Within the Forest...

The First Question

(Read the description of the story first!)
Young Swaifae, the little faeri (more commonly known as fairy) fluttered into her little home, a hole inside a tree, to meet her parents and six siblings. She lands gracefully on her feet, in a panic. What have I done? she thought. It was a good question, for she did not know what happens when a faeri disturbs the water. She thought maybe one touch of that forbidden water would be OK! She didn't think it would cause the reflection of the forest of Elunea to become like that! After all, she wasn't even sure on what water was like. That was her first time touching it...

It was cold, and slippery on her fingers. She was nervous to wipe it on her clothes. What would it do? Would her clothes change somehow? Would they become covered in the myterious liquid that other faeri's called water? Would she get caught? She didn't dare take her chances. Instead, she shook her hand when no one was looking, trying to get the liquid off. It didn't work well, with each shake the air blew against her tiny little hand. Each time the air hit it, her finger would get colder.

That scared her. She took her chances and wiped the water on her always dry clothes. She closed her eyes tight, waiting for something horrible. Nothing happened. Sighing with relief, she hesitantly took a step forward. What if movement caused a change? Maybe I should just stand here... NO! No, they would all notice! So, she took a step forward. Surprisingly, nothing happened. She glanced down at her long dress, it remained the way it was. Who knows, maybe water isn't harming...

Swaifae's oldest sibling, her brother Miihel tossed her a little container. It shined golden. Swaifae caught it eagerly and ate what the container had inside. It was sap. She chugged it, for she was very hungry. Scanning the room, she saw her mother holding the newest member of their family, little baby Reesella. Her little wings, no larger than Swaifae's thumbs, flapped constantly. Sometimes you couldn't even see them clearly for they were moving so fast. She was eager to fly.

Swaifae wanted to ask her mother a question. Just one question. Why should you not disturb the water? Little did she know that that one question would lead to another million.

Swaifae quickly flew over her siblings and to her parents. Her mom raised a finger to her lips, for little Reesella was sleeping even though her tiny newborn wings were fluttering like crazy. Swaifae would have smiled at how cute it was, but her mind was on other things.

"Mom, I need to ask you something." She said, keeping her voice calm and smooth. She was an excellent actor.

"Not now, Swai, but could you hand me that bottle of nector? Thanks." Swaifae quickly snatched the bottle filled with gold and handed to to mother who gave the nector to Reesella. Swaifae couldn't wait, this was eating her up inside.

"Mom, she's awake now. Can't I ask?" It was a normal thing to saw. Usually faeri's were very anxious to ask a question. Swaifae was doing this perfectedly. Her mother nodded, not taking her eyes off of Reesella.

"Well... I was just curious. Why shouldn't you 'disturb the water?'" The question was so calm that her mother completely believed that it was simple curiousity that drove young Swaifae to ask this question. She never had in the past, and most mother faeri's get this question by their young ones. She was perfectly prepared.

"You see, honey, the water reflects the forest so perfectly, that we did not want to break the reflection. One faeri did, and he paid a price for it. Those pools aren't filled with normal water. It glows a bright blue (much like your wing color) at night. Why it does this, we do not know. But one thing we do know is that we musn't disturb the water!" Her mother said, turning her attention back to Reesella. Swaifae still didn't completely have her answer. So, she asked the second question.

"What happened to the faeri that broke the reflection?" She asked, somehow managed to keep her voice as normal as it always was. Her mother shrugged.

"No one really knows what happened exactly. We just found him in the exact pool he broke. He was dead with his head dunked into the water. Like I said, we do not know what happened."

Swaifae froze, but only for a second.

"OK, well, thanks mom." She said. Her mother smiled and nodded, not turning her head. She refused to look away from her little baby, only a few days old.

Swaifae, on the other hand, flew out of the hole in the tree at once, flying as high as her wings could take her. It was getting dark, and if Swaifae turned her head she'd see that the pools were starting to get their bright blue color. So did the outlines of her wings (all faeri's wings glowed a certain color at night). She though, was panicking.

Swaifae pushed her tired, aching wings more as she approached the top of a tree. It's branches grew thin, and weak. Of course they would always hold a faeri, but nothing larger than that. Swaifae had never been so high up before, the tree seemed to go on forever and ever. Her little wings, too tired to go on, forced Swaifae to make the choice to land on a little branch. It moved slightly down at the weight, but she didn't mind. Her wings were too tired.

After a few minutes, Swaifae was ready to move on upwards. She refused to let all of her emotions out until she was so high no faeri could hear. Then, she reached the top. Amazingly, the tree stopped. It ended with one tiny branch sticking straight up. It was so thin that not even a faeri could sit on it. Then the tears came.

"What have I done?!" Swaifae cried out in agony.

"I don't want to die..." She whispered to herself. Then, she made herself swear that she would never, ever go near the pools of raindrops, the reflecting water ever again.

That was her mistake.
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OK, this idea kinda... well, to be completely honest I've had plenty of dreams similar to this. I thought of a story and decided to put it up. So those reading, tell me what you think! Because if no one is interested I'll just work on it somewhere else other than here.