Contact With Other Galaxies

I'm Gonna Start Over Tonight, Starting With You An

Patrick had walked to my door and given me a sweet good night kiss. This night has started out horrible, but ended amazingly. When I walked into the apartment I found Dilyn sitting on the couch in the dark waiting for me.
"Dilyn, you didn't have to wait up for me" I smiled as I sat down next to him on the couch.
"Of course I did, I want to hear every little detail of little miss anit-socials night out." He said as he pulled me closer to him so I was leaning into his side.
"Well, I went to the Metro and well you know how I've been talking to that guy on the internet, HxCPanda?" I asked him.
"How could I forget, the mystery dream man." He said as he faked a faint.
"Ha ha your so funny, well I was supposed to meet him back stage, as set up with his friend. You're never gonna guess who came to find me. Pete fucking Wentz." I said starting to get giddy.
"Don't lie sweetie it doesn't look good on your pretty little face" He said mocking me
"Oh really? You think I'm a liar? Patrick Stump was HxCPanda the whole time! You just wait mister, you wait and see who knocks on our door tomorrow night. That's right we're going on a proper date" I said getting up and going into the kitchen for some water.
"Yeah yeah yeah. I'm going up to bed see you in the morning." He said excusing himself.

My insomnia had taken over again and I found myself in the same booth of the same coffee shop surfing the internet again. I had been here for about an hour just sitting here sipping my coffee and looking at Crate&Barrel online trying to find a new couch for the apartment. I heard the signal that someone who had signed on to AIM so I checked to see. HxCPanda. I felt my heart flutter.

HxCPanda: Insomnia?
deluca7: Yeah, it sucks. Why are you up so late "Trick" ;)
HxCPanda: Pete's insomnia. He makes so much damn noise. Very funny.
deluca7: Ha ha. Pete seems really nice. I didn't really get a chance to meet the other two. I kinda ran out. Sorry 'bout that.
HxCPanda: No, you had every right to be upset. As for meeting the other two, do you mind if we kinda like do a group date thing? Andy and Joe(the other two) had invited me and I forgot so....Pete's coming to I guess.
deluca7: I don't mind, it'll be cool to meet your friends. If they're as cool as you are I'm sure we'll have a ton of fun.
HxCPanda: They like to pretend they have sideburns like mine he he
deluca7: Yeah along with every other 14 year old male.
HxCPanda: Yeah but they're just pretend to be's. You've got the real me.
deluca7: Wow, and I thought Pete was the lyricist.
HxCPanda: Ha ha.
deluca7: I told my roommate Dilyn I was going on a date with me and he laughed
HxCPanda: Wait till I pick you up he he, so Dilyn's a guy?
deluca7: Yeah he's a guy...but we're just best friends. Since Kindergarten.
HxCPanda: That's cute :) Well I've got to go Pete is kicking me off his computer.
HxCPanda has signed off