Dreams Of The Wicked...Dreams Of You

Chapter 1--Love Me, Hate me


She just stared.
Everything around her seemed to go in fast motion.
She stared at the blue and white woman hanging in front of her.
Who was she?
This wasn’t her mother.
Hatred bubbled under her skin.
Her mother would never do this.
White laced around her lips.
I loathed her for doing this.
My father stopped dead.

“Maria, Maria what have you done?” My father said rushing to her.
He started rocking her lifeless body.
“Maria…Maria…” He wept.

I was breathless, everything around me slowed down, I couldn’t breathe.
I could feel my Mum touching my face and her cold haunting breath on my face.
A shiver went down my spine.
I could hear my heartbeat.
I couldn’t think.
I fell to my knees, gasping for breath.
A flashback appeared in my head. My mum was showing me the pain and torture she was going through.
I felt a noose around my neck; I felt her struggle, her pain.
My feeling in my body shutdown, black covered my eyes.