Status: Somewhat active

Starts With A Needle

Step three

When I came to, I was back in my regular hospital room. Sarah was curled up on the small sofa, her blonde hair a total mess. I stifled a laugh just as Dr. Snow strode in to check on me. "Oh good! You're awake." He pulled up a chair and lowered his voice to keep from waking Sarah. "Can you remember what happened?" I shook my head, lying.
"I think I went to the bathroom, and then I tripped over something...I think." I fumed at myself for saying 'I think' twice. He chuckled at my expression before writing down what I had said.
"Well, you lost a small bit of blood, but you only have to stay here one night. For observations." He lowered his voice further. "Don't worry, I convinced them not to tell your parents." I sighed, and relaxed. He collected his things and got up. Just as he reached the door I stopped him.
"Dr. Snow?" He looked at me, his dark blue eyes confused. "Thanks for being there...when no one but my music was." He turned to me and smiled.
"Not a problem DJ." I looked out the window, the blinds were open. The nurses knew I hated them closed. My own window was too small to see the stars, so whenever I was here...I felt at peace. I snuggled myself deeper into the blankets, staring into the night sky...wishing I was a part of it. My MP3 player was next to my bed, probably Sarah's doing. I put it on shuffle and hit the next button, and Alias by In Flames started playing. I hummed along to the music quietly, letting the lyrics take me out of my hell for a few moments.
I took a pen from beside the phone and started drawing absentmindedly on my leg. When I was done, I realized I had drawn a full scale knife. I cursed under my breath, and made my way to the bathroom. Once it was just sort of a blueish blob, I poked my head out of the bathroom, the sun was making it's way up, and Sarah began to stir. I sprinted to my cot, and just sat up straight, because she knew I didn't sleep. "Morning sleepy." I smiled at her, but that smile soon faded once I saw the glare she was shooting at me.
"What the hell did you do?" I flinched at the venom in her voice.
"I swear Sarah. This time it wasn't me...I was just sitting in class and I guess I scratched at my arm too much...I'm sorry for making you worry." I hung my head.
"Hey, don't worry about it. I'm just glad you're okay. And now we have an excuse...for revenge." I smirked. She had always come up with the best revenge plots. Of course, we never carried them out, but they were fun to think about nonetheless. "So here's what we do..."
I burst out laughing at her latest scheme. She wanted to tow his car, and then get her brother to take out the engine, so when he found it, he wouldn't be able to go anywhere. His car was his pride and joy, but he would know it was us in a heartbeat. We were the only ones who hated Josh and his posse, or whatever it was. Everyone else thought he was sweet and funny. Insert eye roll here.
We were gathering all my stuff since Dr. Snow had already come in and gave me the 'okay' to go. Of course I gave him a hug first. What kind of person would I be if I didn't? I'd be...someone else. On our way out, Sarah gave me a "knowing" look. "What?" I asked her.
"You like him. It's so obvious." Well -- WAIT, WHAT? "Don't look at me like that." She scolded. I couldn't help but giggle.
"H-He's like m-my BROTHER!" I was still laughing once Sarah shut her front door. But, after that I frowned. I didn't really like him like that, I told myself.

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