Status: Updates Progressing Slowly; Next update in two weeks

Skeptics and True Believers

Special Needs

I raised my arms over my head, feeling the black blanket flutter delicately behind me as my feet lifted off the ground. I was hovering over the sandy shore, slowly flying over the beach and noticing the spectacular colors of the individual grains of sand. Each grain of sand was its own unique shade of beige, meshing together to create one giant sandbox near the edge of the ocean.

I was flying high over the beach of Huntington, unable to lower myself back down to the ground. The wind flew past, sending chills down my spine as I walked through the air, each step I took feeling light and fluffy from the few scattered clouds. The stars sparkled like diamonds, reflecting off on another and glowing against my skin. I looked down from the cloud I was standing on to see Syn sitting on the beach, his hands crafting a very peculiar looking building with the sand.

It was nearing eight and the sun was nearly gone, still peeking out from the edge of the ocean. The tea was in full effect and allowing me to enjoy the seclusion of the beach. I spent a good half an hour sitting on in a sand chair I crafted, just letting the colors of my surroundings run together like an oil painting. It was the strangest thing to witness because they would run together into one big pool of color and then shoot up like hot magma from a volcano, rainbow colored liquid painting the skies as well as the ocean. I was just lucky I didn't get that liquid spilled anywhere on me.

I knew by now, I was already in the rabbit hole, exploring Wonderland with Syn by my side. We remained silent for the most part, enjoying the hallucinations that we were experiencing as well as the music that played quietly in the background. We sat side by side, relishing in the effects of the beach as the drugs took over our minds. It was actually better to know that someone else was able to enjoy this as much as I was. I didn't want to admit it but I actually enjoyed his presence here tonight.

I forgot everything that had been going on in my life and just enjoyed what was in front of me. At the moment, I wasn't worrying about letting my information about Tina slip to Syn or the fact that we were getting a divorce. I forgot that he had yet to explain his side of the story to me or that I still held feelings for him that I needed to get over. Tonight I wasn't trying to dwell on the negative. At this very moment, I felt untouchable; like I could do anything in the world and it was an amazing feeling.

Shutting my eyes, I could still feel the wind blowing past my body as my feet touched back down to the coarse sand below. I opened my eyes and found myself standing in the spot I was in before, looking around with my arms still over my head. I gently spread the blanket across the sand and stepped away a bit, watching the waves crash into each other, each colliding structure making a thunderous crack as they hit.

"Baby girl, twist away. When you're talkin' to me, I can't breathe. Set some time aside to say: why don't you stay? Ten years later, I still feel like a child. You're the one, I know you are. You're the one, I know you are," Anthony Green sang quietly through the speakers of the boom box, the upbeat melody of his acoustic guitar and high range vocals heightening the feelings of elation I felt staring into the ocean.

I looked down at the sand, watching as little baby rainbow colored hippopotamuses rose from the sand, tiny particles of sand rolling off their bodies as they encircled me. I giggled a bit, noticing that they were dressed in tutus and ballet slippers, their little round bellies protruding out over the top of the tutu. I watched as they started to dance around me, beckoning me to join them. At this point, I knew that I was way past sanity. If I was seeing something that looked like it came directly out of 'Fantasia' then there was no way I was still in my right mind.

I started to sway in rhythm with the music, wrapping my arms around myself as I danced. It felt as if I was still floating, moving through the air with ease. I looked over to Syn, noticing that he was still playing with his sand structure he built, adding carved details to the walls with his fingers. He seemed to be in his own little world as I was in mine. It was nice to know that he was enjoying himself as much as I was.

He glanced toward me, a goofy grin on his face that reminded me so much of the person he used to be. He stood up and dusted off the sand that was sticking to his jeans before walking toward me. I looked back down at the little animals near my feet, twirling happily around me and carefully stepped out of their little circle. I twirled around until I felt a hand grab my left wrist. I looked over and noticed Syn was the hand that held my wrist so gently.

