Contact With Other Galaxies

Tell Me That We Belong Together

Waking up on a Saturday at 7 is not a normal thing for me, but today wasn't a normal saturday. Today I was going out with Patrick, and I was really nervous. I let Dilyn sleep for another hour and then decided it was time to wake him up so we could go shopping for a new outfit. We walked around the mall for about 3 hours before we had any luck finding an outfit.

Dilyn and I decided to grab some lunch while we were out. We choose a little known resteraunt and walked in. I immediatly regreted my descion. Patrick, Pete, two guys I'm guessing to be Andy and Joe were sitting in the corner. I saw Pete look up, but thankfully he didn't notice us.

"Maxy your date for tonight is over there," Dilyn chuckled before he took a sip of his water.
"Don't mock me Dil,"I said throwing my straw wrapper at him," you just wait and see." I said giggling as the door chimes rang. I looked up, I wish I hadn't. Jackson(my pshyco ex). He noticed us and strode over.

"Maxy, where the hell have you been?" He asked in low sort of growl.
"Jackson I think I've made it pretty clear I don't want to see you." I said as nervously began fidgeting.
"Hunny if it what you wanted mattered we wouldn't have fucked!" He whispered in my ear.
"Jackson leave!" I said forcefully.
"Bitch! I tell you when to leave, you don't tell me when to leave!" He yelled.
"Jackson, Maxy asked you to leave. I suggest you do." Dilyn said.
"Dilyn stay out of this, your not her boyfriend." He spit.
"But I am." A voice said from behind us.