Coffee Shop Soundtrack


Sometimes I just find it weird that I have all the answers to my very questions…would I see him again? I think that’s the most typical question I’d ask myself and obviously I would…I think…I’m not hoping for us to meet up again but I just have this feeling we will and I just don’t want that feeling but I don’t know how to get rid of it…

I ran out of thoughts and woke up to another day… did the same crap and went to work…but you know work is full of surprises… once I got in, they were there waiting for me. He was there waiting for me.

Once I got in, he dragged me right back outside, back to the alley and he crashed his lips to mine.

I missed the way this felt. The feeling of having him here, the feeling of his lips with mine. I didn’t push him away and he didn’t pull back. I was glad to be where I was and I know this might not be the best decision and that this may turn out into another mistake but I was giving it another shot. The consequences, I’ll deal with them later but now, I’d cherish this moment because there might not be another moment…

“I’m sorry” I said and immediately, tears ran down my face.

“I’m sorry too. I never should have hurt you like that and all those things I said to you and all the pain I have caused you, I wish you’d forgive me for them and I hope you’d give me another shot. I promise I have changed my ways and I won’t do anything to you that might inflict pain or hurt you. I know you still hate me for everything that has happened to you and I know how I turned your life around with just words and I can’t help but feel guilty for all that. I’ve been treating you like shit and I was a total jerk and I want to apologize. I never thought I could do this to anyone and I thought I was better off on my own and that’s why I left without any note or without a goodbye. But when I lost you, I realized how much you meant to me and no matter how many times I look for someone to take your place, I can never get it right coz no one ever can… you’re too good for me and I don’t expect you to take me back but I just wanted you to know that I miss you and yes, I do love you.” He said and tears ran down his face as well…

It was hard to believe that he could actually cry in a situation like this but this was no time to think like that. He was here; ready to take me back, ready to be there for me again. I wanted to see if he really meant everything he said, about changing and being sorry and leaving without notice but I couldn’t think straight, it was like I had a mental block. I couldn’t think at all. I just stood there dumbfounded, mouth open and eyes wet. It took me a minute to let his word sink in and finally I spoke again though my voice was shaky.

“Jack, I love you too and I yes, I forgive you. I wanna be with you and I wanna be by your side eternally. Your words seem so enticing but how do I know you mean every single word you say?”

“I’ll prove it to you but I need your trust and your heart.”

“If I give it to you, will I get it back in pieces?”

“You’ll never get a hold of it again actually” he said wiping his tears and smiling.

“I feel so weird talking about this…I feel like a retard.” I said and we both laughed

“You said it retard” he said and we laughed some more.

“But you’re not the only retard here” he said cupping my face and kissing me softly.

We walked out of the alley hand in hand, eyes wet, noses red and wide grins on our faces.

We went in the coffee shop and everyone stared at our hands and our faces. I let go of his hand and I told him that I’d be right back and he nodded in reply. I went to the other side of the counter and I started working and from that day on everything was perfect. We’d go on little dates on my lunch break and sometimes my boss would extend it just a little so that I can spend more time with him and he could spend more time with me. Every night when I go home, we’d always stop by our favorite spot the first place we saw each other the first time we caught each other’s eyes. I never forgot this place and sometimes I come here to think and I wait for him to show up but he never does but now, I don’t have to wait anymore coz well he’s here with me now. Hand in hand and glowing smiles and happiness fills the air. All the traces of sadness just washed away as if there was never a single fragment of it.

“I remember this place and it has been a very long time since I’ve been here” he said sitting down and I sat down with him.

“I came here every now and then and I waited for you but you never showed up I lost hope but now that you’re here with me it seems like you never left or we never left.”

“I’ sorry I made you wait and I’m sorry for a lot of things-“

“Now is not the time to apologize. You have done that several times already. Now is the time to cherish every moment with each other” I said putting my head on his shoulder and he wrapped his arms around me.

“I wanna ask you something.”

“What is it?”

“Would you please go to tour with me?” he asked and for a second there I thought he was gonna ask me to marry him but I guess I just think too much. That was a stupid thought…me marrying him? As if…

“What would I do there?”

“Be with me” he said batting his eyes and I smiled

“Well there’s not much to do around here so yes, I’d love to go to tour with you” I said laughing at his reaction. He hugged me tightly and he stood and jumped all around like he just won the lottery. After his act, he sat back down beside me and we made out… I was looking forward to touring with him and meeting new people along the way I never really thought I could have an opportunity like this but when you have a guitarist of a band as a boyfriend, things like this would just walk by you. So I was pumped up and so was he.

“By the way tour starts a week from now so we’d be on the road by Thursday.”

“That’s 2 days from now”

“I know! Isn’t it so exciting?”

‘Yup I simply can’t wait.” I said reattaching his lips to mine.

“I love you Alyson” he said putting his hand on my cheek and kissed me as if he couldn’t kiss me tomorrow.

“I love you too Jack” I said and sat there and watched the sun set.

We went home an hour later and we slept peacefully in my room.

Two days flew by fast. I asked my boss if I could get a vacation and he said yes. I stood outside in the front porch with my bags beside me. Ready to go. Minutes later they arrived and I rode on the bus. Once I got on, they all greeted me one by one. I was happy to be here right now. Here with him where nothing can go wrong. Well not yet… we had fun on the bus and I got to know more about his friends. I got to hear them practice their awesome songs and I learned to like them. After a few hours, I got tired and I yawned. I was sitting on the couch talking to Alex.

“Someone seems sleepy…” he said laughing

“Am I that boring?” he continued and I laughed.

“No, you were not one bit of boring. Its just that I couldn’t sleep much last night. I stayed awake thinking about today.” I said and Jack entered the room grabbing a water bottle from the fridge and he drank some water

“Dude your girlfriend’s tired. What’d you do to her? Fuck her like hell last night?” he said and Jack spit out the water in his mouth”

“Dude you are gross!” Alex said wiping the water off his face. I laughed even more.

“Are you crazy? I was with you last night asshole.” He said winking at me.

“How would I know you didn’t sneak out while I was sleeping?”

“You mean snoring like hell?”

“I do not snore”

“Hell ya you do”

“Whatever man” Alex said getting up and grabbing a new shirt and he went to the bathroom.

“You know, you can sleep in my bunk. I don’t need it now” Jack offered

“Okay.” I said getting up and giving him a kiss before I climbed in his bunk. He came with me and lay down beside me.

“Where am I sleeping tonight?” I asked him

“Here with me.”

“I’m guessing that’s why you brought me here?”

“Ding ding ding” he said and I smiled.

“But if you don’t want me to, I can take the couch and you can have my bunk”

“No its fine with me”

“Okay I’ll be outside if you need me then.”

“Okay” I said yawning

“Sleep tight” he said and I shut my eyes. I was too tired to reply to him. I slept soundly and I thought about everything that happened today and noticed that I’ve never been this happy ever since we parted ways. I laughed and smiled a lot and I never thought I could smile as much as I smiled today. i slept and I never wanted to open my eyes to see that the world was over anymore. This was another beginning and I hoped for a happy end… life can be anything you want it to be all you have to do is take control and watch where you’re going, think to steps ahead and think twice and I did that and there are more decisions I’d have to make. Hopefully I’d make the right ones and forget about the wrong ones…just so you know, I’ve never been perfect and I don’t think I’ll ever be…