"Dance with me," I smiled, continuing my dance from before.

He just smiled genuinely, taking my hand and continually spinning me around him. I felt the breeze blow by my dress, making it flare outwards as I spun around. I couldn't help but let out a child-like giggle as I moved with ease, feeling completely weightless and airborne. He let me go after a moment, allowing me to twirl on my own before I finally collapsed into the sand, watching as everything else on the beach suddenly blended together. I tried to refocus my vision but everything remained blurry for the next few moments.

Once I regained my vision, I felt Syn grab a hold of my hand, helping me up from the sand. I dusted off my knees with my free hand before looking back up to his flawless face. He was grinning at me, interlacing our fingers together. I looked down at our hands and couldn't help but be reminded of junior high romance.

"Dee," he said, breaking my thoughts from typical pre-teen romance moments.

"Yes?" I asked, noticing the sound of my voice sounded a lot more musical than normal.

"I want to show you something," he said, pulling me towards his structure in the sand.

"Ok," I said quietly, allowing him to lead me.

We walked the short distance to his little sand castle that was still intact, considering the tide. He took a seat in front of it and tugged lightly on my arm, wanting me to sit as well. I plopped down next to him and examined the castle that looked more like a little house. It was perfectly constructed with long, smooth lines and details he had made with his fingers and a seashell that he found nearby. It was Asian influenced by the pointy roofs that hung over the tiny house. I was thoroughly impressed with his creation.

"This is my gift to you," he said, snapping me out of my trance.

"The sand castle?" I asked, glancing at him.

He nodded, "I could never give you the house you wanted so I figured I'd build one for you."

I had a feeling that he was speaking of the houses we used to look at when we were younger and in love. I found it to be a very sweet gesture that he built me a house of sand instead. It seemed remorseful.

"Thanks. I really appreciate it," I smiled. "What inspired this?"

"Well, I was sitting here and a picture of Buddha kind of appeared in the sand and he told me to make a gift for someone," he explained. "It sounds crazy now saying that out loud. I think the shrooms really got to me," he chuckled sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck.

"It's ok," I told him. "They got to me too. I was flying and then dancing with some baby hippos. I think we got a strong batch of them."

"It's ok though. I'm having a lot of fun. It's been a long time since I've done this kind of thing," he smiled.

"At least we got to look at a pretty sunset on my roof," I said, raking my fingers through the sand next to me.

"How long do you think we'll feel out of it?" he asked.

"I don't know. It depends I guess," I shrugged. "Sometimes it's a really short trip and other times, it lasts super long. It depends of the strength of the batch."

"Tina's gonna bitch a fit if I come home like this," he sighed, tracing shapes in the sand near the house.

"Then don't go home," I replied. "It's that simple."

"I guess I could stay at Zacky's for the night," he pondered aloud.

"See? Problem solved," I smiled, standing from my spot beside him. "Now come on," I said, grabbing his arm and trying to pull him up.

"Where are we going?" he asked skeptically.

"We're going swimming," I smiled.

"In what clothes? I don't have a pair of shorts to wear," he said through a laugh.

"Who said you need clothes?" I grinned, dropping his arm.

He looked shocked for a moment as I reached behind me and unzipped my dress. I let it slid down my body, leaving me only in a pair of black boy shorts, before stepping out of it and laying it out in the sand so it wouldn't wrinkle. I could feel his eyes staring holes through me as I stood in front of him, covering my breasts with my arms so he couldn't see anything.

I turned my head, looking at him over my shoulder and noticed that he was standing and stripping off the layers of clothing he had on as well. I giggled; causing him to stop removing his pants and stare at me curiously.

"Come on slow poke!" I said, running towards the ocean.

I dove into the ocean, letting the cool liquid envelop my half-naked body and glide across my skin with ease. It felt weird, almost rough like grains of salt were brushing up against my bare skin as I treaded water. The smell of salt was rather intoxicating though, taking over my brain the way a drug would and causing me to scrunch my nose up in slight discomfort as I adjusted to my new surroundings.

