Status: Somewhat active

Starts With A Needle

Step fourteen

I was writing a very intricate 'Love' on my arm in English class, my head resting on my desk. I secretly had one earbud in, and was currently listening to "Don't Believe" By Seether. I figured I'd check in with Dr. Snow after school, just because I had nothing else to do. I would probably leave my things in his care, and go home to get anything small I may have forgotten. The song ended and "Watch Me Bleed" by Scary Kids Scaring Kids came on.

The silence keeps it easy
keeps you safe for the moment.
As you're walking away
your foot steps get louder.
All you needed was time
But now time will destroy us.

For some odd reason, my eyes filled with tears, and I grinned. It fit Josh perfectly, yet it brought back all the pain he caused me. I listened to the rest of the song, marker perfectly still in my hand. The song had been close to finishing, when the bell rang. I was a bit irked, but it quickly passed when I realized I wouldn't have to think about Josh any longer. I pressed next, then shuffle and shoved in my other earbud. Since they were skull candies, I couldn't hear anything but OT3P, and that's how I always loved it.

Dr. Snow's POV
"Come on, you can do this!" I yelled to my current patient. Even though he was totally out of it, I acted as though he could still hear me. He was flatlining, again. "Shit! Everyone clear!" I pulled out the defibrillator, waiting for it to be ready and checking if anyone was touching the man. I pushed the paddles down, holding them steady when his body hitched up. A flutter a heart beat showed on the heart rate monitor, and I stepped back letting the other doctor work. We had been at this for nearly an hour. Switching on and off was the only was we could do this quickly and efficiently.
"Dr. Snow?" One of the newer nurses looked to me. I turned to her to see what she wanted. "W...Will he live?" I tried to smile at her, but it came out more like a grimace.
"We're going to do everything in our power. The rest is up to his will to live. But he's looking pretty strong right now..." I was trying to convince her as much as myself. I had only just realized I had no idea who this man was. He looked somewhat familiar, frown lines etched across his face. I turned to another one of the nurses. "What is the patients name?" She looked to her clipboard, and said it to me without looking up.
"Samuel Jones." I felt my heart stop, and for a moment I was worried I would distract the rest of the doctors by collapsing. The man...was DJ's father. I didn't know if I should help him, or let him die from the pain he caused her. Thankfully, she walked past the window at the perfect moment, so I knew I wouldn't have to make the choice.

I saw Dr. Snow was in the middle of a procedure so I waved at him from behind the window and headed towards my room. After about twenty minutes, he came in with a look of grief on his face. I stood up. "What's wrong?"
"DJ...I -- I don't know how to say this...b -- but your father, um...passed on at four fifteen today. I looked at the clock above his head four thirty two. I looked back at him for a moment, before his face started to get farther away and then everything went black.
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