Ryan's Journal

One day Brendon picks up a journal for Ryan. It's not Ryan's first journal, but it is the one we read.

Humor, romance, a bit of drama, a bit of melodrama. It's a journal. It's not supposed to have a single genre.

I told Patrick about my brush with Roadie AIDS Death. He told me condoms are cheaper than herpes medication. But you don’t blow a guy while he’s wearing a condom. That’s like sucking on a cheap dildo. (Not that I have.) Who wears a condom during a blowjob? Seriously?

I know he’s right, but condoms and blowjobs? If I want a latex lollipop, I’ll ask.

Rated R (for now).

Will be updated every two thousand words or so.

Author's Note: I actually bought a brand-new journal and this is it's only purpose. It's serving more as a writing tool than an actual journal, but I thought someone might be interesting in reading. I have pictures of the journal (if you're that interested) here.

Any poetry that turns up, I own and it's a rather shitty attempt, I know. All lyrics will be attributed in each chapter's author's note.
  1. If I want a latex lollipop, I'll ask.
    Recommended listening: "Indie Rock 'n' Roll" by The Killers.