I heard a splash nearby, snapping me out of my thoughts and forcing me to look at the small waves created by Syn's body connecting with the water. I could still hear the music faintly from the shore, the waves overpowering the sounds as they crashed into the sea with such violent force. It was a wonder that I never noticed before. Syn resurfaced in front of me, his spiky hair laying flat against his forehead and slightly covering his warm brown eyes.

"This feels really nice," I said, wiping his wet hair to the side of his face so it was out of his eyes. "It's like cool bathwater," I smiled.

"You know the water out near Mexico is warm like bathwater," he grinned. "I remember taking some time off down there and heading out to the beach. It was actually quite beautiful."

"I haven't been. Unfortunately, my expertise in oceans lie with the Atlantic and the Pacific since I lived in Europe and Japan," I replied.

"Did you visit the beaches out there?" he asked.

"Of course I did. I love the beach," I smiled.

"I thought you might. What'd you think of the different places?" he asked.

"Seriously, they were nice places but they weren't home to me. Nothing compared to Huntington Beach," I sighed.

"I know what you mean. No matter where we went on tour, I always looked forward to coming home. There's nothing like these beaches," he replied.

There was a long silence between us after that where both of us just swam in the water. It was such a peculiar feeling while stoned. I had a feeling that it was because I was hallucinating but the water actually felt heavy around my body from the millions upon millions of salt particles that were in the water. They didn't dissolve the way salt normally dissolves in water but rather clung to the water and created a kind of sludge to wade through. It was the weirdest feeling in the world to have to struggle through swimming in the ocean. It was nothing like before when I was flying high above everything.

I glanced over at Syn and noticed that he was floating on his back as small waves rolled over his body. I let my eyes wander down his exposed body, noticing that he was a lot more tone that he used to be as well as more tattooed. I swam closer to him, never taking my eyes off his colorful skin as I traced the outlines of his tattoos with my eyes. I hated to admit it but he still looked good, maybe more so now because I had gone without him for five years. I hated that I was still attracted to him after everything we went through but I couldn't help it. He was always devastating gorgeous.

His eye peeked open, glancing at me from the side with a small smile plastered over his serene face. I smiled sheepishly at him, raising my hand from the water a bit and touching the front of his right shoulder and lightly tracing the colors of tattoos adorned so proudly along his arm. He flinched a little at the sensation but remained still after that, watching me with curiosity. As I traced my hands over the lines of color etched into his skin, the colors started to run down his arm, almost like he was bleeding ink colors. It was fascinating to watch as the colors mix together and float on top of the ocean sludge.

"This is completely weird," I admitted quietly, still tracing my fingers over the tattoos. "The ink just seems to run every time I touch your tattoos, almost like you're bleeding but not."

He looked to his arm and his face lit up with shock at first before smiling a bit. He stopped floating on his back and began treading water in front of me, his left hand touching his right shoulder the way I had done before.

"You're right! It does do that," he said, looking back at me. "Jesus, we're really fucked up, aren't we?"

"Quite possibly," I shrugged, realizing he couldn't see it very well due to the dark waters surrounding. "But it's quite fun. I like this a lot better than being drunk."

"Yeah, I have a feeling that if we were drunk, we'd probably drown in the ocean," he replied.

"Ah! Don't say that! I don't want anything that could cause me to freak out and have a bad trip!" I said, covering my ears with my hands.

"I'm sorry. I won't say it again," he said, grabbing my wrists and pulling them away from my ears. "I won't let you have a bad trip. I promise."

I smiled at him, realizing that he was still holding onto my wrists with his hands. I looked down and watched as his thumb brushed over the sensitive skin of my inner wrist, sending a thrilling chill down my spine as the skin tone changed color. I couldn't deny the fact that I loved the way he touched me. It was like we were back to our teenage selves again as he lightly brushed his thumb across my skin. I could feel my face heating up with embarrassment for finding such enjoyment out of a friendly gesture.

