Coffee Shop Soundtrack


Days pass by quickly here on Warped Tour. Moving from city to city has never been so much fun especially when you have really awesome friends with you. Everything’s going great so far and every day just keeps getting better and better.

“Good morning” Alex said greeting me as I walked out of the bus that early Saturday morning.

“Same to you” I said smiling and taking a look around. We were in Buffalo today.

“If you’re looking for Jack, he’s probably in The Morning Light’s bus”

“Thanks.” I said and I walked toward the bus. I kept looking for the bus but obviously I couldn’t find it coz there were a lot of buses out her and I admit… I’m totally lost. I continued walking until I didn’t know where I was going anymore. So I stopped and looked around to trace my footsteps.

“You lost?” a familiar voice asked. It startled me because I knew exactly who the owner of that voice was. Oli. I turned and looked at him.

“I’m not here to cause any trouble I swear” he said putting his hands up in minisurrender.

“Um…well I was kinda wondering if you could show me where TML’s bus is.” I said hoping what he said was true. He smiled and said:

“Follow me” he walked with no stops. Clearly he knew his way around. He took several turns and we got to the bus in a matter of minutes.

“Thank you.”I said grateful for what he has done for me.

“No problem...can I ask you something?”

“Okay…go ahead”

“I was sort of wondering if well you’d want to hang out sometime you know just friends…” he said feeling slightly nervous.

“As long as it’s a just friends thing.” I said smiling in approval.

He smiled and went on his way. I turned to the bus and knocked on the door.

“Hey there” Harrison said opening the door.

“Hi…Harrison right?”

“Ya and I’m guessing you’re Alyson”


“Hmm…um if you’re looking for Jack, he already left.”

“Are you serious?” I asked. Getting lost must have taken up so much time…

“Ya he said he wanted to check up on you but you could stay and wait for him if you want to. But I’m not sure if he’d come back or not”

“Oh. Um thanks for the offer but I have some other plans so maybe some time else would be good” I said smiling and waving goodbye.

I looked around hoping to catch Oli and taking him up on his offer. He couldn’t have gotten that far. Besides if I were to get back to ATL’s bus I’m thinking it would take half an hour without a guy like him and plus it’s not like I have anything better to do right now. So I looked in between buses and saw him manning their bands merch booth.

“I never thought you were much of a merch guy.” I said looking at the neat t-shirts they had.

“Well I’m actually doing a favor. Ken, our merch guy got the flu so I took over for him coz no one else would.”

“That’s sweet of you.”

“Well it’s not like I had anything else to do and besides he’s a good friend. Like I said, I’m just doing him a favor.” He said handing out a shirt and collecting the money.

“You need a hand?” I offered.

“Sure” he said and I went to the other side of the merch table and started helping out.

Today was normal. The “just friends” rule totally applied and I was happy. Morning was out and the dusk filled the air. It was getting late and the merch tent was going for a close.

“I had a great time today but I think I have to get going now. Jack worries a lot.” I said smiling.

“Oh okay. Can you find your way around now?” he asked.

“Are you a mind reader or something?” I asked and he and I started laughing.

“No but I know things.”

“Ah…I see so I guess you wouldn’t mind leading me back to ATL’s bus? Or is that something I have to do for myself?”

“No its fine. It’d be my pleasure actually.”

“Okay…lead the way Mr. I-know-a-lot-of-things” I said smiling at the new nickname I gave Oli.

He smiled at it as well as he led me back to the bus.

“So you wanna do this again sometime?” he asked after a few steps from the merch booth.

“Sure. I’d be glad to.”

“Well I’ll be around here if ever you need me” he said as we reached the front door of the bus

“I’ll keep that in mind” I said. Being with Oli today felt okay but I got a really weird feeling in the gut. Hopefully it was nothing. I get in the bus and see Jack and Alex talking at the very back.

“Where’ve you been? I’ve been looking for you all day.” Jack said getting up and running towards me. He wrapped his arms tight around me.

“Jack…can’t…breathe” I said struggling and gasping for air.

“Sorry it’s just that I haven’t seen you all day” he said leaning down to kiss me. Something in his kiss didn’t feel quite right. For some reason I think he was holding back…but it’s probably nothing.

It was late and I was getting tired…probably I’ll handle everything else tomorrow

“We should get some sleep now” Jack said dragging my hand to his bunk.

“Good night, Alex” Jack said as he pulled me into his bunk. I didn’t hear anything from Alex which was weird but I wouldn’t really care, would I?

Jack turned off the light, closed the curtains and lay down with me in the very small space. I was getting suspicious but my eyes were getting heavy which told me that I should really get some sleep. And so I drifted off to sleep…

The next day, I opened my eyes and noticed that I was the only one in the bunk. He was out again. I can’t help but think something is wrong. I get up; take a bath hoping the water would wash it all away but when I came out fully dressed and ready for another day, there was still something in me that wants to drag me down.

“Hey Alex, where’d Jack go?” I asked.

“Don’t you think Jack’s been up to something? I mean like he hasn’t been acting like himself lately?”

“Are you saying he’s high on drugs or probably smoking coke?!?!”

“NO! I don’t mean that. Well I don’t see why I should hide things like this from you but I just wanted you to know that Jack’s been well…he’s been seeing someone else.”

“Hahaha very funny Alex. Cut the crap and tell me the truth.”

“If you don’t believe me, why don’t you go look for him yourself” Alex said and I walked out the bus door. Well I didn’t really walk out the door I more or less jogged going out. I wanted to know the truth and so I began to look for it. I started my search in between buses, behind merch tents and booths, in some other bands’ set and in more places. With this, you can say I’m a desperate person but you can’t blame me. I searched for what seemed like an hour but found nothing. I turned around and around til something caught my eye. Right at the side of a bus. He was there kissing her. I couldn’t believe it. Alex was right. I ran, ran back to the bus as fast as I could. I got in and Alex was there waiting. He saw the tears in my eyes and so he wrapped his arms around me.

“Don’t worry, it’ll be okay soon…I’ll talk to him for you” Alex said and with that, more tears fell from my eyes.

A while later, I lay down on the couch. I was alone because they had a show today. Because of the silence, I was able to think. If he went out kissing other girls behind my back, would it matter if I did the same? Two can play this game. If he wants to play, then let the games begin…