Living a Lie Is ***

My name is Rayanna… but people call me Ray for short, I’m a pretty simple girl. I go to college, but it’s summer and I’m one of the lucky who got to work for Avenged Sevenfold on their summer tour. I was so excited. I’ve been to 4 a7x concerts, so to work for them just was a brilliant idea. I don’t get paid that much, but who cares- I work at the merch table, so it’s not like I’m doing that much work haha. I would HATE to be one of the tech people, that would suck. But anyways, like I was saying… I’m working for Avenged Sevenfold for the summer. I entered a contest, and I won… and here I am.
I’m 19 years old, and going to be a sophomore from Oakland University at the end of the summer. I’m very excited. I have my tongue pierced, the left side of my lip done, and my nose. I rock the two-toned hair. Hahaha. Meaning I have black on the end and dark burgundy at the top. It looks pretty hawt. Lol
  1. One.
    What's your problem?