I'm Not a Killer


Ada yawned, waking up. She had stayed awake for a long time thinking about Serena, and she realised she had probably slept in. She glanced at the clock. Heh. Half eleven. Not bad.

She stumbled into the bathroom, and screamed.

There was a gun in the sink.

"Shhh!" Serena hurried in, putting a hand over Ada's mouth.

Ada's eyes were wide. "What the hell is that doing here?" she said, panicking, as Serena released her.

"It's mine," said Serena, "I told you last night I killed someone, and you wouldn't listen. It's what I do, Ada."

Ada gasped. "You were serious? Oh my god."

Serena shrugged. "It's not that bad. Only if the guy is hot."

Ada gaped at her sister. "How can you be so...so heartless?"

"I don't wanna die, and I get paid a lot." Serena picked the gun up. "Oh yeah, and there's someone here, don't scream the place down."

Ada looked at her suspiciously. "As in a man? Or a murderer?"

"Both," said Serena, smiling.

Ada took a deep breath. "I want you to explain to me later, when it's had enough time to sink in. Right now, I need a coffee."

"You don't like coffee."

"I know."

Ada made her way into the kitchen, only to jump in surprise as a man stood there. He was smoking, and he glanced at her as she entered.

"H-h-hi..." she stuttered, "I'm Ada..."

"I know," he said, his blue eyes staring into hers.

Ada felt herself blush. He was completely sexy. His brown hair was short and ruffled from sleep, his mouth was turned up in a slight smile, and he had no shirt on. Ada could see his gorgeous, well definied body, six pack and all. "Who are you?"

"My name's Kieran," he said, winking.

The only problem was, she decided, he probably fucked her sister. But then again, why would that matter? After all, Serena had fucked Ada's boyfriend, and she probably didn't even go out with this guy.

"Do you...work...with my sister?" she asked.

"If you mean, do I kill people, then yeah," he answered. He frowned. "You're not gonna judge me, babe, are you?"

Ada shook her head. At the moment, she couldn't concentrate on anything other than Kieran...mainly his body. Not his...job. She ran her hand through her hair, aware that it was still in the same mess it had been when she had woken up. And she was still in her pyjamas. She tried to forget this, and went to make coffee. She was aware of Kieran's eyes on her as she was doing this.

She felt him step up behind her and put her hands around her waist.

"You're more beautiful than Serena."

She tensed. It wasn't that she didn't love the feel of his hands around her, it was the fact that she was worried about her sister coming in, and the fact she felt a bit cheap. I mean, I've known this guy about three minutes, she thought.

He kissed her neck. "Adelaide..."

She jumped. Nobody, nobody called her Adelaide. "It's Ada, not Adelaide," she said firmly.

"Adelaide is such a beautiful name," he replied huskily.

No. This was going too far. Ada stepped away, busying herself with something else. She wasn't going to do this.

Kieran smiled, and began to smoke another cigarette.