
Starting To Get An Attraction

Cass's POV

‘You sink your teeth in
Bite the blood that drains the
Life inside of me.. .’

The first notes of The Last Sunrise meant my brother was calling. I smiled to myself; I hadn’t heard form him in a few months, maybe he was calling to say he was coming to ‘Vegas.
“Hello? William?” No reply, I shrugged and was about to hang up when I heard him laughing in the background.
“Nick, Nick, give me my phone! NOW!” I giggled, because 1. My brother sounded so silly yelling at Nick like that and 2. I remembered this game from when I was little. Nick would always take something off wiL or me because he had a crush on us both.
“Hello Nicky” I said using his pet name, “Can you puha-lease put my darling William on the phone?”
Zacky looked at me and raised an eyebrow, I just smirked
Nick giggled and next thing I heard was a bang and wiL swearing.
“Hello…? Hello? Are you guys alright?” I was actually worried for a second.
“Well, hello there baby sis. Did we scare you?”
I laughed, “No, dear brother you didn’t. But what do I owe the pleasure of hearing your voice?”
wiL sighed “Just checking up. How are things going?”
I smiled “Same old, and you?
“Same old” He laughed his crazy laugh. “We’ll be coming out to..”
His voice was cut off by the warning bell
“Willy” using the nickname he hated ever so much “I gotta get to class. I’ll talk to you soon, byes.” I put my phone back into my shirt.
Zacky raised his eyebrows but kept his mouth shut.