So Everybody Dance on Beat

Chapter Two.

I grunted as I turned to get my phone. Opening it, Finding a text from Alex.
'G'morning sunshine. (:’

Life couldn’t get any better than that. The words that were in front of me made me who I am. The way we showed the love for each other was indescribable.

‘Morning baby(:’ I replied. Hoping I would get a quick message back. I stood up and stretched. Being careful so I didn’t wake Kennedy up. I walked to my computer desk, Turned it on.

Beep, Beep
‘Kristen. We need 2 talk bout stuff. Come over l8ter?’ Everything after the line “We have to talk” couldn’t be good. I replied with a quick ‘okay’.

**Later that day**

Kennedy left around two, And I was on my way to Alex’s house. Wondering what we needed to talk about. I was really hoping that we weren’t going to break up. Everything was going perfect. We were meant for each other. Nothing ever came between us, Ever. I was nearing his house. Nervousness running through my body. Blood pumping faster than it ever has.

“Well, I guess this is it.” I said out loud as I parked my car outside of his house. I didn’t want to get out of the car. I just wanted to stay there and wait to know what I was in for. If this was going to be the end of everything we were. Tears started building in my eyes just thinking about it. “This is it” I said again as I walked over to the walkway.

I stood in front of his door which seemed like an forever. Scared to knock. Scared to move. When I finally got the courage to knock. He was already there. Standing with the door open. Eyes looking down.
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Yay. Update number two(:
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