"You know, I just realized that we don't have any towels down here for when we get out of this ocean," I laughed, thinking out loud.

"Well it's ok. We can always go back to your house and get some," he replied.

"I don’t want to leave the ocean though," I said, causing him to look up at me. "I'm enjoying this way too much."

"Swimming is something you were always fond of," he said. "Especially when it rained. Remember the one time in winter it actually rained outside and you still wanted to go swimming in the ocean. You took off all your clothes and dove into the ocean like it was no big deal while I nearly had a heart attack from worrying about the tide carrying you away," he chuckled.

"I told you it was no big deal," I laughed. "You were just overreacting over nothing. Besides, once you got out there with me, you had just as much fun as I did. I loved the feeling of swimming in the ocean as the rain dropped overhead. It was like being in a giant tub and a shower all at once," I smiled, shaking my head a bit at the memory. "How old were we then?"

"It was about a year after we met. I was nineteen and you were seventeen," he replied.

"God, I feel so old now. Here I am, twenty-five years old and still, not much has changed from my teenage years," I laughed. "I'm just a giant teenager."

"A lot has changed though," he said seriously. "We both know it has."

"Well, I guess the same little things still give me such joy. I will never grow tired of swimming in the ocean," I smiled.

"I don't think I'll grow sick of watching you swim," he laughed. "You look completely peaceful when you're swimming."

"You sound kind of like a stalker for saying that," I replied.

"Why? Because I said I like to watch you swim?" he asked before letting out a small chuckle. "Ok, yeah, I do sound kind of like a stalker for saying that."

"It's alright though cuz I know you're not really a stalker. As if the great Synyster Gates would stalk anyone," I scoffed.

"I kinda used to," he admitted sheepishly.

"Really? Who and when?" I asked, intrigued by his admission.

"You in high school," he said as I looked at him confused. "I saw you around the neighborhood during the summer and was intrigued by your fascination with lying on your front lawn, taking pictures of anything close by. You were really cute and I had no idea who you were so I thought that I would try to find out more about you by following you around in school," he explained.

"Wow, you really do sound like a stalker that way," I laughed. "Why didn't you just come up to me and talk like a normal person?"

"That was my plan at first but when I found out that you were in all the advanced classes, I figured you'd think I was too stupid to talk to so I had to come up with another plan," he said. "I wasn't sure if you'd want to talk to me at all."

"You could've tried," I argued.

"I did eventually. The day we met, Matt was the one that knocked into you. It was kind of planned out," he said, his cheeks flushing brightly a bit as he spoke.

"You planned to have me land on your feet? Wow, I can't believe how much trouble I used to be," I said quietly.

"Well, you were more of the quiet type, always keeping to yourself and studying in the library at lunch and whatnot so I knew that if I just walked up to you in the hall, you'd probably get all nervous and walk away. I just couldn't take that risk. I wanted to get to know you better so I figured that if I happened to be the one to help you up after you fell, you'd give me the time of day and let me get to know you," he explained.

"But, why would you go through all that trouble for a girl? I wasn't anything special," I told him, shaking my head.

"Dee, you've always been special. I know I've never had to put much time and effort into getting girls as I did with you but with you, I knew it had to be just right. You weren't like everyone else. You were different and it made you stand out against all the other girls back at our school who wanted me," he said as I frowned a bit.

"You really didn't have to try that hard. By the end of sophomore year, I wanted you just as much as the other girls but never told you because I didn't want to ruin our friendship with my stupid feelings," I laughed. "Though thinking back on it now, I probably should've just admitted it."

Nothing more was said after a few moments. I continued to wade through the water, suddenly feeling slightly chilly as the small breeze ripped across the top of the ocean. I shivered a bit at the cold air, wanting to become warm once again. Syn seemed to notice me hugging my body closer together for warmth and jerked his head towards the shore, silently asking if I wanted to go back. I nodded and started to swim back to the sandy beach.

