Status: Somewhat active

Starts With A Needle

Step seven

I woke up a few times when I thought I had felt the ground moving beneath me, but quickly fell asleep again each time when I felt how warm it was. In those periods, I figured it was just a mirage or something, considering I had fallen asleep on a frozen metal bench. I had even dreamed of hearing Dr. Snow's voice. Although that dream soon became a nightmare, when Josh's voice pierced it. After that it felt as though I was flying, and I heard Sarah's voice in a slightly complaining tone, though I couldn't make out what she was saying.
Maybe this is what it feels like to be dead... It was as though that thought made everything stop, and my eyes opened for the first time in hours, though it felt like months. For a moment I just stared at the three bodies surrounding my bed -- Wait, bed...? -- before panicking and checking my arms for IV's, and any other needles around the room. When I came up short, I sighed happily, which caused all three of them to spin around. " I in trouble again?" I asked tentatively, scratching the back of my head.
Sarah just glared at me, before wrapping her arms around me and whispering that she was worried in my ear. Dr. Snow looked grateful before ruffling my hair, then turning to glare at Josh. As soon as I noticed him there I squeezed myself to the far end of my bed, closer to Dr. Snow and Sarah. When they noticed this, Dr. Snow put his hand over his eyes, and Sarah pushed Josh out of the room, locking the door behind him. "I was so worried about you DJ I --" he cut himself off. I blinked up at him a few times. "It's nothing." He said, messing up his hair. "It's nothing..." He repeated, before looking to me then abruptly leaving the room to deal with Josh.
I turned to see Sarah grinning at me. I just stared at her, waiting for her to speak. "I think he likes you back." She whispered. My eyes bugged out at her.
"What?! I told you, that can't happen, no one would love me, besides, I'm only in high school!" She sighed.
"You think too low of yourself. Just think about it, okay?" I nodded at her, even though I had no intention of doing so. I had heard about people falling in love at such young ages, but I knew it was never going to happen to me. Maybe one guy will think I'm beautiful, but another would like my personality. No one would take me for me as I am now.
She left, and I vaguely heard her say she was going to bring back pancakes. She knew I liked them with chocolate chips, so I didn't have to say anything. I burrowed myself into my pillows, and before I knew it, I was fast asleep.
Josh's POV
I hated the way he looked at her. And the fact she looked back at him the exact same way. Well, maybe if you treated her better she'd look at you like that too. I shook my head at the voice in my head. I had tried to apologize, but she wouldn't listen! Suddenly my hands felt clammy, and my throat closed up. What if it's too late?!
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This chapter is very suckish. But I'm working on another stories ending right now, and maybe I'll post it later. It's more of a for the lol's thing.