Contact With Other Galaxies

Somehow Everything's Gonna Fall

Running out the back door of the Metro I was caught in a crowd who was trying to enter, pushing and dodging trying to get through. Just as I was about to dodge the last person I felt a hand grab my harm and stop me in my tracks. I turned around to try to get whoever it was off.
"Maxy! Please just wait, let me explain." Patrick said letting go of my arm.
"Why should I?"I asked a skeptical look in my eyes.
"I couldn't tell you who I was, you never would have believed me. Honestly would you have believed me when I said 'Hi I'm Patrick Stump'?" He asked giving me the same skeptical look.
"Ok then, your right."I said crossing my arms over my chest.
"Lets take a walk and I can explain." Patrick said grabbing my hand.
"You're gonna miss the show," I said looking back towards the building.
"It's ok, Pete's gonna handle it for me" He said as he pulled me down the side walk.

"I'm sorry you found out this way, I didn't want it to happen this way. I wanted to be able to tell you in my own time, but Pete was trying to be nice, I mean I know why he did it I just wish he hadn't." Patrick said looking over towards a playground we'd come across.
"Lets swing" I said a smile playing across my lips.
"You really are amazing Maxy, before I started talking to you I was a mess. You're honestly the only person who has made me feel this way." Patrick said as he sat down on the swing next to me.
"I can honestly say the same about you, this is gonna sound pathetic but at times I just stared at my laptop for hours hoping to see your SN pop up." I said with a chuckle at my own stupidity.
"Really? I thought you would think I was creepy if I IMed you to much," Patrick said looking me straight in the eye.
"Maxy," he started,"I wanna take you out on a date, start this over without using the internet." He said with a chuckle at his joke.
"Patrick I'd like that" I said grabbing his hand and standing up from the swing.
"How's tomorrow at 730, I'll pick you up and we'll go see a movie or something" he stuttured out.
"That's great, walk me home?" I questioned as we stumbled onto the side walk from the sand of the playground.
"Of course" he smiled.

Boys may be liars, but they seem to have good intentions.