Once I was able to walk in the sand again, I covered my breasts with my arms, crossing them so he wouldn't get the chance to sneak a peek at anything he wasn't supposed to be. I didn't feel uncomfortable being nearly nude in front of him, since he's seen me naked in the past but it was different now because it's been so long and because he wasn't with me anymore.

I glanced over my shoulder slyly, letting my eyes rest upon his toned upper body as we walked back towards our clothing. I bit my lip, trying to repress the sexuality he exuded so naturally. Syn was always a good looking guy and now that I was seeing him walking out of the ocean, individual beads of salt water delicately rolling down the middle of his chest and washboard stomach, I couldn't help but feel the need to run and jump on top of him.

His brown eyes flickered towards me, scanning my barely covered body and smirking. I could feel his stare lingering over my tattoo along the side of my body and it made me smile a bit to think he still found me attractive after all this time. I just wondered how genuine it was because knowing Syn, he would be able to turn anything with a vagina into a good-looking thing for him to bang. I didn't want to be one of those girls.

I grabbed my dress from the beach and walked towards the blanket, lying down on my back with my dress over the top of my body to cover me better. I sighed contently, hearing the soft sounds of Modest Mouse playing in the background as I gazed up at the new night sky. The clouds had dispersed quite a bit from earlier, allowing the sparking stars to shine like diamonds against the harsh black atmosphere. The moon was huge tonight and full, shining brightly down with an imaginary smile. The sunset had transformed into a perfectly beautiful night I didn't want to end.

Syn lay beside me with our arms lightly touching and sending electric pulses through my skin. I bit my lip once again, trying my best to refrain the excitement I felt at the contact. It brought back a rush of memories of the times where we used to be close to each other, hugging and kissing on the beach on school nights. I didn't want to feel this way about him anymore but I couldn't help myself. This was too much like how it used to be between us.

His fingers lightly brushed against the back of my hand, sending shivers down my spine as they made their way to my palm, sliding down slowly and interlacing with my fingers. His eyes were gazing at me from the side, watching my reaction as I tried to keep myself from blushing. Holding his hand only made me want to be closer to him in any way I could. I was having a hard time wading through conscious thoughts while under the influence and while feeling the familiarity of his touch once again.

I looked over at him and saw how serene he looked just staring at me. He had a small genuine smile on his face that was exactly the way Brian used to be. Our eyes locked and the intensity and desire sparkling out from them was hard to deny. I couldn't help myself any longer. We were both magnets pulled together by an indescribable force, unable to stop ourselves.

Our lips crashed together, battling one another for dominance as I rolled on top of him, moving my dress out of the way so my bare skin was pressed up against the warmth of his. His fingers tangled through my damp hair, pulling me as close to him as humanly possible as he let out a small groan. Our mouths moved together expertly as if we hadn't had a five year gap in between make out sessions. The familiarity of it all overtook my mind and allowed me to just continue with my instinctual impulses rather than deny myself of his touch.

His hands ran down my back and lightly gripped my hips as I kissed along his neck and chest. My body felt as if it were on fire as he moved his hands from his hips to the top of the damp material on my panties. His fingers lightly danced along the edge of the material, his fingers delicately brushing against the skin of my pelvis. I couldn't help but moan, aching for more of his touch than I was getting.

"I need you," he breathed into my ear.

I didn't allow him to speak anymore, pressing my lips against his as I ran my tongue along his lower lip, begging for access to his mouth that I immediately received. His tongue brushed against mine as his kisses became more desperate. I could feel his grip become tighter on my hips, slightly rocking me against him and creating pleasurable friction. We both moaned at the new sensation, our movements becoming more fluid than before.

He pushed the material of my underwear lower down my hips, signaling that he wanted them off my body. I allowed my kisses to travel down his neck, careful not to leave any marks on his body and tasting the salt on his skin from the ocean, as I worked my way down his chest and stomach. My hands rubbed all along his muscular chest and down his stomach to the damp material of his navy boxer shorts. I tugged the edges of his boxers, much like he had done with my underwear as he lifted his hips so I could pull them off of him easier.

