I'm Not a Killer

The Beginning

"Serena, you fuckin' bitch!" screamed Ada, slapping her sister around the face.

"God, Ada, chill," said Serena, infuriatingly calm, "He was just a good fuck, that's all."

Ada clenched her fists, trying to calm herself. She kept her voice steady. "That was no reason to...Gah! I liked him."

Serena blew on her drying nails. "He obviously wasn't worth it if he cheated on you with me."

"You tricked him, you diabolical slut!"

Serena winced. "Ow, that hurt."

Ada's nostrils flared, something she couldn't control. "Well, you are. Whore!"

Serena scowled. "Don't call me these things."

Ada's nails were digging into her palm. "Don't sleep with my boyfriend."

Serena stuck her tongue out at Ada childishly, and left the room. leaving her sister fuming.

Ada let her tears fall as soon as Serena was out of the way. She would never cry in front of her. She'd never let the scheming bitch have that satisfaction.

Serena...really had no idea how much Ada had cared about Josh. But when Serena wanted something, she got it.

Ada wiped her tears away. She didn't need to be sitting at home and moping. She needed to go out, do something.

She rifled through her wardrobe, before realising that Serena had "borrowed" her fave black miniskirt, and scowled. Instead choosing a suitably sexy outfit, but one that didn't scream "Slut!" like most of Serena's did, Ada left for Obsession, her favourite club.

"Bye Serena," Ada called, "Don't worry if I'm not back. I'll just be doing what you do; fucking a random guy."

There was no reply.

Ada slammed the door, not bothering to lock it. Why should she? She didn't care if someone came in and...and...raped Serena. She deserved it.

She shivered, realising her outfit wasn't exactly warm, and neither was her jacket she had slung on before leaving.

"Hey babe."

Ada turned, to see a gorgeous, tall, hazel eyed, in-every-way stunning man smiling at her.

"Er...hi..." Ada stuttered back, completely stuck dumb.

"You look like someone I know," he said, winking.


"Listen, baby," he said, walking over and putting his arm around her, "Do us a favour and tell your sister if she doesn't get the job done soon, there's gonna be some serious consequences, and I for one don't wanna hurt her pretty face."

Ada stared, then nodded slowly. What the fuck?

"Thanks doll," he said, kissing her lightly, then strolling away.

Ada could merely stare after him, as she stood frozen in the street.