Dreams Of The Wicked...Dreams Of You

Chapter 2--If You Hold Me, Hold Me Tight

She found herself in her bed.
Her walls never looked so dark.
She put her hand on her forehead.
Why was she so cold?
She got out of bed and looked in the mirror her face was white and her eyes were bloodshot. Her black hair delicately placed on her shoulders. She walked out to the living room, lots of empty rum bottles were scattered all over the place,
Her dad was passed out on the table.
She looked around the living room; all the pictures of her mother were face down.
She started at the place above the couch were she hung herself.

“Mum…why? Why now?” Shell wept.

She started ripping apart the couch, throwing pillows on the ground.
She sat down and put here head in her hands.
Something cracked underneath her.
She got up and grabbed the letter.
It had “Michelle” on the front, only her mother called her that.
She opened it up.
Her eyes glazed over.

“I can’t read this,” she thought.

She closed it and put it in her special in her room.
This box was a gift from her mum on the 5th birthday.
There were too many bad memories in this house.
“I can’t live here any longer”