Status: Somewhat active

Starts With A Needle

Step thirteen

Josh's POV
I stared at the ceiling, listening to "Thunder" by Boys Like Girls on my iHome. I had realized a while ago that no matter how much I tried, DJ's face wouldn't leave my mind. I didn't want to fight it anymore. Her voice was ringing in my mind, and every time I heard it, it hurt worse then the last. Don't ever...EVER touch me again. The song ended and a new one came on, one I didn't recognize. I only heard the first bit.

I will forgive but I wont forget.
And I hope you know,
you've lost my respect.

It was as though everything around me froze. And it just clicked. To win DJ's heart, I had to first get that doctor out.
I had "Diary Of Jane" playing on my mp3 player on repeat. Every time I thought of him I restarted the song. It was working pretty well at the moment, considering I was almost at the end of the song this time. It was just one of my many ways to block out the world when needed.
This would be the third day I had forgone my Prozac, and it was beginning to get to me. I had never realized I was addicted until now. I curled into a ball against the wall of the gym, and put my head on my knees.
After about an hour of sitting like that, I pulled out my journal again. I was about to pull it open and write in it, but then I realized nothing new had happened. I dropped it on my lap and pulled out my case of Sharpies, and then began to write song lyrics, quotes and anything else I could think of on the cover. I killed a good two hours doing that. Once I was done, I was quite finished with the product. It looked professional, with a personal edge.
Suddenly my cell phone started to vibrate.I looked at the number for a moment before concluding it was a certain-person-who's-name-will-only-be-said-when-needed. I pressed the button to make the call go to voicemail, promising myself I'd listen to it if he left a message. He didn't. "Your loss." I sighed.
I gathered my things, knowing there was soccer practice in the mornings. It was now somewhat of an acceptable time to be here, so if anyone asked why I was here so early, my answer would be that I left home a bit early on accident, and am just too lazy to go back.
I headed to my locker, making sure my laptop was safe as were my clothes before closing it. When I looked up though, I sawhim it. It looked up at me for a moment before looking back to his friends like it hadn't seen me. I smirked and walked away.
Maybe today wouldn't be so bad.
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My actual Journal looks like that. True story XD
Omg I just realized how short this was >.< So sorry...I kept getting distracted and then...this happened. Fml... I suck XD