Coffee Shop Soundtrack


The sun rose to tell us that it was another day. So I got up and washed my faced that was smeared with my make up which I thought I cleaned up last night. Apparently I didn’t get all of it. Oli was still asleep so I lay down by his side and watched him. This seemed weird but in a positive way. I mean watching him sleeping so peacefully makes me jealous. I wish I could look as peaceful as he is awake or asleep.

Ten minutes passed and his alarm clock rang. The loud beeping sounds that came out of it made him get up. He switched it off and turned to me.

“Good morning” I greeted him as he rubbed his eyes.

“Good morning to you too” he said kissing me lightly on the lips. I instantly pulled away.

“What’s wrong?” he asked

“Oh nothing. There’s mouthwash waiting for you in the bathroom though.”

“Shut up” he said playfully as he stood up and gurgled with Listerine. As soon as he rinsed his mouth completely, he came back into the room and on the bed.

He leaned in and kissed me.

“Better?” he asked and I grinned.

“Come here” I said and we both lay back in bed without breaking the kiss.

Minutes later, someone knocked on the door.

“Who is it?” Oli asked as he pulled away and ran for the door. There was no reply so he peeped in the peep hole and saw that it was Jack

“I think it’s for you” he said to me and I got up and opened the door.

“Where’ve you been the whole night?” Jack asked angrily

“Isn’t it obvious from where I’m standing?”

“Don’t go all sarcastic on me”

“But seriously”

“Can we talk outside?”

“Wait here” I told Jack and turned to find Oli nodding.

“Okay” I said sighing as I walked out of the door. We got into the hallway. Lucky us, we had no audience.

“Why didn’t you return my calls or my messages last night?” he said getting really angry

“You shouldn’t be concerned”

“As your boyfriend, I should be concerned”

“You’re not my boyfriend anymore Jack”

“Are we really gonna play this game?”

“What game are we playing here? I never agreed to play anything. You think I was kidding when I said it was over? Well if you wanna play Jack, go ahead and play by yourself because I’m done playing with you. You’re a cheater Jack and did you know that cheaters never win?”

“Quitters don’t either”

“But this cheater does” I said pointing to myself and I wanted to walk away but he held on to my hand and he gripped it real hard.

“Jack that hurts. Let go” I ordered trying to keep myself calm

“Do you think that you’re the only one who’s hurt here?”

“Jack seriously please let go” I said trying to get his hand off my wrist

“No! I won’t because I want to give you the same feeling you gave to me when you called it off.”

“Jack!” I yelled and Oli came to the rescue. He ran out of his room as soon as he heard me scream.

“Dude, get your hands off her” Oli said and Jack let go immediately. Jack turned around and faced him.

“You get your hands off her” Jack said forming fists with his hands. This is going to end badly.

“Dude just move on. This wont do you any good”

“Yeah, you’d know”

“Shut up man”

“Shut up before what? You’ll hit me with your gay fists?”

“Okay I’ve had it with you”

“Whoa whoa whoa. You do not want this to end this way” I said getting in between them before Oli had a chance to strike Jack’s face.

“Oh is she your bodyguard now?”

“Jack, you can leave now” I said

“Whatever. I don’t need you to tell me what to do” and with that, he left

“Oli please don’t do anything like that again. I know he can be a handful but just let it slide, okay?”

“How can I just let it slide? Didn’t you see the way he treated you?” he asked. And I thought he was mad because Jack called his fists gay.

“This is nothing” I said trying to hide my wrist away.

“Alyson, you can’t let him get away with that”

“I can and I just did”

“This isn’t over yet”

“Yes it is Oli. I don’t want to hear you guys fight again please don’t make that happen”


“No Oli. He’s not worth it.”

“Okay” he said but it didn’t seem like it was the end. I think he’s likely to add another chapter to this story but hopefully he doesn’t.

“I have a show today. Would you want to come with me and watch from backstage?”

“I’d be glad to”

We left the hotel and we went straight to BMTH’s set and I watched Oli sign autographs for crazy fan girls. He caught me looking at him so he smiled. I couldn’t resist his smile so I smiled back. I looked around to see if Jack was anywhere in sight. That was a good thing. It meant that I didn’t have anything to worry about. So I just thought about what happened until the show started. Oli sang or screamed awesomely today and I’ve never heard anything more beautiful. I rested my head on his shoulder when the show was over and he cupped my face in his hand and kissed me.

“I love you” he said and I couldn’t find the words to say.

I love you too I thought…