When You Say Nothing at All

It Wasnt' Me

Everything went black. When I woke up I was in a jail cell. I had no clue why or what I did till that horrible scene popped back into my head. Chris laying dead on the floor his lifeless body he never will or ever be and cheerful and happy Chris that I once new. Maria started to cry! She wished her goofy best friend Paige was there to make things seem so much better. But she knew Paige wouldn’t come because she was at work and would not a word about this. But Maria put her thoughts to how long she had been in this cell she thought hours days or months but she knew she was being a little to drastic about months part. Then finally after dead silence she heard a squeak of a door opening. She looked up from the corner she was sitting in to see Jordan and his 3 friends Pete, Blake, and Andy. “So tell me Maria why did you kill my father” Jordan said with a icy tone to his voice “I didn’t kill Chris he was like a dad to me I haven’t done anything wrong” Maria said with a shaky tone on the verge of tears “oh really now then why were your hands and knees covered in my fathers blood” Jordan said with the same tone as before “I went up there to tell him that his appointment with Mr. Boughs was set” She said “oh really now do you expect me to believe that” Jordan said “yes you should believe me you can call Mr. boughs or on Chris’s caller id I called” Maria said pleading “oh really” he said “yes you can I even seen Thomas wall coming back down from some were up top” she said “what did you just say why didn’t you tell us this before” he said screaming “you wouldn’t let me you were screaming the whole time and you wouldn’t let me tell my side of the story” she said holding back tears.

Jordan’s P.O.V
“You wouldn’t let me you were screaming the whole time and you wouldn’t let me tell my side of the story” she said holding back tears. I started to think what all she had said over (what would Thomas want with us that stupid mutt killed my father his kind will pay) “so tell me Maria when did you see Thomas” I said “I saw him coming down from one of the top floors on the elevators” she said thinking back. “Pete Blake Andy go get the keys from the sheriff so he can let her out” he said “what you cant do that” Maria said “oh yes I can because my kind rules over your kind” he said smirking “Jordan you and your family are vampires” she said shocked “you didn’t know that my god do you know how dumb are you every one else in this town knows who is a vampire who isn’t but you” Jordan said chuckling “I just didn’t think you were” she said embarrassed and red. I started to think how cute Maria looked when she was embarrassed but I can’t believe she didn’t I mean come on I don’t go to her school and everyone scarred of me my friends and family. “Well now yay know you stupid little human” Jordan said playfully

Maria P.O.V
(Oh he is a vampire I mean I knew vampires took over and werewolves but it never crossed my mind he would be one. This just sucks I cant believe I liked him oh I hate myself for that.) “So Jordan does that mean that Thomas is a vampire two” Maria said curiously “no way in hell” Jordan said laughing his but off “well sorry I asked” she said “he’s a mutt a werewolf Maria his kind is the one that serves our kind as servants or soldiers” Jordan said causally Maria started to think about the things he said (oh my he is a werewolf to ah I don’t even know he was my friend this day just sucks.) I looked up from were I was sitting in the jail cell. I’m sure my face was red and puffy because I had been crying a lot. I looked up because I heard the jingle of keys and the jail cell door opened with a loud creak. Sheriff Donald was standing there in the doorway. Donald looked scared shitless. “alright Maria you need to get up and come with me” sheriff Donald said “alright sir ill get goin” she said “follow me please Maria ill get yay signed out” Donald the sheriff lead me threw a serious of hallways and finally we got to the main building. I staid there talking to Sheriff Donald about random stuff Jordan and his buddies left and disappeared some were. “alright you might wana get home there Hun cause I saw the way that Currington boy was looking at you so get goin get home safe alright” Sheriff said in a worried voice “ok I will ill see you later alright bye” she said. I walked out the doors and headed home ready for my nice soft bead.

Jordan’s P.O.V
My buddies and I headed down the road to Amanda’s house when we al got a whiff of a pack of mutts near bye. So we all decided to head that way and find who they were. I’m sure they wont mind us having a little fun with them.
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this is the 3rd chapter and the next one im workin on.