Status: Hiatus.

Johnny and Rhea

Chapter Thirteen

I hid the stuffed panda Johnny won for me at a little fair, christened Emmett, and put my Green Day bucket hat and scarf on him. He could not have looked anymore adorable.

As I climbed into the bed, I stepped on a folded-up piece of paper, making a crinkling noise. I realised that it was the note Hugh had passed to me. I picked it up, curiosity pricking my fingers.

What does it say? I wondered. Hugh said some guy paid him to give it to me -- most likely Johnny.

I smacked myself in the head. Of course it was from Johnny! Who else would it be? My creepy secret admirer? Haha, I should really stop getting my hopes up. Well, since Johnny "stalked" me the other night to help me get back to my room, I guess it would be a creepy secret admirer if it was from him. Except for the "secret admirer" part.

Johnny didn't need to pay Hugh; he was a sweet boy that most people like and would have passed the note for free, always glad to help somebody.


What if it wasn't from Johnny? My mind flicked again to the thought of who else it might be from. What if it was from Ichey, and he was professing his love to me?

This time I laughed out loud. Dream on, Rhea, I told myself. This isn't the "Olden Days", when men wrote long, sweet letters to the women they cherished most...

Alright, snapped a voice in my head. Open the damn note already!

I opened it, read it, and just sat there.

I read it again and laughed. In a messy scrawl it read:

"Now am I just a figment of your imagination?" I put it under my pillow and went to sleep.
♠ ♠ ♠
Part Two.

You all have the Smashing Pumpkins to thank for these pretty spontanious updates.