Baby, You're Not In Hell Any More

Chapter One

I sat on the corner of Kings and 3ed street. The sky had faded from orange and pink to a dark blue. No clouds in the sky which made the stars more visible then any other night. It was mid December, so the cold had settled in. I had a bright orange backpack on my shoulders. It was filled with some cloths, five dollars, a hair brush and something I thought I may need. I had on a pair of old, beat up, worn out blue jeans, a old torn up black shirt with words that didn't mean anything to me on it and a black hoodie. My black hair hung in my face, my pale skin glowed in the night. My hands were bony, and cold in the pockets of my hoodie.

I felt hunger rip though my body. I shivered. I hadn't eaten in a week, maybe a few days added to that, I wasn't sure. I lost count the day I got kicked out of my parents house. They had strong rule's, that I had not broken. They assumed I was a party girl because I went out with my friends on Friday nights, slept late on Saturdays and could hardly move on Sunday's. I wasn't a party girl; I just had some issues with people. I couldn't avoid them, it was next to impossible. If I didn't put up, then they would come after my family; and I couldn't take that. When they confronted me about how I spent my weekends, I lied to them. I didn't need them getting hurt. I told them that I spent my days and nights getting wasted, sleeping around and selling my body. I knew that they would throw me out for a while, but what I didn't expect was for them to kick me out and disown me. They even told my friends and family that I OD ed and died. My funeral was today at two. I couldn't believe them.

I hated them. I hated me. I hated that I put myself in that situation. Sighing, I walked into the street. The forest surrounded me, so there was nobody on the road. I walked down the middle. My legs and feet were tired of walking. All I wanted to do was soak in a hot tub, and sleep. Sleep until I had gotten caught up on the numerous of nights I didn't sleep. I hadn't slept in two weeks. I hadn't eaten in a week. I hadn't taken a shower in two weeks.

I wanted, no yearned to have a car come speeding down the high way and to hit me head on. I wanted to die. In the two weeks that I had been kicked out I walked from Ohio to Michigan. I was still very close to Ohio, which I didn't like. I walked and walked. You could say that it was about midnight. I was falling asleep was I walked. I heard the sounds of tires coming down the road. I closed my eyes and kept walking. A smile played on my lips, God had finally decided to answer my prayers. For that, I was happy for. I could feel the warmth of the bus head lights com onto my skin. I opened my eyes to look at my last surroundings.

The trees were lit by the head lights. They were naked, all except for the winter trees. The grass was dead, brown and looked like it would crunch under someone's feet. The stars shown brightly in the night sky. The moon was full and looked close enough that if you were to reach your hand out, you could grab it and keep it with you forever. Only thing is, I wouldn't be seeing it at all after tonight. I sighted and closed my eyes. The sound of squealing breaks sounded thought the air and then I felt something impact my body harshly. After that my whole world went black
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