Status: Somewhat active

Starts With A Needle

Step four

I had convinced myself that Sarah had just been messing with me. The guy was what, twelve years older then me? I shook my head at the fact I had even considered it. He really was like a brother. And when we go don't blame us, yeah. We let the fires-- "Yello?" I yelled into my cell. The microphone was really bad.
"Yeah um--" A male voice started.
"Whoever you are, lemme call you back on my home phone 'kay?" I said before hanging up. I looked at the number and dialed it, not caring that it was an unknown number. I began to turn down Sleep by My Chem while it dialed, at it was just quiet enough to not be obnoxious. "Yeah, so who is this exactly?" I asked flat out.
"It', Josh." My heart stopped, but my blood boiled.
"How did you get my number?" I spat, not trying to hide the venom in my voice.
"Well I wanted to call and apologize--"
"You know what? You're a douche! You can't make someone's life hell, and then just call like a total creeper. Since I suddenly have the courage to say it; Fuck. You!" I screamed, hanging up. I fell onto my bed, thankful I was home alone. Once I realized that I had actually done something like that, a panic started to set in. As I was laying there, I finally started to drift off, and had my first dream in years.
The first thing I did in the morning was call Dr. Snow. The fact that I was dead for a while kept creeping back into my head. He calmed me down after a while, telling me I could visit him at the clinic after school if I was still worried. I noticed how late I was, and pulled on whatever I found. I combed through my hair with my fingers, deciding at the last possible moment to grab my black beret.
I slipped it over my hair, and adjusted my glasses before pulling open the door. I came face to face with none other then Josh. I stood my ground and glared at him, before he looked down with a hint ofguilt in his eyes. No, there's no way a guy like him would ever feel guilty about anything.
I sidestepped him, and walked away swiftly, music in hand. As always. I went over to Sarah's locker, and we did our usual meet up thing. Which was head banging. For some reason, when I was dancing...I didn't feel self conscious. With the addition of music, it felt like we were in our own little world. Nothing could touch us there.
Not even Josh.