I continued to kiss down his pelvis, my hands gently brushing along his already hardened member, sending a shudder through his body. His hands were tangled in my hair, urging me to move lower down his body. I slowly began stroking him, hearing a loud groan from his lips, his back slightly arching at the newfound pleasure. I hovered over his lower half for a moment, smirking up at him as I licked along the tip of his penis to tease him. I was getting more turned on watching him squirm under my touch than before when we were kissing. It was good to know that I still had some power over him.

After a few more seconds of teasing him, I finally caved and took him fully into my mouth, causing more moaning to erupt from his mouth. I created a slow pace, sucking him slowly as he attempted to move his hips to match my movements. I placed my hands on his hips, looking up at him and giving him a look of warning. After that, he tried to keep himself still but occasionally jerked upwards.

I slowed not much longer after that as he placed his hands on my shoulders. I slowly pulled away from him and stood over him, pulling down my underwear and kicking them off to the side before straddling him once again. I felt his eyes scanning my body as I hovered over him, lightly kissing his chest and neck. I grabbed his cock, positioning myself correctly over his hips and guided him into me slowly, throwing my head back at the sudden wave of pleasure that washed over me.

"Oh fuck!" he cried, firmly grasping my hips.

I just let my instincts take over as I started rocking my hips against his in a rhythmic manner, running my hands roughly along his chest and watching him. His hands were all over the place, desperately roaming my body and unable to find one spot to settle on. His hips started to move against mine as our breathing became heavier from the movements.

It felt so right to be this close to him again. I wondered how I survived five years away from him when something like sex was always perfect. He always knew exactly how to please me and what I wanted without even having to ask. It just further proved my theory that he and I were destined for each other. After being without him for five years, I was reminded of how much I craved his touch. Everything now was better than anything I've felt before with other man.

Having sex while on shrooms was a different experience all together than what I was used to. I felt more connected to him in a way and our bodies seemed to meld into one. I couldn't tell whose limbs were where or where I ended and he began. We just seemed to move together fluidly. The slow music in the background hovered over us, as if the band was standing right next to us playing. The whole setting was just too perfect to be real.

I concentrated on him only, noticing his eyes had never left mine as a look of peaceful pleasure washed over his face. His brown eyes were darkened with lust, locked with mine in an intense stare that felt as if he was penetrating me in more ways than the obvious. There was an obvious connection between us that kept pulling us closer together and I missed it. Before, it always used to feel like we were connected in ways that no one else could ever be; like we were the perfect pieces to our own private jigsaw puzzle. Now, we were only acting in the moment with no intention of keeping the jigsaw together, though the pieces fit perfectly.

He leaned up, capturing his lips with mine once again in a lust-hungry kiss causing both of us to moan loudly. His arms snaked around my waist, hands resting on the small of my back and pulling me closer to him as we continued to move. I tangled my fingers into his dampened locks, getting lost in the moment.

His kisses trailed down my jaw and to my neck as I titled my head back a bit to give him better access to my skin. I opened my eyes and looked up at the night sky, seeing the stars shining brightly down upon the both of us like tiny spotlights. Glancing at our skin, I could see spots of light upon our skin, glimmering from the moisture. It was a little distracting so I decided to pull his face back towards mine again, our lips crashing together with such force I thought I had bruised them.

We slowed our rhythm, focusing more on kissing one another rather than the incredible sex we were having. I wrapped my legs and arms around his body, pulling him closer to me as his tongue gently brushed against my lower lip, begging for access to my mouth. I allowed him to deepen the kiss as I tangled my fingers in his hair, enjoying the familiarity of being together once again. Making out with him again reminded me of the times we used to spend wrapped up under blankets back in high school when things were still good between us.

