Status: Somewhat active

Starts With A Needle

Step five

The piercing sound of the bell was the only thing that could break us from our trance. It meant we had all of two minutes to get to class. We collected our things and gave each other quick hugs, before sprinting our separate ways. When I got close to my English class, I slowed to keep my breathing in check. I turned in, looking everywhere but him. What I really wanted to do, was look out the window, but my teacher always had the blinds closed. School was my hell, the hospital was my sanctuary.
I turned in my essay on my way out, then headed over to Chemistry. This was one of the few classes I didn't have withJosh the devil. I pulled out my periodic table, and electron configuration notes, sitting and waiting for the class to begin, and Sarah to show up. When she finally did, I pounded her fist with mine, and ranted about the first thing I could think of, which was cheese covered windows. Just be thankful they weren't cows.
Once the class started, I pulled out my notebook per-usual, and started doodling aimlessly. I never really paid attention in any class, I just taught whatever we were doing to myself later. I'd never really been a people person, so I always just tried to blend in.
Hi journal thing! I'm in chemistry now and Sarah's making faces at me. It's really hard not to laugh. I'm pretty sure that I have to take that Midterm today since I missed it last class...crap... "Sarah?" I hissed. She looked over at me. "What was on the midterm?" She covered her face with her hand.
"As long as you don't mention it near her she wont remember. She's totally high. Nobody took it yet." I breathed out a sigh of relief. It was one less thing to worry about. I leaned back in my chair, which was luckily connected to the desk, and fell asleep for the remainder of the lesson.
I groaned after landing on the floor. "Stupid bell..." Sarah was failing at covering up her laughs with coughs. She pulled me up off the ground, still laughing. I just glared at her, and she gathered her books and sprinted out of the class. I could still hear her howling laughter from down the hall. I giggled once to myself, and headed off to Algebra, know who.
Besides falling over like an idiot, school was pretty uneventful. I had totally forgotten about my dream, and sleeping, but I went to the clinic anyway, for lack of anything better to do. "Hiya Simon!" I called to Dr. Snow. I only really called him Simon when I was bored.
"Ah, DJ! Still worried about last night I suppose?" I nodded as soon as he said it, it all flew back in an instant. I was glad he reminded me. He put his arm around my shoulders, which made me feel extremely safe. "Well you're welcome to stay here as long as you like." He didn't have to lead me to my room, but he did anyway. "Let me just take a look at your file again...Hm, seem's you're overdue for a tetanus shot. I'll just --"
"Dr. Snow?" One of the nurses called him from the hall. He looked out at them. "You're needed in room 7." He nodded.
"I'll get one of my assistants to give you the shot, okay DJ?"
"Thanks so much, I'll be back soon." He said ruffling my hair, and striding out of the room. He must have forgotten about my fear of needles. I curled up unto a ball, tucking my arms behind my legs so no one could reach them. I burrowed my head into my knee's, not looking up when the door opened.
"DJ?" My head shot up. I'd know that voice anywhere.
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