So Everybody Dance on Beat

Chapter One.

"So everybody dance on beat,
we can break the ceiling for everyone around you to know.
This is what we're breathing for.
Everybody scream in key,
we can break the mirrors. I don't need to see myself anymore.
This is what we're looking for." The crowd screamed as the lights flickered around the old office building redone to fit a fine local club. Red, Yellow, Green. Followed in unison. Teenagers dancing making a scene. Raising the volume of the club. Music pumped though the speakers making everything vibrate. Screaming fan girls went front row. Screaming for the boys of the local Seattle band, Madison Drive to touch their hands or cetch a moment of fame and have the singers just to look them in the eye and smile. Kennedy, My best friend and I always went to their shows. They were idols to us. They gave us hope to keep living each and every day. The rest of the lyrics flowed softly but with passion though the singers lips, going through the mirophone.

Madison Drive's set was done and the next band was setting up. Some band called The 88 made their apperence on stage. They were more folk music to me.

"Hey Ken? What do you think about Alex? I mean, I know your friends with him and all, But I really want to know what you think of him. As my boyfriend and all." I said with a sigh. I didn't know if anyone actually liked him as my boyfriend. Sure, I've had many boyfriends before. But this time is different. Alex was popular. I wasn't. I would be considered the outcast at school. The one that wears what she wants to and doesn't give a fuck in space what other people think about me.

"Kris, I told you a million times. Alex is awesome, You couldn't get any better than he is," She smiled, Rubbing little circles on my back in comfort. "He is Mr. Right. I don't think you've been this close to anyone like this before." In fact, She was right. Every other boyfriend I've had has always been distant from me. Like they are embaressed to be dating me. Which kind of hurt. Alex on the other hand was really close to me. He didn't care who saw when we kissed. Or who was around when he said 'I love you'. I never wanted this to end. Never.

We hugged the guys of Madison Drive goodbye and walked out onto the street light filled sidewalk. Starting our quite some journey to my car. Which was parked a mile or two away.


We drove home in silence. Hoping it would stay that way. A few beeps from our cell phones as we got text messages. That was the only noise to posses the car. We got to my house. Kennedy decided that she was just going to crash at my house. We got inside and layed down. Falling into a fast sleep, Quickly.

Beep. Beep
I grunted as I turned to get my phone. Opening it, Finding a text from Alex.
'G'morning sunshine. (:'
♠ ♠ ♠
This is a new kind of story for me.
Leave some feedback if you want some more updates(:
Comment if you like it.
I will update hopefully, everydayy.
OHH. And the title of the story is from the Seattle band Madison Drive. I do not own them.
They are a really good band.
Go check them out.
You'll love them((: