Status: Somewhat active

Starts With A Needle

Step one

I think that by now everyone at my doctors office knows me by name. Even the janitors. It's not like I want to be there so much, but with my weak immune system, depression and insomnia it was at least a monthly visit, usually more. I sighed as I placed my newest medication on my bedside table. It said take one pill daily with food, but I decided to start on it the next night. I had an Algebra midterm the next day, and I really couldn't be drowsy for that. I popped one Prozac into my mouth while walking to the kitchen, as quietly as possible so as to not wake up my parents.
I grabbed something random from the pantry, and saw it was cereal. I shrugged, and carried the box back to my room, too lazy to get any utensils. I set it down on the far corner of my desk, opened my laptop and signed on to AIM, while opening my online math textbook. I had always studied better while chatting, maybe because my mind always had to be focusing on two things at once. I heard the little beep noise before the new IM popped up.
RunForUrlives: Hey DJ have you studied for the midterm yet?
StrangerDanger: I am now. I'm guessing you haven't. Am I right?
RunForUrlives: Whhhat? I'm hurt!
StrangerDanger: *raises eyebrow*
RunForUrlives: Okay fine. But you know Sarah don't roll like that *strikes pose*
RunForUrlives: Besides, I already know I'm gonna fail.
StrangerDanger: Yeah I know. I think I will too. That woman has no idea what she's doing.
RunForUrlives: I KNOW!

We kept going on pointlessly for about an hour, me going back to studying at random times.

RunForUrlives: g2g now. See you in hell.
Seeing as it was almost ten, I figured no one would be online after now, so I signed off. I stared at the math problems and decided that it would be better if I didn't fry my brain now. I shut down my laptop, and remembered the box of cereal. I pulled out a handful and just held it for a moment before smashing it into my mouth and running back to the kitchen. I had to put it back the exact way I found it or I would never hear the end of it. "Bottom corner over the edge, leaning against the cheerios. Good." I whispered to myself before tiptoeing back to my room and shutting off the lights.
I lay down in my too hard bed and stared up at the ceiling while I wished I would fall asleep.
It never happened.
♠ ♠ ♠
Just a quick note, this story is totally fiction, since I'm not going to be in a relationship anytime soon, nor am I on any type of medication at this time. I wish I was though...

and those screen names aren't real, i made em up XD
Sorry tis so short sickness makes me all RAWRish