragging his feet off the bus.

Tears cascaded down Ed’s cheeks, small sobs rasping up his throat, as memories of him and Alex came flowing back to him. His heart began to pain, like it had been ripped out and stomped on a million times over.

He quietly sobbed Alex’s name over and over, just wishing Alex could hear him and return. He wanted to see Alex now, more than he had ever wanted to.

Ed fell on the sofa, clutching his chest tightly, wishing Alex would come back and stop his broken heart from aching. All the beautiful memories, all the fun times, the chances of their happiness, ruined because words could not form.

Ed slowly fell asleep clutching his chest, not letting got, his heart has completely shattered.


He awoke to a light breathing and quite sobbing beside him, his eyes sprung open. He automatically remembered what happened. Tears once again formed in his brown – once full of happiness- eyes.

Then he remembered the small breaths that were being taken, beside him. He rolled over and sat up, wiping his cheeks.

He looked down towards the floor, the sight broke him, but fixed him all at the same time.

“Am I dreaming?” Ed whispered.

The curled up man, huddled on the floor shook his head, with tear stained cheeks.

“Oh Alex,” Ed sighed dropping to the floor and wrapping his small arms around Alex.

“I-I am really sorry, but I just couldn’t l-leave,” Alex sobbed into Ed’s narrow chest.

“Alex, I’m in love with you,” Ed whispered into Alex’s minute ear.

Alex stopped shaking and looked at his friend; he leaned forward and kissed him with passion and love.

“Take my heart, it already belongs to you,” Alex whispered placing hid forehead against Ed’s.

Fingers entwined, body’s close together, hearts exchanged.

The way they want to stay forever