
Beast and the Harlot

I walked into the office at Barrington High and smiled at the ladies behind the front desk.
“Hi, im new, my name is Cassie Francis. Can I get my schedule and a map please?
One of the ladies at the desk handed me my things and looked up, “Here you go, sweetie”
I groaned. It always seemed pedoy when old ladies call you sweetie or love. She smiled “Oh and your guide should be here shortly to show you around, take you to classes and just generally help you out” I sighed. I was 16, I didn’t need a guide. The door behind me opened, and as I turned to see who it could be, I gasped. The two boys walking towards the desk were gorgeous. I closed my eyes, hoping that I wasn’t daydreaming, but when I opened them only one of the boys were there. Weird i thought.
“Oooh Zacky, I was just telling Cassie that you would be her guide” the lady cooed. I nearly threw up in my mouth, what a sleaze. Zacky turned around and smiled.
“Thankyou, Bettie. I’ll show her around. Have a nice day” He smiled and took my arm, leading us both out of the small office.
As soon as we were out of the office, we burst out laughing
“She has issues; I swear” he smiled, “Im Zacky by the way”
I laughed, “I know. Uh, im Cassie. But everyone calls me Cass”
It turned out we had most of our classes together, so it was easy to know where to go, I just had to follow my beautiful guide. I giggled. The warning bell rung as we walked into our first class- art.
“So, where are you from?”
I sighed, I had only been here for an hour and it had already started, but I had gotten so use to covering up most of my life so I didn’t let slip anything that it was easy to tell people by now.
“Im from Seattle, I wanted a change so I decided to move here” I smiled up at Zacky. Class was uneventful, the usual art class. Draw something that means the most to you. I drew a camera and Zacky drew a guitar. I laughed.
“So, you like music?” He smiled,
“Is it that oblivious?”
The bell rung, meaning a swap of classes. Next class - English.
I sighed, English was always my best subject but today I just didn’t feel like going. I brightened up though; after all I did have it with Zacky.
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Thoughts so far-
should i continue?

i decided to start over with this story.
add some stuff, fix it up alittle.