I'm Not a Killer

First Lesson

"Hey...welcome," said their teacher, a man who was familiar to Ada. She recognised him as the man who had told Ada to tell her sister to get the job done, or there would be consequences.

He broke into a smile looking at her, obviously remembering her. "It's Serena's sis! Remember me baby?"

Ada nodded slowly.

"Adelaide, is it?"

Ada nodded again.
"I'm Nick." He stuck his hand out, and she shook it, feeling weird. "You gonna work for us, like your sister, or in a different department?"

Ada shrugged. "I don't know." She didn't want to say she didn't want to kill anyone, it probably wouldn't be wise.

He smiled again. "Well, we'll find your strengths." He spoke to the whole class, that is, Ada's roommates, and said, "I'm gonna give you a demonstration today..." He turned back to Ada. "Do you think you can kill, Ada?"

Ada shook her head. "I...don't think so...Not at the moment."

"You'll soon learn." Nick leaned closer to her, his breath warm on her cheek. "I can give you private lessons, if you want...Just us two."

Ada's heart skipped a beat. Nick was amazingly sexy. "Sure..." she whispered, incapable of speaking any louder.

Nick winked at her, and announced, "Okay, then...BRING IN THE SUBJECT!"

Ada almost jumped at this. The door opened and a bound figure was dragged in. He was barely conscious, but Ada could see his eyes flicker.

He was placed in a chair in the middle of the room.

"Observe," said Nick, grinning, "This man, unfortunately for him, betrayed us. Turns out he works for a rival network." He chuckled. "Not any more. Our objective is to torture and kill him, but instead of doing this the normal way, I asked for him to be our subject for this lesson."

Ada felt sick. She couldn't help but stare at the man, so obviously in pain. He groaned and his eyes opened again, and anger flashed in them as he saw Nick.

Nick turned to him again, a knife in his hand. He flourished it in front of the man's face, which had paled to white.

Ada felt herself shake in anticipation. She couldn't watch...

"There are a few ways to kill someone..." Nick was talking, but Ada stopped listening. She couldn't take her eyes off the captive.

Suddenly, Nick cursed loudly, and clutched his arm. Somehow, the man had freed his hands from the ropes and was pointing the knife at Nick.

Blood was staining Nick's clothes. He gritted his teeth and swung out at the man, hitting him in the face. Blood ran from his nose. The man swore and dived with the knife, but Marie lashed out at him with her foot, knocking him to the ground.

Nick gave Marie an appreciative look and grabbed the knife, kneeling down and pressing it against the man's throat. "Move and die," he muttered.

Ada was frozen.

"Watch closely," Nick said, and sliced the mans throat.

Ada tried not to scream. She was horrified. She averted her eyes, unable to watch.

"Are you okay, Ada?" asked Nick, concerned. He was holding his arm again. He stood on the man's neck. It crunched.

"It's...too gory," managed Ada. She really wanted to puke.

"It will get better." Nick winced.

"Does it hurt?" whispered Ada.

"A bit...I better go and get it sorted out...You can all go."

Ada nodded and left, Ella walking beside her. She took a last look at the body on the floor before the door closed.
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