Coffee Shop Soundtrack


Okay so it’s about 7:30 P.M. they probably wrapped up their set. I know he’s coming but I decided to get out. I looked for Oli and I saw him signing for some fans. I walked towards him and he smiled. I smiled back.

“What’s up?” he said as the fans started to disperse.

“I need you, pronto”

“What for?”

“Just come with me” I said smiling and dragging him by the hand.

“Alyson, what are you doing?”

“Looking for Jack”

“If you’re looking for Jack, why are you bringing me with you?”

“To do this” I said before crashing my lips to his right in front of Jack Barakat

“What the hell, Alyson?” Jack said obviously frustrated and shocked because of the scene I just made.

“Oh this is nothing” I said letting Oli go.

“I better go” Oli said

“You better” Jack said starting to lose his temper.

“You are such a hypocrite. Did you know that?” I said as Oli was out of hearing sight

“I don’t understand Alyson. What do you mean? I never did anything wrong and you come out here with that guy-“

“Shut the hell up Barakat! I know what you did! I saw you with my two eyes. Don’t try to pull the shit on me coz its not gonna work one bit! I saw you making out with that whore in between a bus and the way you acted yesterday only made it more obvious.”

“Did Alex tell you this?”

“Alex didn’t do anything here. This is between you and me. Don’t drag other people in to this!” I screamed catching the attention of the people around.

“Why don’t we go talk about this some place else.” He said leading the way. We got in the bus and luckily no one was inside.

“Look I’m sorry okay. I didn’t mean to do anything like that”

“But you did Jack and your apology can’t take that back”

“I’m sorry” he said starting to get annoyed.

“Jack, your sorry won’t change anything”

“Then what the hell do you expect me to do here!?”

“Is this how its gonna be from now on, huh?”

“What do you mean?”

“We’d be hurting each other now? If this is how it’ll be from now on then call me out. I don’t need you to put me down Jack. And by the way, I thought you changed. I gave you a chance and all you did was throw it back to my face like some piece of trash. And here we are again, back at the start. Is this really what you wanted?”

“Slow down. Look, I know what I did was wrong and-“

“Tell me Jack, did you really love me or are you just playing with me?” I asked and he stayed silent. Exactly what I expected.

“Guess you never did” I said as I walked out the front door.

I walked around for awhile and as I walked, I saw Oli sitting on the bench

“Hey Oli, I’m really sorry about what happened a while ago.” I said as I sat beside him.

He didn’t seem to reply to me.

“Oli? Oli, are you okay?”

“I can’t believe he did that to you.” He finally said

“Wow. These things spread like wildfire”

“And you’re doing nothing about this?”

“There’s nothing I can do really. Besides, this is the second time. Practically got used to it already”

“You don’t deserve him Aly”

“You said it”

“I’m not kidding”

“Neither am I”

“You gonna be okay?”

“Don’t I seem that way?”

“I don’t know. Probably it’s just me contemplating on what happened here. Alyson, I’m here for you if you need me. You know that right?”

“Of course” I said smiling and noticing how much he really cared for me. And with that last line, we looked up at the stars in the night sky. We watched them shine above our heads. I may be looking at the stars but I can feel his gaze on me. I turn to look at him and he leaned in before I could say anything.

“I’m sorry” he said pulling away.

“There’s nothing wrong here Oli” I said caressing his cheek with my fingers.

“I think I need to give you time to wallow. Would you want that?”

“What’s there to wallow about?”

“I don’t know you just broke up with him. I’m not saying I don’t want to be with you but wouldn’t you want some time to move on?”

“You’re a great guy Oli but I think I’ll have to disagree with your suggestions.”

“That’s fine with me” he said and I leaned in to him. We made out and I never want to separate my lips from his.

Probably hours passed and my phone buzzed in my pocket. I didn’t want to pick it up because right now I didn’t care who was looking for me.

A while later, both our lips were swollen and we just cuddled in the cold breeze. While I was in Oli’s arms, I got my phone out of my pocket. Turns out Jack called like 5 times and left at least 3 messages. But like I said…I didn’t care and whatever he has to say can wait til later.

“Hey Oli is it possible for me to stay with you until warped tour ends?”

“Sure. We don’t sleep in the bus though. We always sleep at the hotel near by unless we attend a party and get too wasted to return to the hotel room”

“Thanks Oli” I said hugging him tight. Being in his arms made me feel safe. It was as if nothing can hurt me if his arms are wrapped around me. It felt warm and safe.

“I guess we better get a move on” Oli said getting up and taking me by the hand. I followed him into the hotel room and he crashed on the bed. I lay beside him. It was amazing how each of them got a room of their own.

“Good night Alyson” he said

“Good night Oli” I said and he gave me a little kiss before he switched off the lamp.

We both slept soundly and some time later, my phone buzzed again. I didn’t want to wake Oli up because of the vibration so I slowly got up and went to the bathroom where I checked out everything Jack sent.

First message:

Alyson, please call me back. We need to talk

<3 Jack

Second message:

Since you wont pick up your phone, I just want you to know that you’re right and I should never have done anything like that but just so you know, I never planned for anything like this to happen and I know I should’ve known better but I didn’t. Can’t you just forgive me? I know this is the second time but a third shot wouldn’t hurt would it? Please text back. I’m worried about you.


Third message:

Okay. I’m wasted now. Are you happy? Coz I’m screwed up. Please call me back. Come back here with me. I need you. Alyson I need you know and I’m sorry. I love you

Never thought he’d keep texting when he’s wasted. But it could always be another lie right? I just hate it when he does things like this. Its so irritating. I swear.

“Alyson?” Oli called out from the bedroom.

“I’m in the bathroom” I said hoping he wouldn’t come in. He needs his rest. I look at the mirror and notice that my make up’s all messed up. I’ve been crying all day and I can’t believe anything that just happened today. It’s like everything struck me just now. and as I come to that realization, more tears fall from my face.

“Are you okay?” Oli asked startling me. He squinted his eyes because of the light. He pulled me into his arms and rocked me from side to side.

“Its gonna be okay. If you want, I’ll kick his ass for you” he said and I shook my head so fast it made him laugh

“As long as it makes you happy” he said

“Are you done here?” Oli asked and I nodded. And with that, we climbed back on the bed and got some good night sleep hoping for a brighter tomorrow.