We fell back onto the blanket once more, me still on top of him, kissing each other as if we would die if we let our lips part from one another as I started moving my hips against his again. He moaned loudly into my mouth, grasping my hips and guiding me roughly against him. I broke our heated kiss in order to try and catch my breath when he decided to thrust upward, further into me, causing me to let out a loud, uncontrollable moan as a sudden electric shock spread jolted my body. I looked down at him and noticed he was smirking up at me, his hands roaming all over my body.

I picked up the pace a bit, throwing my head back once again and allowing my thoughts to vacate my mind. It felt like hours had flown right by without either of us wanting it to end. I was starting to grow tired but I wasn't going to allow myself to stop after craving this contact again for five years. I had been deprived too long of Brian and now, I finally had him back, even if it was only for a night. It was still nice to know that the person I fell in love with all those years ago was still buried somewhere underneath that rock star exterior.

I started to feel a warming sensation spreading throughout the pit of my stomach and my breathing become more erratic, signaling I was close to being pushed over the edge. I knew that Brian could feel it too because his kisses were becoming rougher against my skin. He started thrusting harder and faster into me, making me cry out in pure pleasure. I couldn't help myself from crying out loudly as the feeling started spreading throughout the lower half of my body, though I kept trying to hold out a little longer so it would last longer.

My body started shaking from exhaustion as I continued to move on top of him, biting my lower lip to muffle my loud cries. Brian leaned up again and started kissing my neck, grasping my hips and moving my body for me. I held him tightly, trying to contain the amount of pleasure that was spreading throughout my body.

"Just let it go," he breathed quietly into my ear, nibbling on my earlobe.

That was all it took. I felt myself tightening around him as the fire spread throughout my body, making me scream loudly in ecstasy. My body shook violently against him as I continued to ride out my orgasm, feeling his body tensing against me. I could tell he was close to his own personal bliss so I continued my fast pace until, though I felt as if I were going to collapse in exhaustion. A moment later, I felt him release inside me, muttering loud obscenities as he came.

After a few more moments, I finally collapsed on top of him, my chest heaving from the rigorous exercise I had just endured. His arms locked tightly around my body, holding me against his heaving chest. Heat radiated from our sweaty bodies as we lie on the blanket, staring up into the vast darkness of the sky, both of us trying to catch our breath. I could hear his heart pounding rapidly against his chest as I felt drowsiness setting in. The high from earlier had worn off completely with the physical activity and now, I was left fighting to stay awake.

"That was incredible," he said after a few moments of silence.

"Mmm," was the only response I could muster, snuggling into his comforting embrace and feeling my eyes fluttering shut.

"You're about to pass out, aren't you?" he asked, as I felt him move underneath me, most likely to look at me. I slightly nodded, trying to open my eyes but failing miserably. "Just sleep then babe."

I didn't argue or agree with him. All I did was snuggle closer to him as his fingers softly combed through my hair. I could feel him lightly kissing my forehead, humming the familiar Radiohead tune that was playing in the background. I knew that in the morning, I would regret my choices tonight but right now, all I kept thinking about was how much I wanted this night to last. It was too much like a dream and I didn't want to give up on that dream.

The morning reality would set in and change everything. I knew I wouldn't want to face myself when that time came because I would have become everything I hated. I was now the other woman and that's a reality I didn't need to be faced with whatsoever.
♠ ♠ ♠
[Title Credit: Placebo]

So first of all, thank you to everyone that's been commenting and reading and subscribing. I'm so glad that there are people out there that are reading and enjoying this story. =] It makes all the effort I put into it worth it.

And secondly, I would like to apologize for taking so long to come out with the next update. I got swamped with school work and then I had to deal with a crisis that left me rather uninspired for a few days..... I'm not 100 percent satisfied with the way this update turned out but hopefully, I'll get this story back on track. Hopefully you all won't have to wait two more weeks for another update!

On a brighter note though, I've started writing up a new story with the working title "Paper Dolls" which, of course, features A7X so hopefully, I'll be able to start posting more of that one soon. At least I'm giving you all more to look forward to! =]
